10030400 tn?1407339282


We were moving to a new city and did not have an apartment so we boarded our cat for 2 days.  The kennel required the feline leukemia vaccine.  I was never warned by my vet of the risks.  My 11 year old cat Rumi got the feline leukemia vaccine June 17, 2014.  Four days later we noticed a lump at the vaccine site.  By July 11, 2014, only 3 weeks later, the mass on her leg was the size of half  golf ball.  The vet suggested we contact the vaccine producer to see if there were other adverse reactions to that batch of vaccine.

The manufacturer Boehringer Ingelheim said that reaction to the vaccine was "rare" and they had never seen a reaction sooner than 30 days after the vaccine was given.  However, they would pay for a biopsy and if it turned out to be a fibrosarcoma they would also pay for the surgery to amputate her leg.  Well, it was a fibrosarcoma and Rumi had her leg amputated August 4, 2014.  Curious how willing Boehringer Ingelheim was to pay for something that was so "rare" in their estimation.  Six weeks ago my cat was happy and healthy and because of their vaccine she now has to recover from major surgery.  This is not the end, I am meeting with a lawyer next week.  Please check out Rumi's FB page JusticeFor Rumi.  If you are interested in banding together, in a legal sense, and have our voices heard contact me at ***@****
19 Responses
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874521 tn?1424116797
hi and thx so much for the update on JJ, so happy to hear the surgery is over and he is recovering well...he's been on my mind this past week, sorry i've had to be absent.
poor little guy, its quite an adjustment, its a huge surgery and to wake up with a leg missing must be traumatic for a time. Is he still on pain meds? I hope so, that could be causing his lack of appetite right now, or the new food..its important he gets back to eating...so give him whatever he wants to get him kick started..than worry abt a certain prescribed diet. For animals with cancer its imperative they be fed a high protien well balanced food and I'm sorry I'm not a lover of any Hill's product esp their prescription diets..but if your Vet insists than you must follow that recommendation. Make sure tho that this particular one has real meat first on label not some meat by-product, for JJ needs a good source of real meat right now esp.

I so agree with you concerning the vaccines, what we think we are doing to protect our pets are in fact causing these terrible sarcomas. many holistic Vets are now saying the first set offers protection for life and those yearly boosters are not needed. as you may imagine there is much controversy over this in the Vet world.

for anyone required by law in certain states to have the rabies vaccine please insist on the ONE year (not 3yr) Purvax non adjuvanted vac. or you can also get the intra nasal one that eliminates the chance of a tumor developing at a vaccine site

keep us updated on JJ...we all have our fingers crossed for him to make a speedy recovery and long good quality of life ahead with his good momma♥
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587315 tn?1333552783
I'm happy to hear that you decided on the amputation and had it done so quickly!  I'm sure that he'll be up and running around in no time.  Keep on spoiling him rotten, he deserves it.
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13463384 tn?1430080069
Thanks to you opus88 and to all..We do the best we can by our animals.
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13463384 tn?1430080069
Howdy..as you can see , our cats look alot alike..I asked my vet about the shot caused the cancers and she said that th vaccine they are using now is safer.. I need more info that this..!! I lost my sweet pup of 14 yrs in March..now dealing with my Jimmie Jam cat..I want straight forward answers about these shots before i get any other pet!! not sure where or from whom to get these questions answered. What guidelines are in place for veterinary vaccines? These cancers are not hereditary I don't think.. I do see that more Persians and big black and whites and more males than females tend to get the fibros..any comments on what action we can take to assure the best for our fur children appreciated!! I live in a smaller town with no holistic vet..Holistic vets may be the answer..will do some research.. Peace and love to all and all of your fur babies..
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13463384 tn?1430080069
Howdy... Not yet a week after amputation...Back left leg healing well..Jimmie Jam CAN walk yet he chooses not to yet..he wants to stay in my big closet. He's a big cat was 17lbs with 4th leg...am babying him of course put him a food and water bowl in closet,,surely he is going to the litter box.. I put him in there yesterday and he pee'ed like a racehorse!! haha..honestly think he is a bit embarrassed by it all!! Vet recommended Hill's prescription Metabolic can food..he doesn't seem to have much of an appetite. Doctor also says that this should have stopped the cancer from spreading... A drastic measure we took here and so hope by big boy can recover to a quality life..this mess of the Leukemia shot is absurd!! we give our cats a shot for prevention of one kind of cancer yet it can potentially give them another!!! what's wrong with this picture??  JJ cancer WAS NOT caused by the shot..he's an inside cat an only had his kitten shots and no more.
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874521 tn?1424116797
hi....I am so sorry you and JJ have to go thru all this, it does take a toll on everyone, bloody cancer!!!

is your regular Vet going to do the surgery? I would feel much better for him and the long term outcome if you were to get a Veterinary Oncologist/surgeon to do this...but I understand when money and timing can be an issue, we have to go with what works for us as well

yes most cats and dogs too do very well with only 3 legs, they adapt exceptionally well.

keep us posted, we are all sending our prayers for you and little JJ ♥
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13463384 tn?1430080069
talked with my regular vet yesterday and he is of the mindset to remove Jimmie's leg..no cat scan..just go in there and get it before it has the opportunity to spread..hoping for the best..JJ goes in for surgery a week from today..
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13463384 tn?1430080069
Thanks for your input Opus88 and to all..will get more info from vet ofc and I have a friend with a couple of 3 legged doggies I think..Texas A&M may be the best place to take JJ and hopefully give him more  years of being JJ. Also considering contacting holistic vets in Austin..none in my heehaw town!! Austin only 100 miles away. I must rest my body and mind today.. I suffer from chronic fatigue and all this stress with losing my wonderful doggie to a heart tumor so suddenly and now this.. is taking it's toll on me..will check back in later in day... peace and love to all..~S & JJ~
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13463384 tn?1430080069
update on Jimmie Jam cat. Had call from vet office yesterday..not JJ doctor but an assistant..said doc wanted her to contact me to see what roue i was considering taking.. At last visit with doctor to check the healing he said let's take the wait and see approach..perhaps if did grow back,..another removal..but with that said we know from the biopsy that we do not have clear edges. Assistant says next step is a cat scan...$800..and either chemo/radiation(which i cannot afford) or amputation of leg...Jimmie Jam is acting like a normal Jimmie Jam cat so far..I'm numb in not knowing what to do. Considering the amputation route..I feel that I need more information from doctor and hopefully can get to talk with him today or tomorrow..So glad I found this group !! Support is comforting and i would welcome any comments or advice please. Thank ya'll for being here.. P.S. I"m in Texas and we have Texas A&M not too far from me in College Station that has a stellar vet hospital. Of course I want the best for Jimmie Jam..he's a strong big boy as you see yet is 11 yrs young..~S & JJ~
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874521 tn?1424116797
Oh I see that now, had to go back and re-read....zodiac queen is right, kitty needs to see a Veterinary oncologist asap..he will need more surgery plus chemo to have a chance at beating this

:(( xoxo
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587315 tn?1333552783
Opus, she wrote that the margins were not clean.

If he were my cat and I knew the margins weren't clean, I would get him to a veterinary surgeon ASAP!! His best chance at a long life will be to make sure all the cancer is removed. A surgeon specialist is his best chance!

I was also happy to read that this was not related to a vaccine! Great news!!
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874521 tn?1424116797
there is a yahoo group for cats dealing with lymphoma  and other cancers, you may find much more info in there if you join(?)
I will give you a link to it below

I also wonder if you have considered chemo therapy? I have read most cats tolerate it very well, with few side effects, that may prolong her life..again I can't speculate on any of that.

when they removed the tumor what were his CLEAN MARGINS??? did the Vet believe he got all of the cancer out or no?

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874521 tn?1424116797
hi....I'm so sad for what your lovely tuxedo kitty Jimmie Jam is going thru. he is a beautiful boy!!
that is actually good news that its not vaccine related, you are right...those don't seem to metastasize as the VAS related ones do.
I do hope you can find a holistic Vet or a good oncology center for him...they would have the most up to date info for you. as you have read most if not all the kitties parents on this site have the vaccine related sarcomas and the outcomes even with surgery haven't been good.
Im also sorry to read you recently lost your pup too...its so sad to loose a close friend of any species.....now you are faced with dealing with this too. I hope and pray that you can find some answers that will help Jimmie Jam live many more happy years with you
keep us posted.....I will post any info I can find in the meanwhile♥
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13463384 tn?1430080069
thank you for your kind words..actually my 2 cats only had their kitten shots and no more..they are inside ..for the most part..unless they accidentally escape...haha cats..so this is a fibro sarcoma not caused by vaccines i'm thinking,.,..also it is located on inside of back leg..noticed it in his belly fat area as a scaby lump!! had the surgery..&1065..he is now healing i think properly. read somewhere that the tumors not caused by vaccinations may not come back as quickly or migrate. so hoping for the best!..So sad that we try to do the best for our babies only to find out that we may be signing their death warrant..feeling a bit disgusted with all of it.  
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587315 tn?1333552783
Hi, if that's your tuxedo baby in your pic, he's beautiful!!  I am so sorry that you're dealing w/ so much between the loss of your dog and now you're cats fibrosarcoma.  I know that ALL cancer suck$, but this one especially since it's caused by the 3 yr rabies vaccine and the leukemia vaccine.  Here we are trying to do the right thing w/ our babies, and then you get the possibility of this cancer!!

Please, if you haven't already, read this entire thread.  It might give you some helpful tips.

Did your cat get any of those vaccines?

I'll keep you and your baby in my thoughts and send a few prayers!

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13463384 tn?1430080069
My 17lb tuxedo cat just had his fibro sarcoma removed about 10 days ago,., Dr said the edges were not clear..i see many of these messages are fairly old here but hoping all cats and owners are making it thru all this horrible cancer mess..A week before this I had to let my 14 yrs old doggie rest in peace due to a cancerous heart tumor..before i get another fog and concerning the treatment of my cat, Jimmie Jam, i want to make sure that I am doing the best possible for them..any and all comments welcomed. Seems like that we are not given the whole story from our vets and am looking for a holistic one in my area.. Austin Tx has a wonderful Central Texas Vet hospital and a heart specialist too but i'm 100 miles away. KNowledge is POWER!! together maybe we can get the powers that be pay attention to our concerns and treat our pets with moreknowledge than being influenced by the mighty dollar!! I"m heart broken and pi$$ed that we put our trust in vets and don't seem to be getting the best care for our fur children  
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Hello Jilly,

Your kitty , Rumi, is gorgeous. As CML commented, once Rumi is healed
he will adapt to living with only three legs. However, I am very glad to hear that you have consulted a lawyer. I agree with you that the manufacturer of the feline leukemia vaccine was quick to offer to pay for a biopsy and pay for surgery considering it is a " rare" reaction to the leukemia vaccine.
I am definitely going to check out Rumi's FB page. I am also praying for
Rumi's complete recovery. We here at the cat community are also pet parents of our beloved feline companions. I wish you and Rumi well.
Eve ( one of Sammy the cat's caretakers and Sam's mom )
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7052683 tn?1392938795

Oh! ...and by the way Rumi may have lost a leg, but not his good looks. He will still be breaking hearts with that gorgeous face. LOL!
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7052683 tn?1392938795
Hi Jilly,

I cannot believe this just keeps happening....AAAARRRGH!!!! How do vets continue to get away with giving these vaccines, know the adverse effects.
The Vets should be required to have a form that must be signed , so that you are aware of what can happen and opt out as choice. Yikes, tis is crazy. Not only this but some vets still do not get it--vaccines should only be considered for outdoor cats, and NEVER if the immune system is compromised by an illness at the time of vaccination.

My cat has plenty wrong with her, but is now an indoor cat and I say the Hell with the vaccines. I will take my chances.

I will be more than happen to support you in your efforts...but I also hold the vets who give these vaccines as a money making procedure--they are the ones that should know better also.

I am so sorry for Rumi having to go through this, but I can tell you from experience a three legged cat is just as active as a four legged one. Nothing will slow Rumi down once he is healed.

Praying for his complete recovery....and you vet getting a really bad case of poison ivy!!

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