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hives from a bed??

About 5 weeks ago we bought my son a new bed off Craigslist.  We decided to use my daughters mattress for his bed and get my daughter a new one.  The first couple days my son slept in the bed he noticed a little bit of red bumps on his back ( mostly shoulder blades)  After a week of sleeping in the new bed he had hives on his face, neck chest, back arms .  Terribly itchy.  We thought he might have chicken pox and took him to urgent care.  They said, no, just hives.  Give Benedryl (duh??) and hydro cortisone.  Thankful it wasn't chicken pox we went home.  the next evening he was twice as bad,  going crazy with itching, so we took him to his primary doctor who prescribed prednisone, and a stronger analgesic.  It helped!,  But not all the way.  We suspected the bed because it is the only thing new in our home.  No new soaps, fabrics. etc...   So my son stopped sleeping in the bed.  finally a week or two after not sleeping in the bed he is well.  We tested this with my other daughter and she slept in the bed for two nights, and got a few hives, so she stopped.  A week later  she broke out terribly all over her arms, face, neck and torso.  A couple days later she is better.  So the question is could it be the wood  bed frame?  If so, how?  It is not touching their bodies.  If it is the mattress, why didn't it bother my daughter before?   Desperately seeking answers...
3 Responses
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Hello there,

First of all not a good idea to buy a bed from Craiglist.  Personally, I think
you should get rid of this bed which has caused both of your children
to have a severe case of hives. It doesn't matter particulary if the cause
if the wood bed frame,  What exactly did you buy ? Did you buy bed frame,
box springs and mattress from Craigslist. It's not very likely its the wood
bed frame.  Just get rid of everything you bought from Craigslist regarding
the bed. Spring for a new bed, mattress and box springs. You get what
you pay for.  Never buy anything from Craigslist especially beds. Good luck.

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214105 tn?1265935159
When I bought a second hand bunk bed for my boys they ended up having rashes and were scratching a lot. I changed the mattresses and it went away.
Worth the try.
Good luck
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  I would be concerned about bedbugs or dustmites.  I would discontinue use of the mattress and make sure you vaccum the carpet and curtains.  Wash all contaminated linens & clothing with hot water and dry on HIGH heat.  Put your pillows in the dryer on HIGH heat as well [if you can not wash them]. Good Luck.
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