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swollen/irriated lips and inside of lips

I'm hoping that someone can help me figure out whats going on with me!  

My main symptoms involve the irritation and swelling of my lips.  It is mostly the inside of my lips that get swollen and irritated.  Usually it is during/after eating, but sometimes appears when I haven't eaten for hours.  Occasinally they will swell so bad to where it looks like I hae huge fish lips.  Sometimes the area will get itchy and tingly before swelling, other times nothing.

This has been happening for the last 4 or 5 months.  When my lips are not swollen, they are always hurting or sensitive.  The inside and the outside.  They are chapped constantly, and they irritate very easily.  I have kept a food journal, and can not find any thing consistant, and allergy tests have come up with nothing.

My other symptoms may be completely unrelated, but just before these symptoms started, I also got constant tinnitus (ringing in my ear), that has not gone away.  Also, when my lips were not swollen, I broke out in hives all over my body that lasted about a week.

Any help would be SO appreciated.  I feel so lost!
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168348 tn?1379357075
Hi and Welcome,

I'm not a doctor or medical professional .. but a mom to two who have very bad allergies.  My daughter's lips get like that from eating raw carrots of all things!  It is cross reactive to pollen allergies but when cooked are ok.  Huge swelling inside her lips!!!!

Cross reactive foods is a good area to search to see if something fits the bill and to take note if this happens with raw vs the same food cooked?

Just a thought.

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207091 tn?1337709493
Are you using anything on your lips that might be causing this - chap stick, lip balm, ointments, etc?  You might be having an allergic reaction to that.  

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Thank you for your comments!  I haven't heard of the cross reactive allergies, so I am def going to check that out!  It did happen the worst 2 times with raw eggs (dough), but it has happened a lot with non raw foods as well.

I stopped using anything on my lips, to make sure it wasn't that, and it's definitely not!
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Hi... I was searching my husband's symptoms and what you described sounds exactly like his problem.  Did you find out what the problem was with swollen lips?  This is driving him nuts!
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