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I have had metal allergies since the early 70s.  After suffering with hives every evening for 15 years, I finally had all the metal fillings in my mouth replaced with porcelain fillings.  The hives stopped. On July 2010, I had gall bladder surgery and the surgeon used a titanium clamp.  Now I have started having serious hives again and a soreness at the surgery area.  Could this be a result of my metal allergy.  What could the next step be?  Kathy
3 Responses
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Yes-you could be highly sensitive to metals.  Is the clamp still in there? You may need to see your surgeon about having the clamp removed if it is still in there.  Did they know you had metal allergies? If so why did they use metal? You must be very frustrated....Maybe they can just make a small incision and remove it via a scope. Best wishes to you.
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1530171 tn?1448129593
Sorry about your mishap.
It seems very negligent from the surgeon to use metal clamps.
Titanium reactions occur in 4% of the population. You are in that group.
If it were earrings you would just take them off. Surgical clams must be removed to end your pain and suffering. Ligation clamps which I believe
are made of  some medical grade type of plastic, may be the replacement.
I would strongly recommend that you try Energy re-balancing before this.
Energy medicine practitioners can help you with that. If the Energy is restored then the symptoms will be eliminated or drastically reduced.
Your body also will accept any invasive procedure a lot better. And your recovery will be better and faster.
Energy Therapy modalities work so well in cases like yours is because Allergies, sensitivities and reactions are mostly Energy based.
Any questions, please post again.
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1355118 tn?1298564879
Hi, welcome to the forum, from your history is quite evident that you are allergic to metals (including titanium) and are mediated by release of histamine in the body. Your body is known to hypersensitive to certain metal. Each individual are known to respond to metal differently. If the metal is too much sensitized then it can cause more severe reaction. The spectrum of these reactions can vary widely; reactions may present as typical allergic symptoms (eg, itching, urticaria, rash, and edema) after exposure.

In case of metal allergy, you need to discuss other treatment options (non-metallic clamps) for gall bladder disease. In the future avoid further exposure to it as prevention is best. Treatment of reaction includes anti histaminic and glucocorticoids against prescription. Even shot of adrenaline has to be given, when one is in anaphylactic shock. I suggest you to consult a skin specialist or allergy specialist. Take care and regards.
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