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swimmer needs help!!!!

My daughter is 14yrs old and has just become very competitive in swimming. She is ranked 4th in our state in backstroke to give some perspective. Within the last2 months typically after swimming in competition she has started having thee strange episodes. She says first everything sloes down, then she feels like something is blocking her throat, she gets very shaky, and her muscles contract starting with her hands. Often she complains of chest tightness and pain. We have seen 2 pediatric cardiologist, are being treated for sports induced asthma, and seeing a psychologist for possible anxiety attacks. As a mother and nurse for some reason nothing seems to fit the symptoms and so far nothing has helped. I am looking like crazy for answers because my daughter thinks she will die without swimming. Please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2 Responses
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1139173 tn?1260849206
The one thing I could think of was a chlorine allergy, probably minor. Chlorine allergies show symptoms very similar to that of Asthma, like trouble breathing, or lightheadedness. The muscle cramps and tightness could be caused by lack of oxygen. If it is a chlorine allergy one thing you should monitor is what happens to your daughter when drinking tap water, as chlorine is very common in the purification of drinking water. Best of luck to you and your daughter!

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351246 tn?1379682132
Welcome to the MedHelp forum!
Yes, chlorine allergy should be looked at. It could also be electrolyte imbalance, calcium imbalance, thyroid or parathyroid gland problem or diabetes or some myopathy. All these possibilities have to be looked into one by one. Other conditions have already been looked into.
Hope this helps. Please let me know if there is any thing else and do keep me posted. Take care!
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