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In the throws of a really bad panic attack! Heart racing really fast, lightheaded, dizzy, everything is bright. I want to go to the ER, but know I shouldn't. Please help!
23 Responses
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Thank you for the comments. My husband is a huge help! He usually talks me through them. What happens is that I wake up really anxious, then I get dizzy for a while , then it progresses to extreme dibilatating fatigue, I worry about these things until a panic attacks comes to a head. Then I relax, have these again and calm down around 7pm. Why is this? Why do I feel like ____?????????
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I just joined and was reading the comments. So many of us share the same problem..panic attacks!! It sounds like you are being given good advice. Mine have stopped, I use to watch comedy shows or shows like Will & Grace and before I knew it I would be feeling fine. The hot baths, breathing exercises, walks and a great husband who would rub me down helped me so much. Even rubbing my arms and legs would relax me or my hands. I had to stop thinking about it. Everytime I felt panic I would get it out of my head. I have even took off running to release all the tension. Think happy thoughts! I know you don't want med's but I really suggest keeping some around just incase you feel you can't do it alone. Just having them can make you feel better even if  you don't take them! But I do understand why you want to do it without them and I'm sure you can. I just remember when I had the attacks that just knowing I had a pill that I could take to stop it made me feel so much better that it would stop the attack!!
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346570 tn?1267500027
I just came from a karate demo with my kids and i wanted to check on  you before i went to bed.

You did it!!! You made it through it. I knew you would. I am glad you got your daughter to her dance. Good for you.

You need a nice bubble bath and a good nights sleep. You defiantly sound exhausted. You and I have a lot in common. WE ARE MOMS...HEAR US ROAR. Even when you felt like crud you stuck it out ...for your daughter. I find myself doing the same thing every day. Tonight in fact.  That should make you feel very proud of yourself. And you're not alone, I am naked too. (bet that will throw the people who didn't read your last post for a loop )

Nice job everyone who helped her :)

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I am feeling much better. I just took my daughter to her first school dance, got her ready and all! I am no longer tired but do feel a bit off balance, moments of dizziness, but I guess that is just exhaustion???? Funny thing is, I don't have full blown panics attacks that often, just constant anxiety on a daily basis with physical symptoms all the time, 24/7, but they don't always get to this extent. Wow, they are exhausting! I seem to feel the aftereffects for hours, even days! I really dislike anxiety! But I am grateful for this forum, it has helped me a lot! I am seeing a new psychiatrist, I don't know yet how helpful he will be but I will keep you all posted as to what I learn. I have been dealing with this for a year and has gotten worse in the last few months. I refuse to take meds so I am going through this "naked". I just wish I could handle this better like I did before, but I am taking it one day at a time...
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I just have to say, what EXCELLENT advice you gave Greenlydia!! These are fantastic suggestions and ones I myself have found helps. I would just add one more... when fight of flight feelings kick in,, if nothing else RUN , run in place right there, stomp your feet which distracts you from the sound of your pounding... exaust that adreanalin rush so that your mind can relax and allow the need to breath deeply to kick in naturally.

Iv often wondered if we arent building up these stress hormones to such high levels in our muscles and systems that they start bubbling up and 'bursting' causing these fits of flooded hormones that drive the body into reacting.

*with much apprication and respect for the wisdom shared here, bows deeply and leaves circle*
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You guys are wonderful!!  I am so glad that I found this forum.
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370181 tn?1716862802
You're very welcome Sweety. And you showed us all just what kind of person YOU are by reaching out to someone else in pain when you were trying to deal with so much of your own.
I wish you could just take the rest of the night off, unfortunately our obligations frequently prevent us taking the time we need for ourselves. Push through it as best you can, keep taking those good, deep breaths and know that in just a few hours hopefully) you will be in bed and that tomorrow is a new day. You have some stuff to deal with, but you're obviously a strong person at heart, and will handle what the fates have thrown you. Before I say good-night Jess, please talk to your doctor about your anxiety. Knowledge is power!
Have a peaceful night.
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242912 tn?1660619837
Just came in.  Wow---you are all so supportive and encouraging.  I am so honored to be a part of such a positive, caring group of people.  You all are wonderful!!!

Hope your feeling better Jess : )
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Thank you all for your help, you have no idea how much it means to me to have this support system. God Bless you all!!
I am extremely tired right now and I don't much like this feeling, like I said, almost stoned or drunk tired, I guess just my body in the come down phase???? I really don't like this seeing as I have so much more to do tonight!
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366811 tn?1217422672
OK then, just the usual day-to-day problems: mortgage check bounces, parents split up, large rocks are falling from the sky, your car was stolen, terrorists just bought your neighbor's house and Hillary Clinton is at the front door looking for campaign contributions.

I don't get it....what's the big deal here?

For heaven's sake, Jess....

Let me ask you this: if the mortgage payment was processed normally and mom and dad just told you they were going to rededicate themselves in a special ceremony    -do you think you would be having a panic attack just now?

Neither do I. If ever there was a "normal" panic attack -THAT was it. You are richly entitled to it.

I'm not trying to poke you with a stick, here - I PROMISE I'm not, but the triggers are pretty clear. That said, we'll get to work on processing what these events imply more deeply. But for now, half the battle is knowing where these puppies are coming from; and THAT MUCH you do know. Your reaction makes complete sense.So, now that you know -AND have the situation under control, the crisis has passed. And, as you can see, a lot of people who care about you appeared, and so it shall always be. And, as Greenlydia has pointed out -you took time to help someone else!  You've done ALL the right stuff. It is almost as though someone put you through the acid test -and you passed with flying colors. Put THAT in your pipe and smoke it (well, you know what I mean). Nice work!

Expect us to be all over this and back you up all the way!


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370181 tn?1716862802
I see that just a few minutes ago you cared enough about someone else to hold out your hand to them...............way to "pay it forward" girl. I'm very impressed.
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370181 tn?1716862802
What you are feeling is normal. Very, very normal and common! All of these symptoms will pass, I promise!
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370181 tn?1716862802
I missed the post about the bounced check and the split up! Either one of these would contribute to an anxiety attack, but both at once is a true double whammy. Add to that the hidden stress of helping your daughter and her friend get ready for a dance when your mind is imploding with all that other stuff........good godfrey woman! We are only human. You had a meltdown, big time. I still say take the time for yourself right now, those other problems are not going anywhere. Deal with them when you feel rested and your head is clear. Keep taking some nice deep breaths. It's all gonna work out in the end. It always does.
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I still just feel "stoned", "drunk" tired almost. This is normal????? I just feel out of it, like I might colapse, just need some reassurance this is normal to feel this way after an attack??
Thanks guys so much for helping me through this!!!!!
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370181 tn?1716862802
Jess..........I know many people feel the way you do right now. After I have a bad panic attack, I feel extremely weird, and unbelievably exhausted......and yes, I could describe that feeling as "stoned like." It's a very unpleasant feeling.
You say "the problem remains though." What problem are you talking about?
Since you said you knew what was happening and you're feeling much better now, I don't think you need to go to the ER. Help your daughter and her friend, which will help YOU get your mind off yourself and then do something to really relax yourself. A hot bath, a brisk walk, something funny on the TV, a book you're reading, a cup of tea and the family photo album, call your best friend, write in your journal..........and let us know how you're feeling. You're gonna be just fine!
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346570 tn?1267500027
Yes being tired is normal. You're heart just had a huge workout. I'm glad the breathing worked for you, it almost always does for me.

And um yes, I would have had one too if I had the news you did.

You will be ok, just keep breathing , and relax.

I'm glad you took control of it, way 2 go!

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Right before the panic attack hit me, I found out my mortgage check bounced and my mom and step dad are splitting up, maybe that triggered it??
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Okay, I did some breathing exercises and my heart rate is fully normal now, I am not panicky, nor am I as lightheaded. The problem remains though, I am extremely tired!!! Almost stoned like, is this normal after a panic attack? Should I still go in? I feel like I should since everyone on here says I should?????????
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366811 tn?1217422672
The key words: "I KNOW WHAT IT IS." (I just KNEW you knew that!)

Put that together with what Crystal told you -and go to the dance. Check in later when you've had a chance to think about what immediately preceded the panic. We'll connect some dots at that time. This is NOT easy Jess, we know.

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370181 tn?1716862802
How are you feeling right now Jess? If you are STILL feeling the same way, get to the ER! Your daughter and her dance will just have to wait and her embarrassment should not be your main concern right now. Sounds harsh, and I suppose it is. I fully understand all the "what if's" you're asking yourself right now. Those are some killer questions!
Crystal writes much good advice. Do the breathing. Have you ever been told about "over-breathing? When your body goes into panic mode, you overbreath............you take very shallow breaths at a very high rate of speed which throws your blood sats (the amount of oxygen in your blood) totally out of whack) To restore the balance of carbon dyoxide in your system, hold a paper bag over your nose and mouth, hold it rather tight so outside air doesn't get in, and then try as hard as you can to take some nice deep breaths.......you'll know when your breathing is returning to a more normal rate when you see the bag inflating and deflating at a slower rate. You should also, at this point, begin to feel your heart rate go way down, which alone will help your anxiety. As the level of carbon dyoxide is restored to normal, the panic will subside. You want to breath into the bag for about 3 or 4 minutes only. Much longer and your blood sats will go the other way and that's not what we want. If putting a bag over your mouth and nose causes you to feel panicky, you can acheive nearly the same thing by cupping your hands over your nose and mouth. Some people find this less "claustraphobic," but it's not as effective.
How are you now?
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346570 tn?1267500027
Try this first...


You can start to take control this very minute - right now - using your breath. Here we go...


Take a deep, deep breath through your nose. Deeeeep - and slow - and release it slowly through your pursed lips - like blowing a kiss - all the way out...


Once more - another deep, deep breath - in through your nose - count up to 8 -

Sit up straight so you can fill your lungs all the way to the bottom - and very slowly, very gently - out through your pursed lips as you count down from 8...

Close your eyes, relax your muscles and allow the tension to leave your body.


And one more deeeeep breath - in through your nose - and - blow kiss - out slowly and gently through your pursed lips. And relax your muscles - all over - every muscle - just relaaaax - like butter - like crusty, old snow melting on a warm, sunny day - from the tip of your head to the tip of your toes.

Feel a bit better? I hope so.

If this doesnt help read my other posts in my journal....they help me alot.

If that doesnt work....go to the er.


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Because I know what it is but the "what ifs" are coming. Plus, my daughter has a friend over and they are getting ready for a school dance and I don't want to ruin it with ANOTHER trip to the ER, how embarassing for her!
Should I go?
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366811 tn?1217422672
Why NOT go to the ER?
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