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ear is leaking

I had an ear ache last week and now my ear is continuously weeping, enough that the 'water' runs down my neck if I dont stuff tissue in my ear, yes, its a pretty image. I know my ear isnt sad so the 'weeping' must be medical. What can cause an ear to 'weep'.
2 Responses
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1374714 tn?1382253184
Hi andromeda!!!!!!

     I'm a Homoeopathic practitioner from India. Would you mind taking Homoeopathic medication or your ailing condition. They are easily available from Walmart Store/Boiron store. Besides, it adds to my medical experience..
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1355118 tn?1298564879
Hi, the causes of ear discharge can be due to infection, barotrauma, injury etc. Many organisms are responsible for ear infection and discharge of fluid. It would be better if culture and sensitivity test done for the discharge.

If there is a sensation of ear blocked, then it can be due to barotrauma i.e. pressure changes in ear during a plane journey, oxygen chambers or deep diving in the water. The injury in inner ear leading to perilymphatic fistula.

If infection suspected, it will help to rule out the causative organism and appropriate antibiotic therapy (topical) can be started. Along with it anti-inflammatory drugs will help to alleviate the condition.

You need to consult an ENT specialist. You have to get the surgical procedure like myringotomy and other drainage procedures, if Doctor suggests. Take care and regards.
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