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How Specifically Does Anxiety Affect Stomach?

Hi, I'm struggling through some fairly severe ongoing stomach issues that are initially triggered by a fairly specific, intense anxious event. Initially, I awaken with heart racing and/or a 'flushing' feeling around my heart, then it goes straight to my stomach where it immediately feels like a burning sensation, then severe pain and nausea.

Unfortunately, even after the anxious event/thoughts are removed, the stomach issues continue on for some time. This latest episode has lasted over 2 months. The last episode I had was in 2002 and lasted over 6 months.

When I'm not going through an 'episode', typical anxieties/fears may creep up on me, but none cause any sort of ongoing physical symptoms as these do. I don't suffer from panic attacks or most of the symptoms of general anxiety disorder.

- So to help me diagnose what is happening with my stomach, I'm curious to know exactly what is happening to the stomach during an extreme episode of anxiety?

- Some process is causing my stomach to become severely inflamed. Is there a scientific explanation?

- Anyone have severe, ongoing stomach issues resulting from an initial bout with anxiety?

Thanks. I understand a bit about adrenalin and how it affects the heart in this situation, but topics about stomach always seem more vague.
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Wow, it's nice to see I am not the only one sufferin from this. The pain all started two years ago after an anxious moment in my life. I met the lead gastroenterologist at the children's hospital (i was 17 at that time) and we tested for H Pilory, Ulcers, acid reflux, i did a baryum swallow test and i was restricted from eating any fatty or spicy foods. Everything was negative, her and my pediatrician could not find what was causing my stomach pain. I'd wake up with unbearable stomach pain and feelings of nausea. I couldn't eat anything in the morning although i knew i was sooo hungry, the sight of food disgusted me. This went on for 3-5 months and during that time i was taking Lansoprazole. It worked in the end but took about a month to take effect. The following year the same thing happened but on a smaller scale and shorter time. About a year later, I was diagnosed with severe anxiety and mild depression. It's only until recently when I felt my anxiety acting up and stomach pain coming back did I realize they were correlated and the only cause must've been psychologically induced (by my anxiety). As im going through a tough time now, im VERY anxious, my stomach is killing me. But I do not want to rely on meds, especially not for my anxiety. I could tolerate some for the stomach pain, but I feel that if I control my anxiety, I wouldn't have any pain, and wouldn't have to take any medication whatsoever. Does anyone have any solutions, what do you do to reduce/control your anxiety (and stomach pain).

Oh and on the side I rely on Gaviscon to relieve my temporary pain.
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You might get tested for h pylori, it's a bacterial infection that gets in the stomach and can cause lots of digestive issues.  Also been known to casue anxiety itself cause your not getting all your nutrients.
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Thanks for the replies! My heart racing issue doesn't seem to have anything to do with overheating to me. It usually happens in the morning, sometimes waking me up (which REALLY bums me out). Of course I feel it when I know I'm anxious about something, but at times it happens when I'm not thinking about anything (again, sometimes waking me from sound sleep).

I really am not sure if I'm having trouble actually 'digesting' my food or not. I just think my stomach is inflamed or irritated. Just trying to figure out what aspect of anxiety causing the stomach inflammation.

I am scheduled to go to a Naturapathic doc on Tuesday who will do a food sensitivity test, and a neurotransmitter test. Hopefully that will help point me in the right direction.
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What is causing your stomach issues no clue. But your heart racing with your stomach issues may not be anxiety. When you can't digest your heart can pump harder to drive more oxygen and blood to that muscle area to help push it through.

Some things to try. Try cooling down with cold wet towels while standing up right. Ice if needed. Just to cool your body temp, doesn't matter how you cool down. When my stomach is blocked and can't digest food this happens to me. Down right scary. Once I start to over heat I can't slow down my heart. I also take gas medication (gas-x) with water. It takes about 20 minutes to help me. My problem is not anxiety related.

But if cooling your body down while in a full up right position helps, can't hurt to try. I found that most of the time when ever I start to get hot or my heart starts to beat faster I know acid reflux, nausea and gas are building up. I take a gas-x before it gets to the over heated and super fast heart beat stage.

Don't know if this is your problem, but if it helps please message me to know that it worked. I will share more about it. If it doesn't work, then probably something very different than what I have. Hope you feel better, all of you.

Also anyone with long term stomach issues where your gastro says your fine, look into blood and intradermal food allergy testing. Both! Good luck.
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When I get anxiety I lose my apetite for the most part and I have to make myself eat because I know I have to.  If I am having a really bad anxiety day then I get really nauseous and some of the time I vomit.  Usually this happens when there is some event going on that I am anxious about.  On those days I really can't eat anything unless I want to see it again.  I tried taking an antiacid but that did absolutely nothing.  It totally *****, but you're not alone.
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is your stomach feeling any better. mine is better right now thank goodness. i too would like to know what is going on. i told you i take pepcid ac and it helps somewhat but not completely. i recommended nexium or prilosec earlier but just read an artile on those 2 meds saying they were not good to take but pepcid ac was because it's different. you can't believe everything you read so you should check it out if you want to take either of these meds. that does make some sense about blood being diverted away from the stomach, that's why we get tingling arms and legs wtih a panic attack right? we need more info on this. remar
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