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sensation of hair in my mouth, throat and on my face

I have been having the sensation that I have hair in my mouth, throat and on my face. I have also had periodic itching sensations on my skin everywhere.  Every couple of minutes or so I feel like I walked through a spider web.  I also feel like I have random hair in my mouth.  This all started after having a dog in our house for 12 hours.  I went to the dr and he tested me for allergies and found that I am not allergic to dogs and that I am only mildly allergic to dust mites and pollen.  The dog was only in our house for about 24 hours and my symptoms have not gone away.  Has anyone had this or heard of it?  My dr put me on allergy meds but they aren't working, just making me tired.
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also i may have something to do with the poles shifting, and changes going on with the sun. once enough happiness builds up in you i have a feeling those dimensional webs wont be able to take hold on you.
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and those of us that shine the brightest attract more bugs. so you have to be bright enough that they burn when they get too close. :)
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Google mycoplasma, you may be interested in what you find. Mycoplasma may just cause the majority of the chronic problems similar to the ones described on this forum. Can be shared by pets as well. Cronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, gulf war syndrom, rheumatoid arthritis, the list goes on. I am finding some relief with diet, vitamins, herbs, and excercise. You can also get a DNA stool test, developed by metametrics labs. This is prettty much a complete GI test providing you a detailed picture of what is happening in your gut and can pinpoint issues that could be causing you to have a weakened immune system. The lab also provides a document that details exactly what your test results mean and what you need to do to correct your problems.

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I just started having these symtoms this week. I have a cat so at first I thought her cat hair were finally getting to me. But I just experienced it while over here cleaning my new apartment.I havenr brought my cat here yet. It really feels like there's hair in my throat and all over my face. I'm glad to find other people with the same symptoms but it ***** that no one knows what it is. The only thing here in this apartment is dust and since I've been packing in my apartment I've kicked up a lot of dust there as well. There's also no circulation in my current aparrment. So it may very well me a dust allergy
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1807309 tn?1316286273
Hi! You are not the only one with that sensation. I too have had it now for over a week. I think it is a nerve but I don't know where it stems from. If you get better let me know. I also used to have a sensation that something was crawling right in front of my head in a little spot big as a dime. It drove me crazy, but just stopped one day. I had that several times. best wishes.
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Wow, and to think I thought i was loosing my mind.  I'm glad to hear there are others having the same spider web sensations that I'm having.  For me, the sensations started about 10 months ago and have mainly been isolated to the kitchen and master bedroom closet, with the kitchen having the highest sensations. At first I thought it was a spider or spiders crawling around, but i would never see them. And when i finally did see one in the kitchen and removed it - i thought the issue was resolved.  Nope - the web like feelings continued!!!  I'm now convinced that its got to be some type of electro-magnetic build up going on.  But how do i resolve it!!! Has any one had luck with humidifiers? I'll have to try vacuuming more often as well as see if a humidifier helps!
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