3125506 tn?1343410023

red spots on my legs

I'm Mhey, 23 years old.I'm having red spots on my legs, i dont know what is it.I'm suffering this for almost 3 years years already..My red spots on my both legs just suddenly appears,and after a week it becomes black that stayed on my legs..It looks horrible.I cant even wear a short or skirt because of this. I went to the doctor and prescribed me dorylag capsule and betnovate. But still spots does not disappear, i tried diclopenac for 3 days. the spots disappear. but after that the spots starts appearing all over again. I don't what is this, if im stress and angry or busy. the spots starts appearing as well. sometimes itchy sometimes not. looks like mosquito bite, if its big it comes itchy.
2 Responses
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1804028 tn?1316096142
if it's just on your legs, is there a possibility of you coming into contact with poison ivy, poison oak or poison sumac?   My sister had similar problem and found out she had poison sumac in her back yard that she had been clearing out
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535822 tn?1443976780
I am wondering if it could be something you are allergic to, you say the spots disappear when you are taking the med, is it a med for allergies ?
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