370181 tn?1716862802

To All New Posters

As one of the CLs on this forum, and for the old timers who respond a lot, I would like to ask all of you new to the forum to PLEASE give us a little more information to go on besides your username. It helps us tremendously if we know how old you are or if you're male or female. And if the question is about a particular medication, it really helps if we know what else you're taking. Also, if you have more than one symptom, please list ALL of them in your original post. It is very difficult to respond to your concern of a rapid heart beat only to find out, 8 posts later, that you "forgot" to mention you also have high blood pressure and are going through menopause, that one testicle is larger than the other and you just had your left foot amputated. We need information! It's also nice to know where you live.........we could be neighbors.
34 Responses
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668152 tn?1226070856
what does my one testicle have to do with anything?  
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370181 tn?1716862802
I dunno........that maybe you're responding with only half a brain?
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672514 tn?1265655141
talk about neighbors, (well before I moved here to San Diego  6 weeks ago), nice to here from someone from Nebraska.
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Great answer!!!!!
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668152 tn?1226070856
one testicle and half a brain?  i am screwed
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370181 tn?1716862802
They just don't get it, do they? LOL
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I think that a male's testicles are different sizes anyway....no two testicles are alike.  Kind of like snowflakes.

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370181 tn?1716862802
SNOWFLAKES? LMAO. The point being that having ONE testicle left a man with only HALF a brain...............but thank you for driving that point home!

I feel a funny thread coming..................

(To new posters: We do this sometimes for comic relief, so feel free to add a giggle)
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668152 tn?1226070856
so now you giggle at my lack of brains and testicles?  what kind of site is this?  i'm here for support people.  i better go take an extra zoloft.
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370181 tn?1716862802
I support you in your decision. (See. LOT'S of support here!)

Glad you're here with your sense of humor.
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370181 tn?1716862802
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370181 tn?1716862802
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Hey Elhille,
   I think we may have dated in the past. You sound like the type of guys I attract: one ball, half a brain! HA!
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370181 tn?1716862802
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370181 tn?1716862802
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365714 tn?1292199108
With things like anxiety sometimes things like comic relief are a big help. They say laughter is the best medicine.
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370181 tn?1716862802
So very true and it's sad that those of us with anxiety/panic issues find it so difficult to laugh. It's hard to giggle when you think you're having a heart attack.
Maybe the pharmaceutical companies should come out with a "giggle pill." They'd make a fortune and we'd all no doubt be locked up at the "Funny Farm!" But maybe at the "Funny Farm" we'd have fun.............
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668152 tn?1226070856
they make giggle pills.  do you want some?
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370181 tn?1716862802
Yes please. And the larger the dose, the better.
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668152 tn?1226070856
ha, i'll have santa drop some off for you when he leaves my house.
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326947 tn?1252591233
PLZ have santa drop some off at my house too, Haha
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560272 tn?1311350293
hahahahaha.......this post made me laugh.........especially the one testicle/one brain theory. TOO funny. :o)
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370181 tn?1716862802
And so true,eh? LOL

By the way..............GREAT poll you've got going. I am one of the slobs in the big orange pie wedge!  :(
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