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sensation of hair in my mouth, throat and on my face

I have been having the sensation that I have hair in my mouth, throat and on my face. I have also had periodic itching sensations on my skin everywhere.  Every couple of minutes or so I feel like I walked through a spider web.  I also feel like I have random hair in my mouth.  This all started after having a dog in our house for 12 hours.  I went to the dr and he tested me for allergies and found that I am not allergic to dogs and that I am only mildly allergic to dust mites and pollen.  The dog was only in our house for about 24 hours and my symptoms have not gone away.  Has anyone had this or heard of it?  My dr put me on allergy meds but they aren't working, just making me tired.
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Hey, I'm sure it's the cat. I just adopted one and this keeps happening to me. I went away for a week with my family to a beach house without the cat and sure enough, no hair throat feeling. I'm back home today, yes, hair throat feeling after 2 hours in the house. I don't want to get rid of kitty cat, my kids love him... but now not sure what to do :-( Any developments since your post?
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Your comments were written a couple years ago, are you still going thru this?  If not what did you do?
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I have had the feeling of something on my face since I had my kitchen redone and the house was full of dust.  To make a long story short I am on a low dose anti depresant for something else  and I do not have the feeling all the time anymore.
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I have the same symptoms as you.  I feel things crawling on me and the thing about me is i feel them in my goatee. if makes me think little worms are in my goatee.  I feel them in my throat  it feels like thick saliva is in there.  I treated myself for pinworm, roundworm,  tried garlic and every home remedy i could find.  I feel them all over my body and they dont bite that much.   The spider web feeling is not to bad for me.  I've been to tons of doctors and some think that i am crazy.  But the weirdest and pretty damn scary stuff is one day i was drinking orange soda and had real bad stomach pains then in my chest and i felt like something was stuck in my throat.   I started coughing and out came an all white spider.  Good sized to,  Freaked me out to the point i went to the doctors they thought i was on drugs.  they tested me for bath salts and speed and nothing showed up.  they sent me to a dermatologist and still nothing.  i have been battling this for about six months.  I also get this sensation and it feels like something is drilling or trying to get into my skin or get out.  mostly on my feet and also on one side of my knee.   I wish that i could find out a solution.  
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I have the same symptoms as you.  I feel things crawling on me and the thing about me is i feel them in my goatee. if makes me think little worms are in my goatee.  I feel them in my throat  it feels like thick saliva is in there.  I treated myself for pinworm, roundworm,  tried garlic and every home remedy i could find.  I feel them all over my body and they dont bite that much.   The spider web feeling is not to bad for me.  I've been to tons of doctors and some think that i am crazy.  But the weirdest and pretty damn scary stuff is one day i was drinking orange soda and had real bad stomach pains then in my chest and i felt like something was stuck in my throat.   I started coughing and out came an all white spider.  Good sized to,  Freaked me out to the point i went to the doctors they thought i was on drugs.  they tested me for bath salts and speed and nothing showed up.  they sent me to a dermatologist and still nothing.  i have been battling this for about six months.  I also get this sensation and it feels like something is drilling or trying to get into my skin or get out.  mostly on my feet and also on one side of my knee.   I wish that i could find out a solution.  
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u can contact me & i will try to help u with quran recitation.Iwith Allah will.it could b evil eye/magic or demon attack?Allah knows best
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