494087 tn?1257793207

Throat closing up & not breathing

Hi everyone I am having a problem with my throat feeling like it is closing up and then I panic because it feels like I am not breathing.  It used to just happen sometimes and now it happens everytime I lay down to go to sleep.  Today I was in walmart and it happend  it really scared me.  My mom and dad told me it is from stress, but right now I dont feel all that stressed.  I was wandering if someone could tell me why this is happening or does it happen to anyone else.  Thanks
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13377218 tn?1429675868
I went to specialist yesterday (21.04.15) for a sleep apnea appointment, When Doctor examined me he said that my tongue is to far back and is very close to the touching my throat, I told him that when lie down I wake up gagging for air. I will be doing a At Home Apnea test in a couple of weeks..... He said this problem with the tongue is usually hereditary... I've had chronic anxiety for about 7 years and this has not affected my sleep. I do think its really important that people see a doctor if they are experiencing changes in their throat or sleeping pattern. My tongue is blocking my throat, this has gotten really bad over the last two weeks..... I now people try to help, but PLEASE leave these things to a Doctor.... I live in Epping Vic Australia
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Hi. It's interesting that in all the comments I haven't seen the one other common thing this could be. How would I know? I have Asthma. The feeling seems to be exactly the same as an anxiety attack but it is NOT the same. Sometimes the attacks are proceeded by a cough. I did not have any problems until I turned about 50 and since has been an off and on problem. The biggest issue is when I can't breathe properly I then start o get an anxiety attack on top of if. Check with your doctor, SOON.
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It is SLEEP APNEA. I have it and you need a  CPAP machine. It makes it impossible for your throat to close as it keeps a constant pressure against you breathing. Not hard to get used to but compared to being dead tired during the day and freaking out about not being able to go to sleep without the fear of suffocating it is a wonderful thing. If you can't afford one look for something like here in Texas ( Dept of Assistant and Rehabilitative Services) DARS. It is a state funded organization. I did and the sleep study and the equipment were FREE... get that? FREE.
Also to help you to sleep ( Disclaimer: I am not a Dr. and am not giving medical advise) but I take Melatonin, Valerian Root and L- Tryptophan all OTC and natural. Start with 2 - 5 mg Melatonin, 2-4 500 mg Valerian Root and 2- L-Tryptophan. Take at least an hour before retiring. As an added kick, a couple glasses of red wine and you will sleep, the anxiety will subside allowing you to relax. Also look on Craigslist where you can find used CPAP equipment. It is a medical device and this is a way to get what you need without the expense. I have a Resmed S-10 set to 12 on the airflow. You can adjust it. Believe me if you are waking and gasping you have sleep apnea.... for sure.... Good Luck ... Greg
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hi when I breath in and out its like a weight on my throat and my heart seem as if its racing
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I have a similar condition. I have COPD, Pollen Allergies and Acid Reflux.  If I sleep on my back occasionally my airway feels like it closes off.  No inhale or exhale is possible at all.  In my case, my doctor has said it is a combination of things. If even 1 drop of stomach acid enters the lung it can trigger this event, thus from the acid reflux. It feels like my entire sinuses dump into my airway, thus from sinus congestion from pollen allergies.  My years of smoking has limited my breathing process awake or sleeping, thus the COPD. Over the counter medications will help with the allergies and reflux, also don't eat too close to bedtime and limit late night alcohol. Try the OTC medicines and see what works for you. COPD, get an inhaler. Talk to your doctor about that. If you don't want others to suffer this, use any means necessary to get them to stop smoking, drinking to excess and late night snacks. Emphasizing these things is paramount when talking to young people. Chasing them a club works too. Good luck.
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Hello.. I have the most unusual throat issue and I don't know where it all started.  What happens to me is I will feel a slight throat spasm and then it will totally close off.  No air at all.  This will last only a few seconds and then my throat muscles will relax.  It usually happens when I am just getting into a sleep state but it also happens during the day.  My worst problem with it is that I cannot just put a piece of food in my mouth or guzzle down something to drink without making sure my throat is not spasming (spelling) first.  If it is, it will totally close off.  I just want to be able to eat and drink like normal people.  so I can relate when you say "will I ever be normal again?". I do attribute it all to anxiety but there has got to be an answer. I am now going through a burning sensation throughout my body which I am not sure what that is either. Is anyone going through this as well?
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This is my first time and I'm scared, I can't breath and it feel as if my throat
is closing up, it's a tight feeling like I'm about to chock. Please help me..
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I was having a similar problem. The frequency of my not being able to breathe was increasing during the day and night. I was only getting a few hours sleep each night because I had to keep jumping up in a panic. During the day I was trying to manage the problem but as afternoon wore on I was struggling to swallow and breathe. In desperation I googled for a few hours and hit upon some things that have really helped.
1. I gave my vocal cords a rest- no humming or singing and less talking
2. I boiled caraway seeds and drank the tea from it
3. I swallowed raw honey and let it slowly slide down my throat
I immediately felt relief and was able to sleep for about 8 hours that night.
I think they relax the throat and the honey and caraway seeds are meant to help with bacterial infections. Apparently, the throat keeps tensing up (which is the brain getting in the way) so you have to really focus on trying to rest and relax your throat. Hope this is helpful :)
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This is not anxiety actually. This is one type of sleep apnea. Which can be due to so many linked in reason. for instance.

1- Respiratory blockage  may be

2- Check your tonsils it may be due to that

check this link

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I have anxiety attacks while Im sleeping, I guess I stop breathing and start digging at my neck with my nails and end up covered in blood. I hate this.!!! Its not sleep apnea.
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hi guys im from manila philippines, all i read here is happening to me i start i cough and phlegm will go and start to close my windpipe i'm scared for to 2 week, my attack start at 2am - 5am everyday i consult a doctor, and purchase a high anti biotic and don't get good result but i research i found Luyang dilaw here also called Turmeric, i buy fresh for p20, 5 small pack, then  i crash a finger size turmeric and boiled 2 cups water, i drink this 3x a day for 1 week i see result for 4 day but don't use any medicine, now i everyday drink turmeric tea 2x a day nice result for me, and i hope my experience help out everyone who suffer like me.
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I have suffered from anxiety since I was about 12 years old. I remember as a child constantly having a feeling of needing to clear my throat when I laid down to sleep at night. That went away until a few years ago and now every other day almost I feel like I am having a heart attack. There feels like there is a lump in my throat and I can't swallow..... I wake up out of my sleep gasping for air. I have been to the Emergency room countless times... They have done everything just about as far as tests go.... I have seen a cardiologist, had a brain scan, and had all my levels tested... They all say anxiety.. I, too, am a Christian and have to agree with this being some sort of spiritual battle, possibly a battle in the acceptance of the fact that we all die... Once we accept that death is inevitable, the fear will then go away... I believe it is all about how we are taking care of ourselves... We need to eat right, exercise, stay at ease in our minds, and keep peace in our lives and I believe these sensations will cease or atleast decrease... What do we all have in common?? Are we all overweight... Do we all drink or smoke??  How old are we all and what are all of our spiritual beliefs and views towards death?? Maybe, if we answer these questions, then we can narrow down the cause... IF WE CAN FIGURE OUT THE REASON AND STOP OR FIX THE CAUSE then maybe, just maybe we can GET OUR LIVES BACK.... any suggestions??
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I have always experienced this. my throat feels like its either closing or something is stuck and sometimes i have to cough. I have had it at random times through the years. usually it last for a  few days then stops and at random times during the years. I probably still have asthma but i never use a inhaler. I did when i was in school sometimes. Once in school it got pretty bad and i could not stop coughing went on for the whole class, even after using my inhaler it still continued. But it seems like i have kinda grown out of that never have issuses with breathing or dust or anything. Except for this whole throat thing..
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5331153 tn?1372067975
I am searching for answers to some strrange things that have been happening to me lately.  I just happened to stumble onto this site and well, we will see.  I also have been experiencing my throat closing lately.  Most of the time its at random times, but it seems like i can almost bring it on if i look down for too long, or look up - because of the position of my neck and throat.  But to me i am feeling a creepy feeling when this happens.  It feels almost like i swallowed some food and it wont go down my throat.  It just sits there like a lump.  I also feel (as wierd as this sounds) like there is something alive in my throat.  Like it could be moving around.  When this happens, I often see a very strong heatbeat in my skin at the base of my neck.  It doesnt look normal.  I also often see a gray or blueish kind of shadow in my neck at different places.  I don't like it.  Just wondering if others . . . ?    The ACTUAL reason i started writing this was to find out if anyone else is having any eye problems also (in conjunction with the throat).  I know this probably sounds crazy, but like i said.  I HAVE to reach out and ask some questions cause it will push me over the edge if i do nothing.
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Oh wait, after rereading your question. It may VCR! I dunno!

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I have no idea other people go through this.

I use to feel suddenly like I couldn't breathe. Off and on I was anxious and worried. It gets worse especially when I keep focussing on it on how to breathe better and feel less anxious. Overtime, I realised that if I don't focus on it, it will go away. It's exactly what you guys went through!

Then there were times when I feel fine and I get fearful of myself not being able to breathe and I seem to not be able to breathe. It's like a self-fulfilling prophecy. These fears...your mind....
Im a christian and I know fears originate from satan.
Fear to me is a very crippling thing. The unseen, abstract things are one of the most dangerous but underestimated things in life (well that's what I think). Fear is to be afraid of something that you don't want to happen because you think that thing may potentially happen. If it is not going to happen, you won't fear right?. So, if you fear of something it is going to happen.

Ultimately, in the past for me I think as much as I don't want to be aware or admit that I am anxious and breathless, and ignore or suppress it, I realise that it is important to acknowledge it, that it is okay to be anxious and it's not the end of the world that you feel breathless. Afterwards, it's important to manage it which involves your thoughts playing a big role. I've heard from the book called Battlefield of the mind by Joyce Meyers (a christian author) which I will be reading soon and generally in the media that your thoughts affect how you think you feel, you behave.

So, to manage breathlessness, perhaps you could tell yourself reassuring, positive thoughts (because in the end it's just the mind isn't it?). It's what you choose and believe to think.

If you're a christian, definitely pray to God because you may or may not be fighting a spiritual battle. You need God's help. After a while, it'll be tiring to fight your own mind battles alone. So depend on God to get added power lol. I use to not want to tell God this problem I have but believe that I can solve everything on my mind. After a while, I couldn't take it anymore so I started praying. I dunno how God helps but God is God.

Another thing I would mention personally is to do your favourite exercise if you have. If not, you can try exercising. Well, it personally calms me down, provides happy feelings, tones your body, feel better, provides your more energy, and helps you focus on the moves you need to do. (:

Now I don't have as much breathlessness or paranoia anymore, but when I get fearful, I just tell myself to relax and choose to not think about breathlessness anymore and let myself be because I am simply too tired with that mindset and life.

Ok this is long hahaa.

Hope this helps. (:
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Is there a way I can contact you directly? I have had several bouts of throat closure over the years. Many happen at night and truly I struggle greatly to get air. It is like some has me by the throat in a strangle hold. I of course get very scared...try desparately to get snipets of air in and get the bresthing process back to normal. I have been diagnosed with asthma, copd and a very mild case of sleep apeana. Not a smoker....your article really hit home.  may i have an email contact or phone? I had another attach tonight...husband is gone and this one really scared me. I am afriad to go back to sleep. My name is Wendy Headley, I  live in Ohio. Cell number 419.601.0603  home 419.352.6085 what is this website you reference? I am not super comptuer saavy.  i want to know more of your thoughts and theories. Thank you for any help, CArol.
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Wow. I definitely know these feelings. As I type this I feel like my area where my throat meets my chest is causing it for me to be difficult to breathe.

I wonder though, can anxiety and panic cause things physically? Like do we retrain our brains somehow and then it produces incorrect responses?

I hadn't had a panic attack ever. Then I went to visit a doctor for a lidocaine injection for pain and it made me feel terrible despite my vitals all being ok. I shrugged it off eventually after a few days. I then had to move away from home about a month later. While driving through a dusty area (which i have driven through before...) i felt like I couldn't breathe. Sure enough I stopped at a gas station to recoupe myself and got driving again. Eventually felt ok.

Fast forward a few weeks later and I'm in my new apartment and driving home on the freeway in a new area. I feel like all of a sudden I can't breathe. I freak out, pins and needles, lighthead, worry etc. Tell my gf to call 911 and they tell me it was panic basically and all my vitals are fine.

Now I'm researching a million different things. I feel like it caused my allergies and asthma to come raging back when I haven't had a problem with them in years. Does your body send signals after being shocked by a panic attack that it didn't send before? I know I'm stressed but I've been stressed before and this never happened.

I'm visiting doctors now but I feel so hopeless. I'm attempting to read some books about helping anxiety and such but I feel it's a vicious cycle now (I've read linden method, claire weekes, eckart tolle etc) I honestly feel like somehow this caused me to have some type of negative feedback loop and now it's actually a physical problem :(

It doesn't help that I don't trust doctors and feel most of them aren't up to date on research.
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Im relieved to see all of this feedback on this same "irrational" thought/symptom.  Ive been on paxil for going on around 10 years.  Had attacks before but not as severe as they are now.  Just recently i started with the fear of the throat closing and then comes the attack. Went to the ER Friday of last week for it and now im almost anticipating an attack all the time.  Anytime i have any scratchiness or the feeling of not being able to breathe, i almost immediately panic.  I know you have to tell yourself that its not actually closing and everything is fine, but in the midst of an attack or racing thoughts, feels damn near impossible.  Almost feels like my tongue is somewhat swelling and making it real hard to breathe, but when im not focusing on this, it has never happen.  Never in my life has my throat closed from anything and i know its not going to happen.  I have no allergies except for the very, very occasional seasonal attack.  Does anyone have any idea on ways to cope with this? Just the rational talk helps tremendously.
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Ive been having the feeling that my throat is closing up and I feel like im short of breath at the same time. I also feeling like my lung numbs up. Been having 24/7 migraines, dizziness, muscle spasms, and neck strain. What scares me the worse is that I feel like air circulation and blood flow is beefing cut of from my head. So depressing.
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My son is suffering greatly when he lies down to go to sleep his throat closes, this has been going on for several years, we've been to more docters than we can count , sleep studies, throat scopes, etc my son is in a desperate situation, the Dr.s have different opinions, everything from vocal chord dysfunction, tone of the tissues flapping above the voice box, acid reflux, sleep apnea, tongue enlarged, anxiety, soft palate reduction, uvula trimming,no two Dr.s concur, my son is ready tro try anything including surgery to his soft palate, and by profession he is a singer, if anyone knows of a specialist that they can recommend, or has any success with this problem please, e-mail me at ***@****    Thank-You & God Bless You
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                                                                        (HOME PAGE)

by Carol Sidofsky

Vocal Cord Dysfunction (VCD) is a hidden, yet common, usually unsuspected condition of throat closure &/or choking sensation that can strike any age, can cause sudden, severe episodes (attacks) ofbreathing difficulty, sometimes with wheezing (whistling or sighing sounds) &/or stridor (harsh, high pitched, ‘windy’ gasping sounds). In the Emergency Room (ER), VCD is usually misdiagnosed as being difficult (refractory, or brittle) asthma, anaphylaxis (severe, life threatening allergic reaction), or hysteria (all in one’s head).
VCD can feel like straining to breathe through a straw. Some cannot get any air in (or out) at all. Panic and fear of dying from feeling that one isn’t getting in enough air, often causes repeated ER visits or hospitalizations. 

The "throat" closure actually occurs inside the voice box (larynx), (behind the "Adam's apple") when the vocal cords go into a "closing-up" spasm.  (See drawing on web-page 1).

VCD attacks can happen at any time, including at night, while sleeping, or, at rest, when exercising, during or after meals, etc.

A VCD patient can have one, several, or even many causes of VCD.

Many doctors, nurses and ER personnel have not yet heard about VCD, even though VCD is common. Although there are many journal articles in the medical literature about VCD, few medical text books even mention VCD, even though VCD has probably existed since time immemorial --like from volcanoes, dust storms, forest fires, "silent" gastric reflux (without heartburn), other medical conditions, etc. 

VCD was seen to exist, back in the 1800's (mistakenly caused hysteria), was written about in medical literature in the 1970's, and later, VCD was studied extensively by Nat'l Jewish Medical & Research Center in Denver, CO in the 1980's to the present/2012. Much confusion existed and still does, from the many different names given to VCD, and from the multi-factorial (many possible causes) nature of VCD. 

Misdiagnosis of VCD as asthma--when the person doesn't have asthma at all--or, has only mild to moderate asthma-- has resulted in many VCD patients unnecessarily taking steroids &/or bronchodilators for years, and even decades, before finally getting correctly diagnosed with VCD.

Also, VCD attacks can happen alone, or along with, some life-threatening conditions. Some of these life-threatening conditions may have symptoms that "mimic" (seem similar to) VCD. Some examples are: severe asthma, severe allergic reactions (anaphylaxis), collapsed lung(s), pulmonary embolism, actual choking, something obstructing or narrowing parts of the airway, spasms of the diaphragm muscle, etc. 

And, (after the patient is saved by Emergency Room doctors), some of these life-threatening conditions, may even cause VCD attacks. One example of this, is pediatric gastric reflux. 

VCD attacks, themselves, can sometimes be life threatening (see webpage 2). And, please see NOTE!!! below:

NOTE!!!: To learn HOW TO STOP VCD ATTACKS, please click onwebPAGE 4. See "VCD attack SURVIVAL GUIDE" on webPAGE 4.To learn HOW TO PREVENT FUTURE VCD ATTACKS, please click onwebPAGE 5 (and web-page 3).
You are now on the HOME PAGE of this website. You can easily get toany of the other 11 web-pages, by "clicking" the mouse pointer/arrow on top of any web-page description you see in theOUTLINE. Or, you can click on top of a web-page number (& the'links' web-page) at the very end/bottom of this home-page.(On most web-pages, you can also click on the silver "back" and "next" buttons.) To see what web-page you are on, look at upper right corner, or bottom, of the web-page. When printed out, each webpage is several pages long. This website has a total of 12 web pages. 

I made this website in the spring of 2001, and I continue to update it (2012). 

OUTLINE of webpages:

1. What exactly is Vocal Cord Dysfunction (VCD)? How is VCD different from laryngospasm?

2. List of some SIGNS (physical, objective--seen, etc. by others) andSYMPTOMS (subjective--experienced by patient) that occur during VCD attacks (and between attacks):

3. How to recognize and accurately diagnose VCD:

4. How can VCD patients and medical people quickly control and treat VCD (stop each attack), during and between attacks? (includes"VCD attack SURVIVAL GUIDE"). Also listed are some life-threatening VCD "mimics" (that have symptoms similar to VCD).

5. What are some causes of VCD, triggers of VCD, aggravators of VCD (that make VCD worse), and associated conditions that may pre-dispose people to develop VCD? (All are mixed together on this webpage 5, since it's sometimes hard to tell them apart).

6. Can VCD be prevented or cured?

7. What medical centers, etc., know a lot about VCD? This includes National Jewish Medical & Research Center, in Denver, Colorado.

8. What VCD Conferences are available in 2012, for medical professionals and allied health professionals? I update this webpage 8, as I learn about upcoming medical conferences.

9. References: medical journal articles, books, internet web links, personal communication with physicians & speech pathologists & VCD patients, and others. Also please click on the "links webpage" below, for more references.

10. VCD support for patients, family, friends, medical people & others. ALSO, tips (ideas & suggestions) that may help cure VCD (ask doctor first):
APPENDIX B: Some GASTRIC REFLUX TIPS for adults & children;
APPENDIX C: Some PEDIATRIC REFLUX TIPS for infants with colic, reflux, etc.
APPENDIX D: Some ERGONOMICS TIPS (body position when using computer, driving, etc.)
APPENDIX E: (added in 2007): Some GLUTEN-FREE (g-f) EATING TIPS (plus how to temporarily avoid milk proteins, corn proteins, soyproteins, etc.) 
APPENDIX F: (added in 2007): Some TOTAL DIARY TIPS (keep daily journal for at least a week. Includes doing "scavenger hunt" using webpage 5, to help add to "total diary")

LINKS webpage:  References: internet web links. (Also see webpage 9.)
DISCLAIMER: The information in this website is not intended to diagnose you. Call (911 or 0, etc.) for an ambulance, or go to an Emergency Room, IMMEDIATELY, for any breathing problems! Then, please see web-page 4, for "VCD Attack SURVIVAL GUIDE". 

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2092330 tn?1375362662
I've also had the same feeling, the night i had one of my worst attack's. I was sitting out the front getting some fresh air, my whole body started to tingle (pins & needles) i looked at my boyfriend and said i cant breathe properly i feel like my throat is closing up, please help me! I was so stressed and scared i just cried begging for help. We went to the hospital, sat down to wait and that was it i was getting very distressed because no one was coming to help me, my throat and nose were even tingling i was petrified. Finally the nurse came and got me took my blood pressure and it was a bit high but nothing concerning she instructed me to take deep breaths which at the time i found quiet difficult, within 45 minutes i had started to calm down. I still get the feeling of my throat closing up but now i can remind myself it is just the anxiety and eventually forget about it.
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I been having the same feeling with the closing throat feeling mines started when I was pregnant with my 5th baby when I first felt it. It comes and goes out of no where and Im not even pregnant anymore and I'm still having the same problem it's almost like I can't breath. I think it's like that because of my weight but I could be wrong so im going to the doctor to get some answers you should do the same if not yet.
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