699807 tn?1234733890

living with cmv

I was tested positive for CMV about 7 years ago. The doctor never told me anything about and never treated me for it, not to mention i didnt take it seriously. Though the virus is dormat in most people, more times than often i feel like my head is in the clouds, i often feel tired and can sleep all day if not awaken. Sometimes i fall asleep while driving or even when talking to people at work. Also sometimes I may have digestinal issues. I cannot afford to have medical insurance, is there anything I can do besides getting plenty of rest and sticking to a consistant routine? I also would like to know if its a good idea for someone with "active" CMV should have children?
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681148 tn?1437661591
I didn't know what CMV was until I did some quick research online.  So, now I know it's in the same family as Epstein Barr.  What led your doctor to testing for CMV in the first place?  I have doctors who suspect that I have EBV in its inactive stage myself.  Or, something in the same family anyway, being that shingles and chicken pox is in that family, too.

Here is the web page I just looked at http://www.cdc.gov/cmv/facts.htm.  I don't know if it answers your question or not.  From the look of things, CMV is fairly common.  More of us have something like this than are even aware.
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The majority of the population tests positive for the Cytomeglovirus (CMV). However, what some physicians & researchers are seeing is that people who have chronic illnesses (CFS, fibro, autoimmune diseases, etc.) have high frequencies of viruses and other pathogens in their blood. This is somewhat controversial, but I don't care.... I'm getting better with treatment (I have CFS and am currently being treated for an intracellular bacterial infection).

Here is some research on this and some possible answers:


Please feel free to contact me. Click on my nic, "PlateletGal" and click on "send message".

Warmest Regards,


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