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sinus surgery

Has any actually had sinus surgery?  I'm afraid to do it but the ENT says nothing else with help with my pain.  Just need to know what to expect: pain, swelling, etc.

2 Responses
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563773 tn?1374246539

As sinus surgery is a surgical procedure so all the complications of a surgery like pain,bleeding,swelling ,infections etc are a part of the surgery.Other complications include damage to the eye and its associated structures,damage to the skull base,numbness of the palate,face etc,nasal obstruction and loss of sense of smell.But pls don’t be afraid as modern day hospitals have all the facilities for tackling complications and moreover nowadays endoscopic sinus surgery can also be done instead of open surgery.Pls discuss about this with your ENT surgeon.

Hope it helps.Take care and pls do keep me posted on how you are doing.Kind regards.

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144586 tn?1284666164
The "surgury" is not that bad. If you have an encapsulated infection, and the physician has determined it can only be relieved by surgical intervention, get the treatment. Don't think twice.

In many cases, as Drkindd stsated endoscopic treatment is all that is required.

All of the complications discussed by Drkindd are possible, but my guess is the intervention will go off successfully, you will have little long-term problems, and the result will a lifetime of freedom from pain.
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