396332 tn?1320003615

heart anxiety

I honestly have had the worst heart anxiety ever since I had 2 bad panic attacks and was rushed to the hospital (thinking I was having a heart attack). They did 2 EKG's and 2 Cat Scans on my chest. Everything came back fine. I was put on cymbalta and klonopin when needed. I still am always concious and nervous about my heart. Think about it everyday like 20 times a day. I get symptoms like indigestion/burping (lately a lot I dont know why)/ left arm and shoulder hurting (which I guess they say I have nerve messed up in my neck)/ Heart palpitations a lot/ light chested/ f fasiculations (right now only on my left arm) and some shortness of breath. I also quit smoking right after these panic attacks and will never smoke again. I have been to countless doctors. My question is why do I still have these problems. Also when I think about it , it gets a lot worse! I hate going through life like this.  You can see from my symptoms why i get a little worried. But I have had 2 cat scans/ x rays/ ekg's I mean is this all contributed to anxiety! Thanks
21 Responses
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11058597 tn?1414960216
I have severe anxiety that has been plaguing me for over a month now... And It's horrifying to say the least. I'm also always freaking out about my heart. I get a lot of palpitations and fluttering feeling in my chest and heart racing. Sometimes I panic because I can't feel my heart beat at all even when I check my pulse and I freak because I think I heart is gunna stop.  My heart jumps from everything. Especially noises. I feel my heart jump in my chest with every little sound. Have had chest pain and stay up all night terrified to close my eyes and fall asleep because I think my heart might stop beating... I think my boyfriend is feed up with my constant attacks and repeated hospital visits. He's ticked at the amount of debt I'm digging from my hospital visits. They charge you thousands of dollars every time to sit in a waiting room and get some tests done. I've had 3 EKGs, 3 exrays and blood work done. I also had a heart ultrasound. I'm only 25 and I feel guilty every time I go to the ER because I know my boyfriends at his breaking point with me.
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i too also suffer from severe panic attacks i get chest pain, and pain in my left arm and shoulder, i also get jaw pain (i have tmj) ive had three ecgs and they all come back normal, just with a high pulse which is normal for anxiety. I am so scared all the time i am now on prozac and serquol to help me sleep, only have been on them for a month but sill get panic attacks every now and then, its so debalitatng, If its not my heart then i think its my brain it never ends
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Hi my name is JessaRae I'm 18 an I no I'm late but just like you I have been surfing the internet it's be 2 months now since I had my first panic attack and went to the hospital and they diagnosed me with axiety.. And ever since then I haven't had a panic attack but scarf symptoms exactly like yours my head hurts off an on all day my chest hurt off an on all day in the middle and around my breast my chest is heavy almost all day and shortness of breath and a weird lump in my throat where it's hard to swallow some times and all so a weird feeling I think it's a cold sensation in my throat in chest it's kinda hard to tell I cry all the time it takes over my life and the dr is always telling me it's anxiety and the test come back fine always I'm so depressed and think about itall the time which makes me cry all the time expecially when I am going to bed I think everyone thinks I'm crazy and a hypochondriac idk what to do and I am starting to come Xanax dependent too... I don't want to be but nothing will help I've learned to control my self when I become freaked out from a symptom I pretend I'm fine and tell my self it's just axiety. I want it to all go away...
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It's been 3 years since I last commented on this post and I have the exact same symptoms as before.  Makes me feel a little better that I've dealt with this all before and I'm still alive and no heart attack but it still consumes my day worrying constantly that there is something wrong with my heart.  I'm currently going to see yet another cardiologist tomorrow to get some confirmation that it's not my heart.  The mind is an evil thing and I just can't take this constant worrying.  I know have a 6 year old and a 16 month old to worry about.  I just can't take this anymore, I need help....
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This is crazy how many people out there r suffering...its not fair or right...
i suffer all the symptoms n sum. i just got.a stress test done today n was told i have tachycardia, but the test itself was normal. what is tht???.i feel its more. i wud take naps w my 16 mo. old n wake up w heaviness in chest for a while. i take a xanax n it goes away sometimes. progressively gotten worse over the last 7 months in n out of hospital for numbness, tingling, sharp pains in chest, pain in legs, dizzy, nausea, pain in right jaw to ear...etc. its the worst. death, heart attack, stroke, n every other horrible thing possible is wht i feel is going to happen if i don't to to er. i kno they r like "this dumb *** hypocondriac is back...once again" i haven't been in a lil ovr a wk which is a record for me... i want to go right now. i have bad pains in my head. I've had it for ovr a wk now.
Its so hard to function n concentrate. totally taking ovr my whole entire life, relationship n i can't properly care for kids wo feeling of irritation or pain of heavy chest. I've become xanax depenent...sort of. only .25
I'm also a diabetic type 2 so i think the worst of all my symptoms since I'm at higher risk.
Drs have done test after test...nothing, but tachycardia which is pretty serious as well, n tht wasn't frm my primary or the er.
I'm scared for myself n i fear.for my kids. the internet has become my best friend in terms of locating symptoms, forums, but its also the devil n sometimes makes things worse. I'm very paranoid n like i said, only been like this in the last 7 8 months.
my anxiety comes on when i have a certain symptom. tht is y I'm so convinced its something else n can't b just anxiety...this is horrible! Some days i wanna just curl up n just cry n cry n cry :(  the worst at night wen I'm all alone n there is noone to talk to. or i see a commercial or anything with stroke, heart attack or anything like tht...pad commercial. its bad n i just want it to all be ovr with...plz!!!!  ...don't know how much more my body/family can take...
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hey two years to late but still findinf comfort in your commments.  All that happened to you has happened to me.  Thinking about it right now I a going through a spell.  Im guessing that the ones that went to a doctor were giving an anxiety drug.  Did it work and make you feel better?  Most likly it did, and if it did you have nothin to worrie about because you would of felt the same if it was anything serious.  One other little thing that has helped me get my mind of off the wierd feelings in my chest and left arm and anything that I think about kinda just comes up, is to, sounds wierd and nasty but, play with yourself a little, masturbate.  I dont know why it just works.  There is of course a uforic feeling thats comes across your body and your heart gets the sensation of being strong again.  Im with you all, you give me strength as i hope I do to you.
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765775 tn?1366024691
For me the pain is actually in the center of the chest but I have found it is coming from the muscles attached to my breast bone. When they are tensed alot they tend to become inflamed and hurt.
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Jackie, First off, I'm so sorry about your  loss. I have a daughter myself and could not imagine losing her. All I can tell you is that God made your daughter an angel, I know my words are of no help but remember that the short time she was on this earth she had a purpose. You daughter will forever live in your heart.  

I'm relieved to hear someone else feels that cold rush because it is the weirdest thing I have ever felt. the first time I felt it i literally thought I was dying. Do you or anyone else get face pains? I feel my face hurting and my shoulders.
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876405 tn?1243508286
I can definately relate to be afraid to fall asleep at night and the ER/heart attack thing. I am constantly thinking that the pain is related to a heart attack..It is usually on the left side of my chest and is a dull pain, but then goes away. It is not crushing at all, so i guess that is a good sign..I have had anxiety most of my life actually and now it is starting to creep up on me. Do you guys feel that Anxiety has affected your health? I truely believe that anxiety and stress has caused my High blood pressure..Have any of you tried yoga or relaxation techniques? I am going to start soon and maybe get some counseling or something. I have had some unfortunate things happen in my life and it has made me an even paranoid person that I was to start with. (Lost my 2 month old daughter last year to a rare congenital heart defect..and was given a 90% chance of survival..) I try to stay positive, but sometimes it is hard.

Chrissie: yes, I have gotten the cold rush thing whenever my heart skips a beat, i feel almost "unreal" and detached from my body, it is a strange feeling..

Red: thank you for the reassurance..it is scary, but you are right..it is best to remain logical about the pain and not freak out and panic about it, it only makes it worse. Is yours usually a painon the left side? I usually get it there, and I figure that a heart attack would be more in the center of the chest and would be a crushing pain like an elephant is sitting there..I could be wrong, but that is what I've hear.
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Has anyone ever experienced lower back pain and neck pain with anxiety? It's almost everyday I experience a new symptom. At times, I'm not even thinking about it, I can be totally relaxed and BOOM! I start having anxiety. I could even be happy and laughing and I get it. I don't understand why if I'm ok I start having it. Does this happen to anyone else? I try not to think about it all day, I keep myself busy doing things but sometimes it doesn't work.
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765775 tn?1366024691
I apologize, the medication change is for Jackie. I think I gave you the same advice in the heart forum.

The rest of my advice you may both want to try and see how it works for you.
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765775 tn?1366024691
The change in your blood pressure medication could have magnified your symptoms. This just happened to me last month. My doctor took me off of Cardizem CD after 17 years and put me on Norvasc. This caused me to have severe palpitations and I had to be taken to the ER by ambulance only to be sent home five hours later and told there was nothing wrong with my heart.

The medication that you were taking also slows the heart so depending on what your taking now it could be a factor to what is going on with you right now.

As I said, I have HBP and Mitral Valve Prolapse so I have a tendency to over-react if I get indigestion. You just have to learn to deal with it by knowing quickly what to check for. It is difficult because anxiety can give you the same symptoms as a heart attack and if you have hypertension it is even worse.

I always have found that if I can notice that any chest pain changes with movement then you know your not having a heart attack. With a heart attack the pain will be steady, crushing or constricting and will not change if you move your arms or press on your chest muscles. When you have chest pain from anxiety it is usually from you tensing your chest muscles and will vary as you move around.

I know it is not easy but you have to learn to talk yourself out of these episodes when they occur by simply telling yourself that it is anxiety that is causing what is happening and you are not going to let it beat you. I think you will find over time that if you are able to do that it is effective. You have to keep in mind that this has happened to you before and you are still here. Focus on that and you won't be thinking about dropping dead every time you feel a pain or some discomfort.

Good Luck.
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Thank you very much Shell. I also freak out a lot and always say to myself I should go to the ER. I always think I am Having a heart attack. The things I feel are so weird. I stay up hours during the night just reading the anxiety symptoms to reassure myself. I'm so thankful I found this site!
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Your not alone with bedtime anxiety.  I used to pray every night that I would wake up in the morning.  It's funny I would always be scared to fall asleep but that was when I felt my best.  As far as the "cold rush" and the "heart melting" sensations, I've never experienced them.  I am blessed with constant chest pressure, rapid heart rate, and skipping beats.  I wish I could offer you some insight on this, but I have nothing.  I do sympathize with the feeling that your going to die.....not a day goes past that I don't think of going to the ER because I'm afraid that I'm having a heart attack.  It's very difficult to have health anxiety....every little thing gets me worked up.  It stinks when you realize that you have anxiety, but at least we can SOMETIMES realize that we will not die from it.  Good luck to you and keep me posted.

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have any of you ever felt like a cold rush go through your body? Then right after your heart starts beating really fast? I have not been diagnosed with Anxiety but from what I read I'm sure I have it. I have ALL the symptoms!! At times I feel I'm going to die! I hate the feeling. I know this is going to sound weird but I don't know how else to describe it, sometimes I feel as if my heart were melting! I don't know, but I feel such weird things. It all gets worse at night when I go to bed. I can't sleep and I stay up for hours thinking that if I go to bed I'm going to die. When I started reading that other people felt what I felt I was relieved thinking I wasn't the only one. I'm glad I have someone to relate to.
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876405 tn?1243508286
I have been having the same issues lately, but there really is something wrong with my heart. I have high blood pressure, constant PVC's for the past 3 months and chest pain. It started ever since my dr. took me off of metoprolol (blood pressure med).. It is scary and its all I think about..that I am going to drop dead any minute..So I know the feeling..
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I have the EXACT same anxiety problems.  I am constantly worrying about my heart.  I have a constant chest pressure, left shoulder and left arm pain, left sided neck and jaw pain as well.  I have the "classic" angina/heart attack symptoms but I have had so many tests in the past 2 years on my heart that all my doctors are convinced that it is not my heart.  I am only 30 years old and I don't have any cardiac risk factors.  I do have thoracic outlet syndrome (left side), hiatal hernia and GERD which all can contribute to my symptoms.  I just always have that feeling "what if it is my heart this time".  If you go into my profile you can see all my symptoms and tests I have had.  I just wanted to let you know that you are not alone out there.  I can go months with no symptoms and then BAM it hits me again. You can go through my posts and see that I have periods when I am not on here.  This episode has been going on for about a month now.....long one.  My PCP wants me to take Celexa, I got the prescription filled, I just haven't taken it yet because one of the side effects is heart palpitations, scares the **** out of me.  Good luck to you and keep me posted!

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396332 tn?1320003615
mind you i hate when people say go to the doctor- I know to go to the doctor! But this forum is for helping others right?
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396332 tn?1320003615
thanks ive been trying bizzump
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Maybe you should just try to not think about it as much if it crosses your mind just start thinking of something peaceful quickly and keep your mind busy. Worry and stress is a funny thing that causes strange things to your body.
If all the tests came back and were fine try a second opinion also just to make your mind feel at ease.
Take care and best wishes and good health.
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396332 tn?1320003615
also I quit smoking like 2 and half months ago....and im only 23 ...I dont know if that contributes to the symptoms a lot
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