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same problem with the smoke odor

I'm so glad to hear someone else is experiencing the same problem.  No answers and no solutions.  Yet, I have the same problem.  Smelling cigarette smoke in my nose.  By the way, when you are driving on the road, if someone is smoking and it's blowing out their window, it will come in through your air conditoner.  That's why you smell it when you are on the road.

This discussion is related to constantly smelling cigarette smoke.
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I live in Nor Cal and there are several refineries within the area and sometimes they dump crap in the air.  I was thinking it might be one of them.  I do not smoke and neither does anyone in my home.
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Hi - I don't take any supplements and still have that problem. I get the smell about 3-4 weeks before an actual sinus infection appears. I'm wondering if Flonase can do it - are you on that?
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I have the same problem:  cigarette smoke smell, intermittent but lasting for days when I smell it, deep in my nasal cavity.  I was concerned that the supplements I take might have a role in it.  Just to see if there is any commonality with others here, I take:
- Fiber supplements
- Fish and Flax oil pills
- Resveratrol
- A Multi-vitamin
- VItamin B Complex pill
- One baby aspirin
- Cinnamon
- Green Tea extract

I suspect the resveratrol might be responsible.  I'll stop when my current supply runs out for a month or so and see if I notice any difference.
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I have experienced this for my first time tonight. It was intensely potent. On the car ride back home I kept asking my boyfriend if he smelled anything funny. I could describe it only as having a faint burning rubber smell, among many other components that I could not name. He still has no idea what I am talking about and thinks that I am overreacting for looking it up on the internet. But it was so real and so vivid to my senses. I smelled it. It was there. I am 22 years old and a cig smoker.. but otherwise perfectly healthy.  It did not smell like what I smell as a cigarette.. but it was  burning smell.. rubber/wood/who knows what else. I smelled it violently and I am desperate for answers that aren't telling me I'm close to a stroke or have future Alzheimer's disease. Like I said, my boyfriend thinks I am taking this over the edge but I have never experienced anything like it before so naturally I am freaked out.
-Sickly worried.  
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Same here. Wood smoke smell. Sometimes really strong and with me all the time. Really annoying!!
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I don't know how long I've been experiencing this foul smell coming from my nose, but I feel like it's related to my internal organs and connected to stress.  I smell it periodically all day off and on and it really bothers by self esteem at work.  I am a very clean person, but the smell can make you seem like you are not.  No one will come to me and tell me what they think they smell, but my co-workers seem to react to the stench by coughing, clearing their throats or spraying perfumes etc.  I even went to the doctor and told a male and female doctor and they both told me they didn't smell anything and one asked me did I talk to martians inferring I am crazy.  Glad you to see you sharing your stories, but no one has a explanation for this problem.  I too feel like quitting my job, but have to survive and don't know what to do.
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