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Positive ANA?

I have had some minor ongoing health issues.  B12 and vit D, fatigue, with no known cause.  Weight gain (trouble losing), tired, tired, tired.  Little body hair, memory issues, foggy thinking, tingling in extremities (thought to be from low b12) and sometimes weird numbness in my face (cheeks and nose -- but I have a lot sinus infections so have attributed it to this). No energy.

No thyroid problem.

I had a hormonal change and started losing head hair.  I saw my gp, gyn and finally a derm.  The derm ran a ferritin and ANA to rule out cause besides the hormonal.

The ferritin came back at 70.  They told me range was something like 20-160. But I've also read that 70 is pretty high, like 80 is too high.  I'm confused here.

The ANA came back positive at 1:160.  But again, have read that this is not actually a positive result.

Derm just told me to talk to my gp, which I see next week, but I'd like input to know if I should ask her to f/u and if so, with what.

Please let me know your thoughts and what my next steps should be.

Thanks for your help!
22 Responses
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I am not an expert, but there do not seem to be any doctors actually answering questions on this site, so I thought I would jump in.  Knowing that your B12 and D levels are down have you started supplementing to help this?  You already know that some of your symptoms can be caused by low levels.  Have you had tests for Thyroid issues, your symptoms also point in that direction.  Your ferritin levels fall within excepted range, so I don't think that is a problem.  Sometimes we have to believe the lab report.  As for the positive ANA at 1:160, as you say, it is low and does not mean you have an autoimmune disease.  You say you had a hormonal change which can cause all sorts of issues until it settles down again.  If you were going to these doctors because of hair loss all over your body, and you had a low, but still positive ANA, did they say anything about Alopecia?  Alopecia means your hair is falling out.  Alopecia Areata, is an autoimmune disease, which means your hair falls out.  Maybe, maybe not.  Next week ask your GP about it and ask for another ANA  in 6 months if you are still having issues.  
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1756321 tn?1547095325
What is your thyroid results? I gained 9kg in 6 months with a TSH in the mid 3's (so called "normal" range) and both thyroid antibodies high due to Hashimoto's thyroiditis. I've also had severe vitamin B12 (in my case due to autoimmune pernicious anaemia) and vitamin D deficiency. I have permanent nerve damage from vitamin B12 deficiency so I can't stress enough to get those B12 levels in optimal range STAT!
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My vit d was 9. I have been supplementing for over a year and it is now near 50.

My b12 was around 200 but b/c I was having symptoms my gp treated me with injections.  My levels got up to the low 400s.  She sent me to a hematologist who, before looking at my file said, oh b12, this will be easy.  Then told me that I didn't need b12 and she was over treating me.

I've gone to sublingual and my level at last check was high 300s.

Even though both my levels are "normalized" I feel no different.

My tsh was around 1.7.

It's not alopecia.  It is definitely hormonal and it is now getting better.  I just wasn't expecting an "off" result.  All she said was it was positive and to talk to my gp.

Just want to be prepared what to ask her.

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1756321 tn?1547095325
"The lower limit of 200 pg/mL is based on the level which causes abnormalities in the blood (pernicious anemia). In contrast the lower limit in Japan and some European countries is 500-550 pg/mL and is based on the level which causes mental manifestations such as dementia and memory loss." - Health Boundaries - What’s a Healthy B12 Level?

There is an article called "50 Surprising Causes of Weight Gain" which is worth checking out.
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Thanks redstar.  I got the book, Could it be B12, which was an eye opener about the limits.

I switched from the injections b/c they would only give me cyano and methyl is supposed to be better.  I got the sublinguals.

I tested negative for thyroid antibodies.  No one ever wants to test free t4 or t3, but the tsh is in the normal range so I don't know if it matters.

What is your regimen with b12?  How much, how often, by what means?  What range do you try to stay within and have you noticed any improvement at your optimal?  

I've only gotten to the low 400s and that was great according to everyone, but I felt zero difference.
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1756321 tn?1547095325
I take sublingual B12 spray 2000mcg daily. The spray is amazing. :) I do take cyanocobalamin but I have no issues with converting this to methycobalamin. My symptoms show up quickly if I stop taking B12.  To me it's like water!

Not sure what else your symptoms are due to.  I had severe insulin resistance which was one of my reasons for not being able to lose weight (and I was hyperthyroid for a year with no weight loss!), tingling and fatigue as well. I used to eat way too much sugar in my diet but never overate due to a poor appetite.
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1530171 tn?1448129593
Hi GG7714.

Things to consider:

-- Proper Thyroid testing

Thyroid Serum testing is flawed, as it is NOT necessarily  
indicative of  cellular thyroid function! Most conventional doctors order TSH,T3 and T4 at best.
You need Free T3, FreeT4 and Reverse T3 to determine accurately your thyroid function.
You can also do on your own Dr. Barnes Basal Temperature test for thyroid function, just follow the online instructions precisely.

---Vitamin B12

Your levels are still too low!

Inorganic mercury may cause a B12 deficiency in the nervous system
as it accumulates in the Blood-Brain-Barrier and restricts Methylocobalamin (the only form  of B12, used in the nervous system) flow through the BBB.

It is also possible to have normal B12 levels through an MMA test, yet have a B12 nervous system deficiency, so a  test for homocysteine levels in the CSF is needed.

I hope things work out for you.
Let us know.

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Thanks all.  My gp did an mma test but it was after approx. 9 months of injections including weekly load doses.  The hemo confirmed it was valueless after getting the injections.

Don't know if the homocysteine is the same story or if should still be done.

Also, if I don't have thyroid antibodies do I need the other tests?

I had a doc like 10-12 years ago that did them but the result confused him...don't really remember, but I think maybe tsh was normal, free t4 was low but in range  and free t3 was high, only one out of range.  Said it didn't mean anything.

I guess I'll keep doing high doses of b12 and when she tests me every 6 mths see how I do.  I'll look into the spray.

At what level did you feel like you were getting better?  Was it over 500? 600?  And did it take a prolonged period at that level or was it like I'm at 500 and I just feel better.

I know there's no risk to higher b12, so I guess maybe I should just try to get it to 700-800.

Always wonder why with such a broad range docs are good when you just get in it.  If I still feel terrible maybe I'm someone who needs to be higher in the range.  Haven't had one agree with me on that yet.

Finally, should I just repeat the ANA in 6 months?  Is this level just not really indicative of anything.  Clearly don't want to ignore something but also don't want to go on endless unneeded tests.

Thanks again for all the input!
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1530171 tn?1448129593
You need the rT3 (Reverse T3) as well, as the fT3/rT3 ratio is probably the most reliable marker for low cellular thyroid function.
Look for a ratio of over 20 for healthy thyroid function. (divide Free T3 by reverse T3, but make sure you are in the same unit measurement for both.)   Nothing to do with antibodies and antibody testing.

Your adrenals could be dysregulated, due to chronic internal and external  unresolved stress, which is possibly a reason for low fT3/rT3 ratio and one of the  causes is high cortisol.
Paradoxically low cortisol (which is the next phase after unresolved chronic high cortisol-could be years, before the body cannot sustain the elevated cortisol production, resulting in diminished cortisol production!) is another cause for a low fT3/rT3 ratio.

If you're getting Cyanocobalamin shots, you may still have a nervous system Methylocobalamin B12 deficiency.

I would not repeat the ANA till the suspected foundational deficiencies
are TRULY ruled out.  (The ANA at 1:160 is of low diagnostic value.)

Another one you could look into  as your ability to recover with unresolved Vit.D resistance, is compromised, is the following:
Vitamin D Receptor (VDR) gene mutation  ( genetic /autoimmune) or decreased VDR expression, common with Hypothyroid & Hashimoto's sufferers also.
In this case need increased levels of D, above and beyond normal serum levels, for optimum function.
If further testing for this is not an option, then increasing your levels would be a simple and effective Vit. D resistance challenge, as long as you
supplement with Vitamin K2 and Vitamin A, which protect from Vit. D toxicity.

Let me know if you need any more details.


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Thanks Niko!

So, you don't think I should worry or f/u for now on the low ANA?

I should ask my gp to test tsh. FT3, RT3 and FT4.  

As for the vit d and b12 levels, what tests check for the VDR and nervous system deficiency for b12?

Or do I just up the dose?  

Also, I read an infection can also cause ANA to go up. If I have a lot of sinus infections (sometimes take a long time to resolve), could that be the cause of the ANA?

BTW, what is your background...you know so much and it's always such a puzzle!

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1530171 tn?1448129593
Hi again.

-- For B12 nervous system deficiency, test for homocysteine levels in the CSF to indicate any methylocobalamin deficiency regarding the nervous system

-- For VDR , I would just up the dose. 5000 IU  in sublingual drops  daily, is what I would take.
K2 and A supplementation to insure protection from Vit.D toxicity (rare)
K2 moves away calcium from soft tissues(also arteries) and deposits it in the teeth & bones. Vit.D facilitates calcium metabolism, so you want to make sure it goes to the right places.

--ANAs in the lower titres are considered negative, even if they're positive.
As the titres go up, the percentage of healthy people in those decreases.
These are based on statistical models and on their own cannot be diagnostic. They must be considered only with other tests, med. history and symptoms
ANAs can be produced in people with infections (you're right)
when they take certain drugs, sometimes just being related to i.e a lupus patient and more. Too many variables.

---BTW I'm a fast study. Background in Energy Medicine, Cellular Medicine, Hypnotherapy, presently studying Holistic Endocrinology
and doing independent medical research.
Kinda comes natural to me.

---TSH, you can skip this one. Unreliable for tissue thyroid function,
yet the standard??? conventional test for thyroid! Go figure!


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Thanks Niko!

Your background is amazing and your advice immensely helpful.

I really can't complain too much.  The one thing I would change would be my energy level.  To the point that I'm ready to try some herb or such if we can't figure out why I'm tired all the time!

Have you ever heard of or used rhodiola?  Maca?

Thanks again so much and good luck in all your pursuits!
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1530171 tn?1448129593
Don't mention it. Just glad to be of help.

Well, I have used maca, however,  I was not able to isolate any benefits attributed to it directly,
as I also take for energy Co-Q10 in Ubiquinol form, extra virgin coconut oil   in (all my cooking plus I do oil pulling with it), I follow a low carb high alkaline diet, daily meditation and EFT, do cycling, hiking, walking, weight bearing exercise, stay well hydrated and have normalized my breathing (Buteyko breathing techniques- visit the Normal Breathing website), minimized stressors and so on.

They're both good and safe options. Try them, starting with the minimum recommended quantity and see how they work for you.

Of course any underlying causes of fatigue and low energy, (like hormonal/thyroid deficiencies will not be resolved by taking these, but they should help, nonetheless.


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1756321 tn?1547095325
I noticed my memory started to improve about a month after starting B12. I have permanent nerve damage from over the decades due to B12 malabsorption, however the nerve damage that showed up just prior to starting B12 was able to be reversed 90% within a year.

I was down to 122 pmol/L (165 pg/mL). The next lot of labwork I can find is 6 months after starting B12 and my results are 546 pmol/L (739 pg/mL) / homocysteine 6.7 umol/L. Three months after that my B12 was well over the range at 1461 pmol/L (1979 pg/mL). I was taking 3000 mcg of sublingual B12 daily so I cut back the dosage. I get a lot of blackheads all over my chest and belly when I take too much B12.  A random test about a year and half later showed 642 pmol/L (869 pg/mL).
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Thanks Niko,

I may try the Co-Q10.  I did the maca as part of helping regulate my hormones, but like you, couldn't really attribute a difference.

Do you know of any contraindications?

I ordered the b12 and vit D sprays and will start in the next couple of days.  I usually do the K2 and magnesium with the D3.  My gp warned me to be careful with the K2.  Don't know about A...what does that do?

I also use coconut oil for everything and even pulling, which was new to me in the last couple of months.

And, it is so funny about the Butekyo method.  About 6-7 years ago I complained about shortness of breath and for years my only out of range result was my CO2.  My gp said it didn't mean anything and did test my lung capacity (b/c of the complaint of shortness of breath, not CO2 levels) which she said was also fine.  Anyway, I knew I still felt like I couldn't breathe right and searched on the CO2 and the only thing I could find was about incorrect breathing.

I tried it but everyone thought I was nuts so I eventually forgot about it.

Why do you do it?  Did you find it helped?  I'll look into that again.

I don't have your background but have been so desperate to feel better that I've googled everything.  I think the trouble is I'm not educated enough to decipher the good from the bad or understand how everything fits together.  It feels very scattered.

Anyway, I do so appreciate all your help and advice.
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Hi Redstar,

So sorry that you went through all that.  Did you go thru years of no diagnosis?  How long did you have tingling before the b12 was identified?

And, what was the level you felt the best?  I've only made into the 400s but haven't felt better.  This seems to be okay with the docs, but I am going to try to get that level way up and IF I start to feel better, get my level checked so I can determine (hopefully)  what level I feel best at.

What is the correlation with blackheads and high b12?

Thanks so much for your input...feel well!
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1530171 tn?1448129593
Hi GG.

K2 toxicity is NOT an issue, according to medical research and literature.
Deficiency on the other hand IS!
One of the reasons that the world's largest  consumers of dairy (like our countries) also have the greatest incidence of osteoporosis, heart disease, stroke etc.is likely low K2 levels!!!
Your GP is likely generalizing, as it is a fat soluble vitamin using probably outdated information, which I won't be surprised  is still being taught in Med. schools.
Tell your  GP that there's a process called  vitamin K-mediated carboxylation, which correlates to vitamin D levels, ie. when vitamin D is increased, the vitamin K-mediated carboxylation is increased accordingly,
thus depleting vitamin K2 stores in the process, so adequate K2 supplementation is necessary, to ensure safety.
Vitamin A protects against  vitamin D toxicity by decreasing the expression of vitamin K-dependent proteins.

About the Buteyko Technique, I tell you more another time, but for now see if you can do the Control Pause Test and let me know the result.
You may do it several times, just follow the simple online instructions.

Gotta run!


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1756321 tn?1547095325
I have a rare form called juvenile pernicious anaemia (100 per million) and have had symptoms since I was a small child. I pushed for the diagnosis at age 35. Not sure how long the tingling went on for honestly. Possibly a year prior to diagnosis. Could of been longer.

Based on homocysteine, which is excellent at 6.7umol/L, over 500 pmol/L (700 pg/mL) is very good but as I mentioned if I stop taking B12 symptoms start to show up very soon afterwards. I believe too much vitamin B12 can increase oil production (sebum).
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Thanks Niko.

I tried the control pause and I ranged from about 14-20.  So not horrible but seems room for improvement.

The only thing that I'm confused about is that I would have sworn my co2 was high, which sounds like is a good thing.  I'll have to see if I can dig up the results b/c goodness knows I can't trust my memory!

Regardless, there's no harm in trying to improve my breathing.  I have a lot of the problems listed, weight, hay fever, sinus issues, shortness of breath, post nasal drip (newer, constant and driving me nuts!), and I've had two bouts of needing an inhaler after being sick w/o actual asthma (reactive airway).

Could this be the cause of it all (I did see tingling of hands/feet listed!)?  
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Hi redstar,

Sorry to hear all you've been through but so glad you're on the road to better health.  And sounds like you've found what works for you which is amazing.

I do feel that we have to be our own advocates but it is frustrating.

I find that the biggest fix I want is the fatigue.  The other stuff I feel I can either address or deal with if I wasn't so tired!  But it is a constant push for help and b/c of the fatigue I often just give up.

Quite the conundrum!

Thanks for your input and I wish you continued good health!
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1530171 tn?1448129593
Hey GG.

Your CP is indeed somewhat low, when compared to today's modern "normal" subjects at 20-30, which is a far cry from the people in the first decades of the previous century (the earliest official CP record) at 40-50s.

Because of your body- oxygen level at below 20s, you have about a 90% chance of doing chest breathing and only 10% diaphragmatic breathing.

It is easy to test this.
Put one hand over your abdomen and the other over your upper chest and relax. Pay attention to your breathing over the next 30-60 seconds and you will know.
You may ask others to also check your breathing when you're sleeping, resting, watching TV etc, so you can have a wider perspective of your predominant breathing technique.
The long term goal would be to to do diaphragmatic breathing with a CP
over 30.
There are some requirements you must meet before you can achieve this and if they're not on the normal breathing website, let me know and I will
post them.

Low CO2 in the lungs (alveolar hypocapnia) results in low body oxygenation
(celular hypoxia)  and this will self-correct once breathing slows down to normal levels (after retraining).

Getting my CP to about 30-35 has helped me with reducing dramatically (close to zero!) sinus and post nasal drip! It was so ANNOYING!

Your need for an inhaler may just be just a thing of the past, once your breathing gets optimized, should that issue be related to abnormal breathing
which is such an important aspect of  health or rather lack of health lol!
and yet almost totally ignored!!!

Not a sliver bullet by any means, but it will definitely help a lot when it becomes an automatic function. (The subconscious will pick it up after you do a certain number of exercises )

I hope you go ahead with this and enjoy the numerous benefits of better breathing. It is a gift that we all deserve!

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1756321 tn?1547095325
Come to think of it, I believe it was more like 6 months of tingling really and it only happened when I woke up with numb, tingling arms or legs (thought I had slept on it wrong) although it freaked me out as I had to shake my limbs for ages to get full feeling back. By the time of diagnosis my left arm and hand was numb 24/7 which thankfully reversed 90%. I've had many other reasons for fatigue though. Figuring them all out took Dr Google's help! :)

My mother has seen 4 ear, nose and throat specialists who couldn't help her.  The first issue was blocked ears 24/7 for the past 7 1/2 years and the second severe post nasal drip 24/7 for 2 years.  

One day she was eating an icecream cone and her post nasal drip symptom worsened right after eating it. Lightbulb moment! That symptom was due to eating dairy! 6 months of dairy free diet and the post nasal drip went away. Now she can eat dairy again but too much and that symptom comes back.

I finally figured out what is causing her blocked ears when she mentioned her blocked ears worsened after drinking coffee. I found out the diagnosis online: Secondary Endolymphatic Hydrops (SEH). I would I would say is due to her underlying autoimmune disease Hashimoto's thyroiditis. Thankfully we have access to google. It's only then I started making diagnosis after diagnosis!

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