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Testi Pain w/ small "grain of rice" size lump, Abdominal Pain

   Thank you in advance for your time and assistance, I am posting this because starting about six hours ago I noticed pain in my right testi that was provoked and made worse by touching the testi, but only if I touched a specific spot on the right testi, please note it start when I was simply sitting there was no trauma or striking, pinching, or pressure put on the testi at the time of or before the pain start or within the last couple months. The pain would not subside, and I tried to ignore it but began to feel nauses, and noticed pain my lower back near the left kidney. Upon a self-examination when I got home, approx five hours ago I noticed that the pain was originating from the front left portion of the right testi, and even the slightest touch to that area was painful, and thats when I noticed the "grain of rice" sized lump on the testi in the area of the pain, now note that its not so much that the lump is what hurts but rather the area around it when touched almost like the area is swollen or tender. I placed ice in a clothe and placed it on the area, and it helped the discomfort to a point but did nothing for the lump and upon removing the discomfort returned to its level before it was iced. When I laid down on my back I noticed a more profound pain in my back flanks where the kidneys are located on both sides, and a slight pulsing in the lower right quadrant of the abdomen when light palpation of the LR Q of the abdomen was performed, along with pain, tenderness, and guarding in both the LR and UR Q of the abdomen. Now I have had the abdominal pain and almost like migranes constantly for the past year or two, and they removed my appendix in September 2007 thinking the ab pain was appendicitis, but the appendix wasnt swollen when removed.  The pain subsided for about 2 months and returned with the testi pain and the lump and kidney area pain.

Doctor, whats going on?

PS. I work on an ambulance so I am exposed to possible communicable diseases including bloodborne pathogens and STD's (by bodly fluid contact on the ambulance).
7 Responses
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It is very difficult to say without looking at the ultrasound report. I would suggest you to please seek a second opinion on this then your mind will be at ease.


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What do you mean "inside the testicle", from what i feel, and saw, its on the testicle like a growth off of it. The radiologist said that it was a blood vessle wrapped so that would mean that it was on the testicle, right? I just dont kno, very confused.
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This opacity that you are describing is it within the testicle or outside the testicle but inside the scrotum?
If it is outside the testicle the chances of it being cancer are very less but if it is inside the testis it becomes serious.
I would suggest you to seek a second opinion on this. Do keep us posted!
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Doc, I went to see my doctor today, and he did an exam he agreed that he felt a mass about the size of a pebble, but that it did not feel like what would be expected when a cancerous mass is involved. He sent me for a stat ultrasound, and I had it done only a half hour later. Now looking at the US myself I sure as high heavens saw a dark "non-reflecting" opaque mass on the testicule. Now I'm no radiolagist but I know that it sure as hell wasnt supposed to be there. The examiner did look inthused but was hard to read, good poker face lol. But furthermore the results came back and my doc said the radiolagist thinks its just a blood vessel wrapped around itself, now to me it didnt look like it any kind of vessel because it was solitary by itself and it had no appearance of fluid it looked like a mass. Is this a proper diagnosis or should i take the diagnosis with a grain of salt?
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Testicular cancer occurs in men between the age group of 15-50 years. Any lump in testis with or without numbness and pain does raise the suspicion of cancer.
A major risk factor for testicular cancer is undescended  testis, inguinal hernia, orchitis, mumps, lack of physical activity and sedentary lifestyle.
The most common symptoms are testicular lump, numbness or pain in the region, buildup of fluid in the scrotum and lack of sexual activity.
The exact diagnosis requires a histology of tissue obtained by orchiectomy specimen.
Hope this is helpful! Do let me know if you need more information.
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I appreciate your help, and to answer your question I am 18. I do want to state that there is no swelling in the testicles themselves, just the lump. Also it has gained in size, and is now about the size of a pencil eraser. I am supposed to see my doctor for a physical on thursday, but i am going to try to get in tomarrow. Also its not so much radiating it just the area immediately around the lump, and the abdomen and the kidney area pain. What is the possibility of this being malignant?
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How old are you?
The pain and testicular swelling could be because of a testicular cyst or a hydroceles. Both these conditions can cause radiating pains and testicular swelling.
I would suggest you to schedule an appointment with your specialist as you may need to undergo a scrotal ultrasound.
Let me know if you need more information.

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