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Panic Attacks (According to Dr.)

Hello Everyone,

I am writing this because my fiance has been going through some things and we both feel her doctor will not listen to her.  I know this is just advice and that we need to seek out a specialist so I am going to take any advice here with a grain of salt.

I want to start out by giving a background on my fiance.

When we met she told me that she has always had anxiety.  Her previous doctor had prescribed her to klonopin.  I am not positive if she had to take this daily but I believe she did.  She has since stopped taking the medication as we relocated and she had not found a doctor.  She also did not want to have to take that medication on a daily basis.

In December of 2008 we both wanted to quit smoking so we went to the doctor and got prescribed Chantix.  We took it for about 3 weeks and for me it was fine.  For her however it gave her constant migranes and she could not continue taking it.  When she stopped I stopped.  Ever since that December she has been having some serious issues and every ER that I take her to (4 diffrerent ones) they just pass it off as a panic attack without any testing etc.  She went to her Dr. and he said the same thing.  He prescribed her to Ativan and that seems to help calm her down when her body starts to feel strange.  She explains the feelings as her heart is pounding and I can verify that at times it is because I put my head to her chest and listen to it beat rapidly.  She feels like she cannot breathe and also gets numbness in her body.  She has had the numbness in her head, face, arms, legs, etc.  The doctor keep trying to put her on other medications rather than ativan because he said it is a drug that you constantly have to keep increasing the dosage with.  It helps relieve the feeling at the time but does not cure it.  He has put her on 3 other medications which she has not been able to take.  They either make her feel really depressed/sad or they make her constantly sick without an appetite.  The doctor does not understand when she tells him she cannot live with those medications and the feelings they bring along with them.  He continues to say take it.  One time she went in to get her ativan refilled and he refused.  This set her off into a bad mood because it is the only thing she has taken that would calm her down.  All her doctor could do is threaten to commit her to a psychiatric hospital, basically saying he thought she was abusing the drug.  I have personally seen her prescription last as long as it should.  She takes 1-2 0.5mg tablets when she feels it coming on and that has recently been taking place every day to every other day.  We also moved into a new apartment the April previous to the December this all started happening.  There is an odd odor in the building that we constantly have to cover up with insence.  Could mold or some other bacteria be in our home that is causing this to happen to her?  I know I have been a bit moody myself but I think that is just because she gets into a bad mood which triggers me to getting into bad moods.  No other people living in the household seem to have symtoms similar to hers.

She also can get into mood swings out of nowhere.  She will be completely happy one minute and the next she just hates the world.  We have done some research and she feels that it might be a combination of panic attacks and depression.  She also thinks that it may be mini-strokes but none of the doctors will listen to her and actually do any testing to see what is going on with her body.

Can any of the doctors on this forum please tell us what your thoughts would be and how we can get her into a specialist in the Boston area.  She does not want to continue living life taking medication every day (not even ativan).  She is the type of person who wants to get through this on her own but we both know that is not possible.  Is there someone out there that can help her get through this without saying yea take this drug for the rest of your life.
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If I were her doctor I would say she was having anxiety and panic attacks as well.  Everything sounds like symptoms of anxiety.  Chantix can trigger psych issues and there is supposed to be warnings on it because of this.

You are a great guy to care so much about her and be so understanding.  My boyfriend always tells me to exercise, eat vegetables, and go to be early.  I guess those are good suggestions but when you are anxious it is hard to want to eat and go to be early...LOL

Anyway I would say get her back on the Klonopin (long lasting benzo) verses ativan which she will have to take multiple times a day.   I would also consider a calming antidepressant like Elavil or one of the less stimulating ones.  I will pray for you guys ;o)
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Thank you everyone for your comments.  I will be sure to have my fiance read over them.  She has an appointment with her Dr again Wednsday and we will see how things go with that.
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242912 tn?1660619837
Sure, of course, here's the link"


Let me add one more thing.  With anxiety, there will always seem to be "new" symptoms arising that will lead your fiance to believe what she's feeling can't be Just anxiety.  I think Julie359's first paragraph summed it up best. Read what she wrote again.  Panic attacks can make everything from A to Z manifest within the body.  You feel like you have some illness from which you are going to die.  This is a common thought among anxiety sufferers.  

Keep reading this forum and you will see what I mean.  The complaints of your poor fiance are posted every day.  She should definitely look into CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) to help her deal with her symptoms.  The sooner she understands her condition, the sooner she will be able to help herself :)

I still think her body has gone haywire.  Your fiance already had anxiety.  Then, the introduction and discontinuation of Chantix, benzos and AD's sent her system within the last year into overdrive.  It doesn't really matter How she got to this point anymore though because she's here.  Now it's about what she can do to get better.  Oh, and the odor in your home may not be helping.  I am highly sensitive to odors and if I'm trapped somewhere with an odor I can't tolerate, it will most surely cause my anxiety to amp up.  

I hope you find some answers soon.    


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756668 tn?1287225387
Forgot to mention one thing. On the 20th of July I went to my usuall doctors appt and talked to him about taking Chantix..however he stated after reading my bio and knowing I suffer from anxiety..he advised against it.  He just said for others patients he has prescribed it too that suffer from anxiety or or both despression they did not do well. It just enhanced their anxiety levels.  
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Yup - both posting sound like anxiety symptoms to me, too.  By the way, anxiety is a condition which will not go away nor will one outgrow it, BUT, it is highly treatable.  And the treatment is multi-modal - intervention (used more with children), therapy and if necessary, medication.  There are many excellent meds which can help those suffering from anxiety and the therapy can be a relatively short time.  It is time to seek help; procrastinating only prolongs the misery.  I wish you and your friend the best .....
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756668 tn?1287225387
Sounds like classic symptoms of anxiety!  I know that is not saying much.  but almost everything I would want to say has been said.  Good luck!
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Talking now it was almost 2 years ago that she took the Klonopin.
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Hello Everyone,

Thank you for replying to my post.  My fiance and I were reading this last night and I had posted it wihtout posting all of her symptoms.  She has some new things going on.

I have to start by saying it was over a year ago that she was taking the Klonopin.

Last night she told me she is having some new odd symptoms.  She feels at times like her airway is closing up making it hard for her to breathe.  The other day we were taking a bus into Boston and she said she lost her hearing.  It seemed like someone put their hands over her ears.  This also happened at work too.

She has also been having tingling or a numb feeling in her face down her cheeks, on her lips, etc.  She will also get that feeling in her forehead and says she feels like she is going to pass out from time to time.

I want to thank everyone for responding.

To Jade59,

Do you happen to have a link to the post about the Chantix and experiences mariabl is having?
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968908 tn?1274871115
Hi, yeah i agree with jade59, she is a lucky person for you to come on here and ask for help and advice.  First i would say that panic attacks can make you feel like you have some illness which you are going to die from, they make you feel soooo bad it's like the world is crashing down around you.  You get all of the symtoms you have spoke about, breathlessness, rapid heartbeat, numbness and pins and needle... when i get an attack this happens to me also.  With panic attacks or anxiety everything from A to Z can manifest within the body, but it won't actually do any harm.  

Mould in your flat would more than likely cause chest and breathing problems like Asthma but i don't think it would cause anxiety attacks.  You need to take her to see a therapist..... i have to say i'm 35 now and started getting them at 19, for a long time i refused to believe it was Panic attacks n anxiety and was living in utter misery, nearly topped myself a couple of times...i was sooo depressed because of them... DON'T let it get that far... get her a therapist as soon as you can.

I really hope this has been of help and please don't take our advice with a pinch of salt because like most of the others who have replied i  have been through and still go through these dark and desperate times and so can relate to your girlfriend, we know what we are talking about.... please take care xxx
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242912 tn?1660619837

You say your fiance took Chantix.  There is a recent post on the smoking forum by *mariabl* who took Chantix and is having some similar issues.  You may want to look up her post if not for anything other than comfort in knowing your fiance is not alone.  mariabl also describes the heart pounding and constant headache.  Maybe y'all could talk?  

Also, depending how long your fiance took Klonopin and if it was daily, she may be going through w/d which can last for quite a while for some people especially if she just stopped taking it due to your relocation and no doc to prescribe.  The fact that she had anxiety to begin with is a clue to me also.  Maybe having anxiety, adding Chantix, going off Chantix, going off Klonopin and who knows if it's mold you guys are smelling in your apartment; all this overwhelmed your fiances system and she was thrown into an anxiety state and can't get out.  Then you toss the on and off AD's and her system just can't take all this.  

I kind of doubt she is having mini-strokes but is probably experiencing *brain zaps* which to her feel like mini-strokes, but is actually something many people feel going on and off AD's and Benzo's which Klonopin is.  

I went off AD's and benzo's twice in the 80's as I didn't know any better then and felt just like your wife for what seemed like forever.  If you can explain what you have here to a new doctor, maybe you will find that compassionate one who will actually *listen.*

Best of luck.  I feel for your fiance and you are a good man to come on here to try and help her.  She's very lucky to have you.  

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959034 tn?1253671476
Are her feelings now kind of like her anxiety before? Similar? Can she ask for the Klonopin back? Since that used to help. Maybe see a cardiologist just to make sure there is nothing wrong. A complete blood count.
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672514 tn?1265655141
I read that long post and it was not until the end when you said, can a Dr. give his thoughts. Well I am not a Doctor, but since I read this long post, I am going to reply.

What you are writing about ARE CLASSIC SYMPTOMS OF ANXIETY, I could see you wondering about one Doctors thoughts?, but you stated , she has seen numerous Doctor's, I would have to say, how many Doctors is it gong to take to get her the help she needs?

(i have learned over the years, when I think numerous people are not giving me the correct advise, but they are all saying the same thing, then it might not be THEM, IT MIGHT BE ME)

The Dr. that would not refill her script, was right! Medication only helps the symptoms, WITH THERAPY!!! (KEY WORDS> WITH THERAPY)!!

Now is not the time to keep asking Doctor after doctor tell you get the answer YOU WANT TO HEAR, Now is the time to get her into therapy, it is as simple as that!

People who have Anxiety/Panic (or mood swings like you write about) Always want to find a Medical reason Versus a Psychiatric reason.

You are not helping her by enabling her! get help soon, the sooner the better, so she can work on her issues.

Unless you have been in her shoes, you only see the OUTSIDE of what is going on in her head, if it seems scary to you, imagine what she is going through in her head. 10 x worse.

Swallow your pride, I only say this because you state in your post, "  I am going to take any advice here with a grain of salt".

So be it, I really wish you the best of luck and take time to read some of the Many post on this forum, this is a very SERIOUS AND CARING FORUM. you WILL see allot of post simular to your fiance.

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