poppping and crackling in my ears
3 Responses
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1527510 tn?1392301344
could be an ear infection of just from being really congested. Have you had a cold recently? Id that area painful? Maybe go see your doctor f its painful....you might need medication to treat it or clean your ears.
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1666434 tn?1325262350
I have had this happen with a very bad cold that I had, the congestion wasn't draining so I had used Mucinex for a few days to help clear it out.  The guaifenesin in it is what helps drain out the mucus in your head.  I just had to make sure I drank a lot of water to help it along.  Let us know what ends up working for you and definitely see a doctor if you are running a fever or are in any pain.
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1355118 tn?1298564879
Hi, welcome to the forum, most common causes are infection, barotrauma, injury to ear etc. Many organisms are responsible for ear infection. If there is a sensation of ear blocked, then it can be due to barotrauma i.e. pressure changes in ear during a plane journey, oxygen chambers or deep diving in the water. The injury in inner ear leading to perilymphatic fistula. Antibiotic ear drops will help in case of otitis media.

Tinnitus is a perception of sound or pressure in proximity to the head (even includes thumping sound in ears), it may be due to Arterial bruits, Arteriovenous shunts, Paraganglioma, Neurologic disorders Eustachian tube dysfunction, Otosclerosis and Vestibular schwannoma. You need to undergo complete ear examination supported by brain MRI if needed. I suggest you to consult a ENT specialist and get a detailed evaluation. Take care and regards.
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