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difficult breathing

i cant breath properly from my nose, i guess it might be some disease related to my nose or seems like heart. pls give me suggestions.

My symptoms are difficulty in breathing from nose , mostly breath from one nose, whenever i get cold I feel like some fluid sound near my heart or stomach, not sure from where the sound comes exactly. difficulty in breathing when stays in air tight room, and difficulty in breathing when there is smoke related any pollutions in air.

I had no headache, fever, cough,   etc.
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Hello and hope you are doing well.

Your symptoms could be due to a deviated nasal septum, as the difficulty breathing is one sided. It could also be due to a nasal polyp. It could also be due to sinusitis. Sinus infection causes blockage of flow especially when a person lies down. The blockade is affected by the side to which the person turns also. You will need to consult your primary care physician for proper assessment. In the meantime practice good breathing exercises, humidify your room and do steam inhalations.

Hope this helped and do keep us posted.
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Same happened to me. I have been through check ups and it looks like that there is nothing wrong with me except that I suffer from anxiety. Also, my nose  and eyes are running all the time, I think, it must be some kind of allergy. I am going to check myself on allergies by first chance.

It doesn't have to mean that you are having nose or heart disease but to make sure make an appointment. It could me anxiety, allergy,... Even thou I am free of panic attacks I still find myself having problem to breath,  so I have to breath through my mouth and the more I think about it, or concentrate on my breathing the worse. If you feel the same way it's probably anxiety.
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