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Are my symptoms typical of anxiety/panic?

3 weeks ago I had what the ER doctor told me was my 4th panic attack to date.

I had two panic attacks in 2006 after smoking marijuana. Smoked 5 years prior with no problems. Smoked one day, panic ensued. Tried again a couple weeks later, panic again ensued. I quit smoking at the point.

On November 5, 2010 I had my 3rd panic attack. This time, it took place seemingly randomly. I had just finished a big meal with my old man and girlfriend while watching a movie, stood up, and bam: panic attack. Felt disconnected, overwhelmed, couldn't stop checking my pulse (could even swear I'd felt it stop). Felt faint and as though death was certain. Went to the hospital, everything checked out fine. EKG, blood work, chest X-ray, all was clear. Diagnosis: anxiety. The following days were rough. I tried to watch the new Harry Potter film, but had to leave about 75% through it because I felt so overwhelmed. I felt like I was going to faint. Oddly, I was feeling these electric shock feelings in my chest. It was very, very odd. Scared the crap out of me. (Are these shocks typical?)

Yada yada... Followed up with my physician, he prescribed my Zoloft and Xanax, but I toughed it out, and after a couple of months everything was back to about 90% normal (with occasional bouts of anxiety, but no panic).


On November 5, 2011 (yep, to the date) I had my 4th panic attack. This time, while I was at Wal-mart. I felt overwhelmed. My chest had a very dull, throbbing pain which just perpetuated the anxiety I was already feeling. Felt vertigo and faint on the walk to the truck. Girlfriend checked out, went to the hospital afterwards, diagnosis: anxiety/panic. EKG, blood work, X-ray all came back normal.

A few days later, BAM. A huge one. I drove myself to the hospital. This time, new symptoms. I had a dull feeling in my upper abdomen. A strange, dull sensation and numbness. It spread to the rest of my abdomen, my legs, my arms, my hands/feet, and my face. It was terrifying. When I tried bending my knee/moving my leg back, it was almost as if it was being forced back into a straightened position. I talked funny because my face and mouth were numb. No electrical shocks this time. My heart rate was at 160. The doctor shoved 2mg Ativan down my throat and told me to breath normally.

So, any way, the Ativan/Lorazepam seemed to work, which leads me to believe for the most part it IS indeed anxiety/panic. I still have trouble wrapping my head around it for the fact it just comes out of nowhere. I feel almost as though there MUST be some sort of physical ailment causing this. Liver disease, heart/circulatory problems, nervous system disease, lung malfunction, something! (I'm going insane here!)

Are these symptoms normal for panic attacks? Have you experienced them or heard of someone who has?

-Electric shocks/jolts in chest area
-Numbness beginning in liver area, spreading to entire body (explained as hyperventilation by nurse).
-Feelings of faintness
-Vertigo that often lasts an entire day
-Shooting up awake in the middle of the night, overwhelmed, confused and out of breath.
-Fear my heart is going to stop.
-Strange sensations in chest that lead me to believe heart is going to stop, or has stopped.
-Instant need to pass stool (generally in liquid form) after or during attack.
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I might also mention, I had a brain MRI and an echo stress test. Both came back fine, according to the docs.

I begin CBT on Wednesday night, regardless of the fact I can't convince myself this is indeed anxiety/panic. I just want this to stop. It's making me miserable and it's affecting my ability to operate my business.
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I also get tremors in my hands during bouts of anxiety, and neck tics as well.
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The good thing is that there is nothing physically wrong with you.  You had multiple in depth tests and doctors telling you are okay...which is a good thing.  The next step in my opinion, is to go seek help for your anxiety through therapy.  

In my experience with health anxiety, it is definitely hard to get your head wrapped around this when you don't understand it.  I spent months going from doctor to doctor and having test after test because I knew something had to be wrong.  I believe we tend to fear what we do not understand, and anxiety is initially extremely difficult to understand.

Do you have access to therapy?  
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Hi.  It sounds like you've completely ruled out all other causes for your symptoms and now it's time to tackle your anxiety.  Many find it hard to believe that anxiety can cause all the physical symptoms that it does and become convinced that it's something else.  We always encourage people to rule out other causes first and you have done this, and starting CBT is the next best step.  However, therapy can be a lengthy process and as bad as your symptoms are you may need/want medication to control them.  Talk to a psychiatrist about this as they are most knowledgeable when it comes to medications to control our symptoms.  As you're seeing, this doesn't get better without help.  Anxiety feeds off our fears and worries and just keeps building..... creating more and more symptoms.  You need to break this cycle and if therapy doesn't do it then medication will.  Medication has given many of us our lives back.  Anxiety can be like any other medical condition that requires daily medication, and we have to accept this.  What happens with panic attacks is our "fight or flight" mode kicks in when it's not needed and floods our bodies with adrenaline so we have the ability to protect ourselves.  When this happens and we're not in danger then our body doesn't know what to do with all the extra adrenaline and all the symptoms of a panic attack are our bodies trying to cope with the extra adrenaline.  It's extremely scary, but harmless physically.  Emotionally it can set us up to fear this happening even more which builds up our anxiety and sure enough we suffer again.  Anxiety can be debilitating if we don't take the necessary steps to control it via therapy and/or medication. Exercise is good when we suffer with anxiety, even just walking helps.  I think everyone on here can relate in one way or another with what you are enduring, so know you're not alone.  You can and will get control of this with help and resume a normal life.  It's time to accept that you have anxiety and seek the help of a psychiatrist along with the CBT. We're always here for you and I wish you all the best.
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The electric shock feelings aren't odd?

How about the whole body numbness?
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I've never actually experienced what felt like a heart attack while having the panic attacks, just an overwhelming feeling, racing heart, feeling of impending doom, depersonalization, and the aforementioned symptoms. No pressure in chest, though.
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From what I can say from my own experience, the electric shock feelings and numbness can be symptoms of panic attacks. I've had the sensation of pins and needles in/on my scalp, as well as arm and leg numbness. The fact that the anxiety medication at the hospital alleviated your symptoms should put you at ease. When I was going through the early stages of cognitive behavioral therapy, My therapist always reminded me that if what I was experiencing were symptoms of a physical medical conditions, they wouldn't wax and wane and they wouldn't be lessened by medication and cognitive behavioral techniques. I would strongly recommend CBT. I'm also taking 15 milligrams of Lexapro, but I think that the therapy is much more important than the medication. I found, however, that going to therapy brought about panic attacks at first, so in order to deal with the situation I needed to quell my level of anxiety. The most important thing to remember is not to quit. It seems obvious but many people don't realize that when you first go to therapy, your symptoms get very intense because facing them is going to cause anxiety in itself. Once you get past this, however, you will find that anxiety becomes much more manageable. It took me a year to get back to "normal." I still occasionally feel panic attacks coming on but I know how to control them. Hope this helps!
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In my opinion, you can have a myriad of symptoms when experiencing health anxiety.  For example, when I was first going through this, if I thought I had a particular symtpom then I experienced it.  I believe there is no limit on what we can experience when going through this.  Our mind is a very powerful tool and anxiety can be a cyclical cycle that is hard to get out of if you don't learn about it.  For me, learning about it was seeking help through counseling.  In my opinion, you don't even have to be convinced that what you are experiencing is anxiety ( I sure wasn't when I started), but as time goes on and you learn about it, you will have the knowledge to confront and deal with it...keep us posted!
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I should also mention, the night I had my 4th panic attack after coming home from the hospital I decided to sit down, relax and watch a Netflix movie. I chose a movie at random, one called "A Little Help."

In the movie, the main characters husband suffers an "anxiety attack." He goes to the ER, tests are all clear, and he's sent home. The next day he dies of a heart condition.

This, obviously, made things wayyyy worse for me. What the hell are the odds?!
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370181 tn?1595629445
Extremely teeny.
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oh no what are the odds about that movie! remember, its just a movie! you are fine! i have had every symptom you named, everyday for the last 2 months, it *****, the meds help a little, but they make me feel so WEIRD! the numbness is bad, i get it in my legs alot, especially when i think about it!! i get the shock feelings in my chest and head, the numbness feeling in my stomach area also, its nice to hear other people with the same symptoms though!!
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It's so weird, the shock feelings! I don't even know if electric jolts is the best way to describe it, but I'm pretty sure we're on the same page dancemommy. It feels like the combination of stretching a muscle too fast and receiving a small punch of electricity. It's very sudden, but scary as hell as I've never experienced it before anxiety.

Yeah, my hands went numb earlier. And my arms felt kind of fuzzy. Tapping on the back of my elbows, even slightly, set off the funny bone reflex. I think the hyperventilation must affect nerves to some extent.

Ugh. Anxiety was bad again today. I had to go to the hospital to get another script for Ativan.
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OK, so I had my first CBT session today, and it went really well. The therapist is very familiar with panic and anxiety disorders and he really knew not only how to talk to me, but how to sort of herd my anxiety and displace it before it took over. Needless to say, addressing some of the "triggers" in my life were building up my anxiety levels.

This is only my first session, so I can't attest to the success of it, but I will say it's looking good and it felt really good to vocalize some of my concerns and work through some of my own cognitive dissonance.
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Most of the things you are experincing are anxiety attacks. I am 19  and have had them almost 9-10 years. They are all normal you just feel like your going crazy and feel scared. Just take your meds meet with your doctor regularly and you should feel better [=
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What causes this inability to cope with anxiety to the point it becomes panic?

Is it a biological error? Does it possibly stem from problems during our early development? Trauma?

Could being abused as a child cause such an issue? I'm just wondering if there are any similar developmental themes that some of us anxiety sufferers might share if it isn't biological error.
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1911791 tn?1322376316
I've had problems with panic attacks, and marijuana seems to trigger the same symptoms. I have no idea why, just biological error. Just remember there is nothing wrong, just some anxiety. I hope you find a way to manage!
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Wow! That sounds just like me! I swear I'm dying as well. Are story are the same!
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How long have you had an issue with panic/anxiety?
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I'm 30 I think I had my first one around 22ish. Iv been to so many Docs asking for help! I can't tell you how many liver test iv had. Now I know I always get the before my period. I think it's my hormones. Iv tried Prozac for them and I think it helped but taking anything gives me an attack. Same with  zanx. Works great but I never take it when I need it cause I think I'm dying. It ***** Sooo bad! I feel dizzy and weird and hide it from the world. Seeing a Doc always gives me a attack. Makes it hard when the people that do know about it and that I feel safe to tell when
I'm having one just tell me to "relax". I don't have them as much as I use to, but I'm going on a cruise in Feb and worried about the plane and being sea sick ...yada yada so iv had quite a few in the last few weeks.
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My anxiety/panic attacks cause me to get nauseous. I also experience numbness,lightheadedness,and at times,my chest felt really heavy as to where I felt as tho I couldn't breath. I went thru same tests as you, and was diagnosed with acute anxiety. Stress can play a major factor. That's what causes mine.
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Hi ericinnh
As I'm talking to you now I have googled YET AGAIN my symptoms and you aptly describe mine to a tee! right now I have that "electric shock feeling" throughout my chest, left arm, back etc. it's HORRIBLE and I genuinely would not wish it on my worst enemy! I have turned into a complete and utter hypochondriac and suffer anxiety almost daily and several times throughout the day :( THANKFULLY, I haven't actually let it progress into a panic attack in months! I'm usually able to stop the onset of these by...............wait for it................SINGING!!! Now dont get me wrong, I'm no Katherine Jenkins but it certainly helps me! I read it somewhere that when we sing, our bodies are forced to breathe normally and so far, it has worked for me! I know it's not exactly "convenient" to just start singing in certain places but I honestly dont care, I just do it!!
Now if I could only get a grip on the anxiety I'd be flying! I could babble on about it all day here and the list of symptoms is literally endless but each and every time, I think, "this is it, I'm definitely going to have a heart attack or stroke now" and obviously, my symptoms get worse and the horrible sensations increase in sensitivity :(
4 and a half years ago I suffered my 1st panic attack, after smoking the grass equivalent from the "head shop", (I was by no means a big smoker, an odd one at weekends just to relax). I was always ok on the normal hash/grass but the stuff I got that day changed my life forever. On the night in question, following my 2nd smoke I felt  a kind of "static sensation in my head". It was horrible and weird but I didn't pay much attention to it. Within half an hour, my whole body began trembling and my heart started to pound so fast and so hard I literally thought it would burst! I became completely convinced that it was a heart attack and my husband called an ambulance. The heart racing would stop and return to normal for short periods of time then return with full belt. I had chest tightness, arm tingling, facial numbness, pressure on and around my head, (as if someone had placed a phone book on  the top of my head and a tight band around it) etc., etc., etc. I was taken to ER with my blood pressure haywire only to be told hours later I'd suffered a panic attack! a WHAT I asked them thinking they'd actually lost all leave of their senses!! (my aunt had suffered these for years but I just put it down to her nature, she's "highly strung", easily frightened etc - I on the other had hand had always been the opposite, laid-back, easy going, not easily fazed etc). Having run a string of tests, they assured me that it was indeed a panic attack and nothing to be alarmed by, (apparently 1 in 6 people suffer them!). Needless to say after that one episode, I had many more encounters with the dreaded Panic Attacks and I can honestly sympathise with you and anyone else who has ever had to endure them. I became a shell of my former self and I'm still to this day a changed person and not for the better. I completely gave up my weekend smoke (and smoking cigarettes in general - one good thing to come from it all I suppose!). To cut this story very short, since then, my anxiety levels increased and have never left me since. Every day when I wake my first thought is "I wonder will I get through today without anxiety?" and as much as I try to NOT think this or dwell on the symptoms when they do appear, (and the always do), I can't help it.
Sorry for babbling on but it's SO good to find someone who understands these things and all the associated symptoms, (the list of which seems to increase with each day). I was on Lexaprop for a while and came off them 3 weeks ago. They didn't help much :( Keep in touch "ericinnh" and let me know how  the CBT progresses. I'm going to try to see if I can find a local clinic doing it here, (although I doubt it, I live in a small town where useful things like this are not readily available). I'd LOVE to get my life back. I have a wonderful husband and 2 beautiful children now and if not for myself, I'd like to do it for them.
Hopefully 2013 will be a better year for all of us :) x
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Ya u have panic disorder/attacks, welcome to the club. Good news is as terrifying as they are * and I know ******* terrifying, you are okay. The denial thing is normal and almost good so u can check urself out. I have it and still do it to this day, but after being in the psych ward, 4 weeks of group therapy, medecine, and cbt I feel much better. They say it helps and it does. I had a bout of it years ago and it went silent for a while and just acted up over stress. Your going to be ok, just talk to ur doctor as long as he's a good one, the good ones help. And yes all those physical symptoms happen from it, it's nuts I know especially the numbness but when it goes away when u feel better, is Rlly when u Realize, it's not a joke anxiety is a real thing, and in today's world you can get real
Help. Your going to do fine, good luck!!
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Joe are you on line right now????
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