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1115678 tn?1258812829

Everyday panic attacks and now during sleep

So I have been suffering from panic attacks for several years now.  I can cope with them for the best part during the day, but sometimes they get the best of me.  I have had EKG's done, blood work, chest xrays, and all is fine.  But now my concern is Im having them at night, and I can't cope with these.  I will wake up and my heart is racing about 150 bpm, Im shaking, and I'm a very dizzy.  After a few min I calm down, and everything is ok.  I sometimes have trouble falling back to sleep because I can feel my body getting ready to do i again.  My Dr prescribed me 10mg prozac, but im scared to take it, everyone i know hasn't liked it.  Anyways Im just curious if ayone else suffers from panic attacks in their sleep.  Thanks!
13 Responses
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I have had panic disorder since I was 10yrs.old.It made my childhood and life horrible,until I was totally housebound. I finally talked to my Dr. and he suggested Paxil,40mgs and xanax,  as needed.After all these years my life is wonderful, I can work again, go shopping alone,etc.I can't say enough about how wonderful these drugs have been for me. One exception is the weight gain,however I would rather be fat and healthy than housebound and wanting to die.
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1115678 tn?1258812829
well so far the past couple days have been pretty good.  No panic attacks, and the sleep has been pretty good as well....but that may be due to the fact that I have the flu and all i want to do is sleep.  I haven't had to take any meds yet for the the panic, and I go back to the therapist in a week.  Thank you all for your comments.  God Bless!
Megan  :)
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1041243 tn?1375230520
Both klonopin and xanax did the same things for me as well as valium, but that's just me. These meds affect everyone differently my expirience won't be yours, but they all can be highly addictive so I hope you only use on an as needed basis.Try talking to your dr about a non benzo to help. I did well on prozac but switched to zoloft cuz it relaxes me. I do have a question, what is your diet like? Sugar caffeine and fatty foods are bad for anxiety. I haven't woke up to a panic attack since I kicked caffeinew seven years ago. Before that I woke up with panic attacks so severe that I couldn't fall back to sleep until it was light out. I drank a can of cherry coke.before bed a few years ago cuz I was pregnant and craving it and the same thing happened. Talk to your dr about vitamins. They help.
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1042487 tn?1275279899
Hello there,

It's good people have suggested you Klonopin but you might also consider natural solutions. I read you are seeing a therapist which is really good and might help you considerably.

I just responded to someone here just a minute ago so ill copy what i told him about what you can actually try as treatment options.

For your anxiety there some supplements you can try before using the popular anti-anxiety drugs prescribed. Gamma-aminobutyric Acid (GABA), Passionflower, Kava, Seredyn and Valerian are all things you can look up at your local food supplements store. Note that physical activity will play a crucial role in your fight against depression and anxiety with all the hormones produced while doing physical activity. Relaxation techniques are also very effective. A good oxygenation have so many good effects on your body. So i suggest deep breathing exercises too.

They might prove to be effective to you... also for your sleep problems i suggest Melatonin. Melatonin is produced naturally in animals and humans. It is produced by pinealocytes in the pineal gland ( serotonin is converted to melatonin so it can reduce the efficiency of an anti depressant treatment ). Taking it will result in regulating your internal clock for sleep, like take it 1 or 2 hour before going to bed. Sun exposure reduce the melatonin production and dark activates it. With all artificial light these day it's common to see people having a melatonin problem meaning also sleep problems. Also "There is some evidence to suggest that melatonin is effective in treating delayed sleep phase syndrome,". Anyway you can go read all the other good effects of melatonin on wikipedia. It's also a powerful antioxidant.

Like you see you have some alternative before engaging treatment with Benzodiazepines or antidepressants.

Best of luck,
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Thanks for your comment.
I guess I should clarify Klonopin on an as needed basis is when my heart starts racingand when my headache starts I take it to calm me down. I do not use it for a prolonged period of time as I know the potency will wear off.
I only get panc attack when I have sleep deprivation so now that I am off Paxil I intend to use  recommended dosage  3 times a day .50 mg. to prevent panic attack, then I taper off the med. when I get over my insomnia period. I want to check this method w/ my doctor though.
If anyone has any comment, I would appreciate to hear from you.
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404138 tn?1308941656
Best wishes! Keep us updated!
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1115678 tn?1258812829
yes i am seeing a therapist right now, i have xanax but it doesn't seem to do anything for me.  Im going to see about getting the klonopin, hopefully that will help me some.  Thank you.
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404138 tn?1308941656
From *personal* experience Klonopin works wonders for my anxiety(during the day). I dont use it for sleep but, as you said it knocks you out. If your having trouble sleeping then I would think it would help you sleep. Some people do take it then because that's when they need it. Talk to your doctor about it. I have *heard* klonopin is one of the better meds. but it's different for everybody!!  Right now I take .(point)5mg twice as needed. Half the time I dont need it because Ive learned other coping skills. Have you seen a therapist? It can only help!
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1115678 tn?1258812829
i have a question about the klonopin, how does it make you feel when you take it?  I remember taking it once back in high school...and it knocked me on my a**.  I would like to try it for my anxiety, but I just don't want to knocked out, or have that drunk feeling.
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I have never had insomnia from my paxil in fact that actually makes me a lil sleepy.  As for klonopin I have taken that as well. In my 20's i was on it for quite a few years and it worked great. I tried it again a few weeks ago and it didnt agree with me. To use this drug as needed only I have never heard of as it is a drug that should be used bid 2-3 doses a day to maintain a steady level in your system. Onset of action is about 45-1hr so by time you take the pill your PA is most likely over. No benzo is really for long term use but if you use responsibly and in moderation they can sure be a godsend to PA sufferers.

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I would suggest you to talk to your doctor about taking Klonopin for your panic attacks . It is not intended for long term use, however. He may be able to suggest something else that works well w/ you. Or you should try Prozacif you doctor prescribed it for you. I was told that it has the least side effect and withrawal symptons. I did try it but It did not suit me.

Otherwise, you may want to go to a psycho therapist who can help you with some techniques of how to deal with panic attacks if you do not like taking medication.
I  know how you feel as I am in the same  boat as you are.

Good Luck to you.
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I also have panic attack and anxiety from occasional insomnia. I was on Paxil and Klonopin. Recently I want off Paxil but stay on Klonopin (as needed basis). then I had insomnia and my panic attack came back I went back on Paxil after 4 mos. . However after two weeks of taking Paxil I strated getting severe insomnia for the last three days. Do you or anyone has experienced this situation before?
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Hi Meggie

I feel for you, PA's are horrible in itself but the fact you can deal without meds during the day is great. But perhaps you do need this med. I dont know much about Prozac though so I can give you any input on that. What are you doing before bed? Maybe try listening to some guided meditation to put you into a sound sleep. I take Paxil and xanax as needed for my PA's. I very rarely get them while sleeping but some nights i am so wound up I am anxious and have problems falling asleep. meditation does help me.

Best of luck
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