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152660 tn?1291755571

Guess What!!

Taz has another abcess.  This one is just above his butt under the base of his tail on the left side.  It looks a little different than usual because it has a piece of skin-ish stuff sticking out.  It is about the size of a big pea.  It's already popped and drained but is extremely painful for him.  He gets to go to the vet tomorrow because I am not willing to let this one go since it's on his butt and looks different.  They are going to make me broke.  Oh well...  let's see what happens- poor guy.  He can't catch a break.  
20 Responses
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874521 tn?1424116797
Ali....just found a link for 'fencing' too incase you are really interested(?) :-)

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874521 tn?1424116797
that poor little guy has sure gone thru alot.....I sure send him some hugs and hope this time he heals up for you..
Ali. I take one of mine out on a harness only, he accepts it just fine, I don't just tie him up outside I walk him around the yard(follow him I guess is the better term)...than when he's sniffed everywhere we sit for a half hour or so...we do this several times a day in good weather....keeps him happy.
but you mentioned a fence, well there are better alternative...I will send you a link to 'enclosures' you can click on each company name and it will bring up each of their own trademark designs.
this is something I sure want to pursue on a smaller scale when I can save up the $$. they are much cheaper than Vet bills after an injury as you are finding out....

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242912 tn?1660619837
Please don't feel guilty, feel like a good mom who is doing the best for her baby.  Many people on the forum take their kitties out on a harness.  Once the time comes, start by putting the harness on in the house and leaving it on so Taz gets used to it a little at a time.  You know, our last cat was very ill before we put her down so we had to put a harness on her for the first time and she took to it fine.  I hope your Taz will, too.  Um...electric fence...no.  I feel for you, hon, I really do.  Very hard to transition and indoor/outdoor cat to indoor.
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152660 tn?1291755571
They think it was a little claw hole that wasn't visible and hadn't started to show the infection.  They shaved him pretty good and a spot on his tail that had a really good scratch on it.  He really got it good this time.  He makes me feel so guilty for not letting him out, but it's his own fault- he keeps getting in trouble.  I guess once he is healed I can take him out on a harness- we'll see how he reacts to that.   Wonder about an electric fence.  hmm
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242912 tn?1660619837
Oh, thank god you got Taz in yesterday!  What on Earth went wrong, did the vet say?  If infected in the spot right above, sounds like maybe the vet didn't get all the infection in the first place.  This sounds just terrible.  Wow, so sorry, Ali for both Taz and you.

Keep us updated.  Hugs
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152660 tn?1291755571
Oh Boy- he is home and his butt is a MESS.  I can't tell what's where or where his actual butthold is.  This is going to get very interesting because I have to wipe him down with some kind of wipe they sent home with me and make sure nothing scabs over.  WooHoo- He hates me now.  
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152660 tn?1291755571
It's official- it is infected in a spot just above where they fixed last time. That's not where I saw it gooey last night. After she lectured Taz on licking and me for taking the collar off. Then she looks at it and he hasn't been licking it.  HA- Told Ya....

She will have to put him under again to clean it out.  UGH  Makes me want to cry because he's been hurting and for my wallet.
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152660 tn?1291755571
Yep- there's definatly something up.  He's gotten really grumpy at being looked at and it looks like it has filled up and some has leaked.  OH BOY  They will probably have to put him out for it again. If it is the same as last time it will break the bank.  
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242912 tn?1660619837
Hi Ali, you know, I think I would call the vet in the morning.  Since cats don't display their pain immediately, I would say since Taz made it obvious by meowing the way he did, something is definitely up.  Surgery was what...5days ago and I would think he'd be in Less pain rather than more. You are a wonderful cat mom to be so vigilant!
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152660 tn?1291755571
Update on Taz-  He is healing and feeling a  bit better.  I have been looking at his bum two or three times a day to see if he's been chewing on it.  He hasn't, but I'm concerned.  Last night I heard him downstairs meowing.  I went to the top of the stairs to see what was up- hoping it wasn't him in the litter box having trouble.  He was at the bottom of the stairs licking his bum.  I'm not sure if he was just howling or he hurt.  It wasn't like nibble meow nibble meow so I don't think it was pain, just him deciding to yowl.  :)  I was looking at his bum tonight and it looked a little gooey in one place and my mom thought it seemed like it was a little bumpier where the stitches were.  It didn't feel soft, like infected soft, but he was VERY unhappy with me looking and holding his tail up.  I can't tell if he was sick of me playing with his bum (I would be :) ) or if it hurt.....

The question is: Do I call the vet in the morning or give it another day to be sure that it is indeed looking odd and not healing.  I can't get out of work to take him in and my mom has chemo so she can't take him in for me, I might be able to get my dad to drop him off if he has time between his appointments, but I'm not sure he can.  

OY- I don't want him to suffer if it is indeed infected, but really can't be sure it is problematic.  
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242912 tn?1660619837
Glad to hear Taz is all stitched up and home.  He should be fine w/o the collar as long as you watch him closely which I know you will.  Did they give you a cloth color or one of those old plastic ones? Oh, boy is right, that's alot of money.  We are spending hundreds on Jade as I type.  Can be very expensive owning a kitty.  Who knew? LOL.

Keep us updated, hon.
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152660 tn?1291755571
After $375 and 3 stitches, he is home.  The put on the ecollar and told me to leave it on until it started to heal.  He tried to jump on his favorite couch- no go so I helped him up.  When he got down, he looked down and got it caught in the carpet.  Sooo Off it came.  If he starts messing with it, I will put it back on, but it's more dangerous for him with it than without it.  It's not as if he can reach around there.  :)  He is also not allowed to go outside because he is quarantined for 10 days because I missed his shots and he needs to become an indoor kitty anyway.  He goes back in 10 days to get the stitches out and get his shots.  Oh Boy-
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242912 tn?1660619837
Hi Ali, sorry to see Taz is going through all this again.  Maybe Taz has an enemy who is attacking him and it's not his fault.  We had a rogue unneutered male kitty in our neighborhood yrs ago that caused alot of havoc.

Best wishes for Taz - keep us posted, hon.
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152660 tn?1291755571
Well it's official- it was an infected bite wound.  WTH??  He's not a fighter so it's got to be from our other two cats.  Jeez
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874521 tn?1424116797
Oh poor Taz...yes this definitely does sound like impacted anal glands, apparently can get quite smelly. and painful. I didn't know they could rupture!!
heres some info I found.....keep us posted. good luck little guy :-(

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152660 tn?1291755571
Hmmm-  with the first look the vet thinks its the anal gland.  I thought those were under not on top of the bum.  :)  She said they come down from the area he is ucky at so it's probably the issue.  TMI warning....  He was dripping a reddish fluid from his wound and it smelled like poo but not abcess infection.  You know what I mean- it stunk different.  

I also am behind on his shots.  I didn't realize I was 8 months behind, so she commented that they could quarantine him.   Now I could cry.  :(
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152660 tn?1291755571
Oy-  Another dump and run and they will get to him when they can- At least they will see him today.  she asked if he had eaten and I'm not sure-I doubt is since no one had seen him this morning and he was downstairs in an odd spot. (hmm- it's cooler down there) It never occurs to me to not allow him to eat so they can sedate him if necessary.  She offered to wait until tomorrow, but I can tell he has a fever because he is very warm to the touch so I am hesitant to do that.  

I guess I will take him in and let them do their thing- It makes me sad to dump him and leave, but it's the only way they can get to him today.  
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495284 tn?1333894042
I know it is never cheap to go to the vet but i am glad you are taking him.  I hope he will be okay~~~~~sara
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874521 tn?1424116797
I don't know if I sent you this b4 or not? but its good reading and maybe of some help just incase Taz's skin problems are similar to the ones shown on this article.....check it out ok...

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874521 tn?1424116797
oh poor baby.....he must be hurtin, those darn things can be very irritating and painful, I'm so glad your on top of this and taking him to a Vet right away for treatment....yes these guys sure do keep us broke, part of being a parent I guess..
keep us updated on what the Vet says and does for treatment ok......good luck dear little Taz be a good boy.♥
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