506791 tn?1439842983

Have adopted older cat, have 3 others

G'day all;

My wife and I have taken in a 10 year old kitty (Teah) whose people have lost their house due to foreclosure.  We got her yesterday (6/2/09) afternoon and she is currently hiding in the corner of our master bath, behind the stool.

We know its a scary thing for her; losing the only family she's known and having been a lone kitty.

We have 3 other cats, Kessie (9), Hildie (8) and Chessie (7), who are curious, but not forceful in confronting new kitty.

How long before we should be concerned that she may not be eating or drinking?

I know that less than a full day isn't do long, but we're softies for kitties ,-)

Thanks in advance!
43 Responses
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506791 tn?1439842983
BIG event this afternoon..but first.

I woke up about 6 this morning and heard a little hissing in the hallway from the bedrooms to the main part of the house.

Miss Teia was at the top of the cellar stairs again, looking to come back down the hall.  Chesapeake and Hildiekatt were sitting in the way just looking at her.  I shooed them into the master bedroom and Teia scooted back into the guest room.  She was so upset, it took her all of 10 seconds to respond when breakfast arrived ,-)

About 3 hours ago, Anita was in Sala Teia for the afternoon play and socialization session (we try and limit these, now, to 15 - 20 minutes, twice a day).  While she was batting at the suede strip, Miss Hilidiekatt came in, jumped up on the bed and settled down to watch Teia.  A couple of low growls, but the playing went on with just a momentary pause.

Last time (4 days ago) that Hildie approached: hiss, growl, spit, under the bed.

It'll be 7 weeks Tuesday and this is such a different cat than what was described to Anita.

I think that Teia's former family really loved her, but just did not have either the time or patience needed with an emotionally scarred kitty.

Now to get her more used to contact beyond petting her head and neck.
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I am so happy for Teia.... sounds like she is adjusting very well and finally feeling that she is 'at home!'  That is wonderful!  Keep up the loving with all the cats  you live with, I know they love you!
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506791 tn?1439842983
Hey Janet;

In light of your care for Daisy, I'm glad my stories raise a smile for you.

Yeah, them little furpers do grow on ya !-)

best - Pip
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611067 tn?1458591483
I can tell how much you love your furr babies!  My hubby and I have not been blessed with human children either and our cats are our babies!  

I love the recent story about Teia!  :)

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506791 tn?1439842983
A "gut gripe" woke me up about 4 this morning and I looked out the bedroom door.

In the pale glow of the hall nightlight, I see a white kitty coming out of the guest bedroom and head down the hall to the main part of the house.

I got up and followed, quietly, to see what she was up to...

As she was headed down the cellar stairs, I got ahead of her to close the door, not sure I want her down there just yet.

Teia stopped, "oops, busted," and headed back to the bedroom.
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506791 tn?1439842983
Looks we're having a good effect...gone 6 days and Teia greeted me like I'd just been gone for my daily shift at the store...doesn't seem to mind, too much, that Hildiekatt enters the room to look at her, either.
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506791 tn?1439842983
Good Morning Kaydey;

No worries, I understood your intent.

We had one other cat, Cerridwen, who we think was abused by humans before we brought her into the house.  Luckily, she was by nature sweet and trusting from the start, responding immediately to our overtures of friendship.

I neither believe nor think that Teia's previous family were the source of the hurt, in light of how upset they were at having to give her up.  It may well be that they were/are unaware of the extent of prior trauma.

Anita and I, due to the nature of our military jobs, decided to not have children.  In light of illnesses we've had since, it looks like it was the right decision...so the cats have been the repository of our affection and interest.

I think we are just trying with them as we would have if life had been different and we had become parents.

Kind of bittersweet.  (You'll notice as I write more in these threads and journals that I have a realistic and open attitude about my life ,-)

Another small victory yesterday; Miss Teia let Hildiekatt get 4 - 5 feet into the room before hissing, and didn't stop batting at her leather strip either, which Anita was tugging on during a play session.

We do make sure to give the others some extra attention.

Thanks again!

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First to zodiac.....   I should not have used the word 'force.'  But Teia had to get out of that bathroom!  She needed to be shown that the rest of the house was hers also.  An abused cat will contain themselves indefinately to an area where other animals in the house will not wander. And that is hazardous to their whole being.  Its like a nesting bird that won't ever leave the nest, not even for food...they eventually become very sick and lonesome that it affects their whole being.   Teia had to be forced out of that bathroom so she could see part of the expansion of the world that was waiting for her.  It was not cruel...it was just time.

To Pip..   Very often former humans do not tell the whole truth of how the animal was treated, which is why I stated that she must have been abused or neglected.  She is still very defensive....and that is OK.    She comes to you on her terms.  It won't be long that her trust will increase and come to you on your terms.
    Abuse is very difficult to reconcile, in all animals (including humans).  It does take a while.  
     It does sound like you are more "cat-friendly" than her last family.  This would explain her hesitation in her socialization with the other cats and her excitement with playing with you.  
     Her hesitancy with the other cats and their not invading her "space"  shows that they very much know what she has endured and will not push her.  Cats have that sense of knowledge that we don't. And they take that sense of knowledge very seriously.  She will begin to interact with your other cats soon enough.  Especially if they see her playfullness and she sees their playfullness.  
     Cats learn by contact and observation.  

Bless you and your family

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506791 tn?1439842983
Hope you all had an enjoyable Fourth of July weekend.

Tomorrow makes 5 weeks since Miss Teia Honey came to live with us.

The door to the spare bedroom has been open for the past 6 days; leaving her free to leave the room as she will and the other cats to visit her if they will.  More often than not, when I go into visit, she is out of "der bunker;" either laying just ahead of the foot of the bed or perched on the pillow-topped box I have at the window.

Most often, when one of the other girls comes to the doorway to look at new kitty, she'll just trade stares with them and not hiss.

Hildiekatt is most curious and has ventured a body length or two into the room.  All (Kestrel, Hildiekatt and Chesapeake) seem to know that Teia likes a large personal space; none of them have tried to confront her.

She does seem to have taken to me a bit more than Anita, maybe because she tried to put Teia back in the carrier to take her to the vet on day 3. ;-)

A few times I have stood in the doorway instead of entering the room right away and got Teia to come to me.  She rubs against me, peers down the hall and then skitters back to her comfort zone of the carpet in front of the foot board.

I've started moving her food and water closer to the doorway, just a few inches each day.

And, contrary to what her previous people said, she LOVES wet food; has the morning routine down pat.  I usually get up at 04:30 to be at work by 06:00. I get up, put on my morning coffee, pop the top on the morning can (in the kitchen, which is at the other end of the house), feed the 3 "furies" and by the time I get to Teia, she is up, meowing a welcome and bumping my legs as I give her a portion.

She is still a little unsure if she like more than a few minutes of petting, but this is not what I think of as a standoffish, formerly feral kitty.  Also, as I wrote earlier, she does have a playful side, too.

Perhaps it is just that Anita and I are just more cat-sociable than her previous family!?

Anyhow, Miss Teia is doing splendidly!
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506791 tn?1439842983
Blessings of the Day to you, too.

Teia has been a very pleasant surprise, in light of the expectations we had from Anita talking to her previous "owner." (Who really owns a cat?-)  It is 4 weeks, today, since we brought her home.

Big thing; she really has taken to the twice-a-day wet food snack; we were told she will not eat canned food.  Used to be the other girls got 1/3 of a can, twice a day, now it's 1/4 can. Otherwise, they all seem to like the "indoor formula" dry food just fine.  All but one of our kitties have made it to over 16 years on mostly dry food.  (See my photos for stories about our other girls.)

Miss Teia Honey (her new official full-name) is rediscovering her inner kitten.  I have a length of suede leather she likes to bat at while I dangle or drag it.  Plus, I got her a plush mousie.  She doesn't play with that when we are in the room, but the mouse seems to move about from place to place ,-)

She has taken to warning us of too much contact with a meow instead of a hiss, and she bats our hands with claws retracted instead of drawing blood, like the 1st 2 1/2 weeks, when she wants petting to end.

All in all, very nice progress!

AND, I am glad I'm able to bring a nice story to this forum where I have read so many sad stories of folks trying to help hurting kitties.

I'm a veteran and a hunter and pretty gruff with my fellow humans, sometimes, but the little furpers do get to me.

Thanks for thinking well of my wife and me!

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874521 tn?1424116797
bless you for giving this poor baby a good home and being so patient with her! its a big transition at the best of times made worse for her with the scent of the other kitties in the house, you have done a great job...takes some time but they will all come around for you........
wish there were more caring people out there willing to do this for one that would otherwise be homeless, and no doubt good therapy for your wife as well, bless u all!
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506791 tn?1439842983
Right now, she is resting easy out from under the bed; third day of the door being wide open while either my wife or I am around to supervise.

She locked eyes with Hildie again, who settled down just outside the doorway watching me helping Teia regain her inner kitten; she likes playing with a soft leather strip I was dangling from my fingers.

She now is getting used to the timing of morning and evening canned food snack; each of the girls gets a heaping tablespoon twice a day.  Teia was out this morning, mrrping at my wife.  We trade off the feedings so Teia knows we are both on her staff ,-)

I think, with some more patience on our part, Teia will settle completely into the routine of House Catamount Grange.

Thanks again all for caring. - Pip
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587315 tn?1333552783
You are handling things well.  In my opinion, letting Teia get to know your cats at HER own pace is the best answer.  I wouldn't force her out in the open like it was suggested by the other poster.  She will be a much happier kitty if she moves at her own pace.  Your other kitties will be happier, too.  I don't believe in using force on cats.  Keep doing what you're doing because it's obviously working!  =D
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506791 tn?1439842983
Teia has been out of the bathroom and in our guest bedroom for about a week and a half.  We now just shut the door when it's our bed time or when both my wife and I are out of the house.

The previous owner said Teia was "beat up" pretty bad as a young cat...so, for now, we'd like to be there to supervise.

So far, Teia will eyeball Hildie, who will just sit in the doorway and trade stares.  Kessie and Chessie know there's another kitty in the house, but don't seem the least bit interested.

I think Hildie is trying to see Teia, but seems to have an instinct about personal space.

Will keep y'all posted.

be well - Pip
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It has been 3 weeks now?   Now is the time to close the bathroom door, and not let her in.   She has had her 'safe place' for long enough.  Eating with the others does not seem to be a hostile action.  It is not time to force her to get to know the others.  There are plenty of places she can hide if she doesn't feel safe. But she has to get to know your other cats.  If you don't force her to do so at this point, she will continue to be hiding in the bathroom.

Close that door,  She will handle meeting the other cats just fine.  You have to stop 'babying her' at this point.  She will hold her own as long as she knows that  you and your wife will be ther for her. Don't be surprised if she jumps up on your bed. But at the same time don't 'coddle' her.   You other cats will become jealous. Then you are going to have a real problem on  you hands.

Time to let her meet them all and let her hold her ground.  They will all get along as long as she is not the 'Favorite one" anymore.
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587315 tn?1333552783
That's great news.  Sounds like things are improving every day!  =D
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506791 tn?1439842983
A new thing!

Teia is starting to eat wet food.  I put a plate in "her room" this morning with a couple of heaping teaspoons of the Friskies salmon I had served the other girls at breakfast.  Did the same this evening with the chicken dinner; she gobbled that up in about 2 minutes.

Also, she is spending more time out from under the bed, with both my wife and me in the room. She purrs (very softly) and is meowing as a warning instead of hissing.

Still has a couple of "no go" places for petting; got Anita's hand on Sunday.

Seems very aware that Hildie wants to visit, doesn't seem anxious, but is wary when Hildie sits in the doorway

...and, 3 weeks today!
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It sounds like she is starting to come around!  That is great.  Her rubbing up against you is a GREAT sign!!  It is another sign that she is starting to trust you and her new environment!

I am sorry to hear about your wife, but tell her that we are grateful for her service. I hope she continues to make progress.

Animals have long been companions because of you just said, they help us heal. And in return all they ask is for some love, food and water :) .  It makes my heart happy to hear that she is participating in a program such is that.  Not only does it seem to be helping her, but she is also helping the dogs.  They have a common link together, and the dogs know that.  I swear animals are much more intelligent than humans!

I will continue to keep your family in my thoughts.

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506791 tn?1439842983
Good morning all;

Woke up early today (3:30 instead of 4:30) and found my wife sleeping on the floor in Teia's room.

I looked under the bed and kitty was almost at the foot, instead of bunkered under the head board.  I reached under to let her sniff my fingers, which is how I've been letting her initiate contact.  Almost immediately, she crawled out and came around to where I was laying.

She did not back off when I sat up and we had a nice "pet me, I'm pretty" session; came this " " close to a little lap time.  She let me pet her past the shoulders for the first time, and just shifted away instead of hissing when I went a bit too far down her back, then cam back and rubbed against my leg.  We'll take that, contact on her terms ,-)

I think I now know why my wife has been feeling better lately.  She's a disabled vet, and a local kennel started up a program to rehab vets by training them to rehab rescued dogs for adoption.  As my wife has participated, she has come out of her shell quite a bit (PTSD-depression plus physical injuries, which left her with chronic aches).

It's such a good feeling when you have been able to build up trust with a little being that knew you not and had only fear; to see her gaining some "happy-catness."

I've never felt this before with an animal I've taken in, never had to in my previous 52 years.  All other fur-pers  we've had (and have)  have been either kittens or (in the case of Cerridwen) sweet and trusting from the get go.

Good way to start the day!!!
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It sounds like she is finally starting to trust you.  That is the first step, especially if she was a feral cat or one that had been abused.  Either way your patience is what is needed, and it seems you have a lot of that!

Petting the head and neck is good.  If you notice how a mama cat calms down her babies to rest, they lick the head and neck.  It is a safety zone type of touch. As for the hips, that is the attack area...  If a cat fight does happen, cats go for the base of the tail and around the hip area.  Give her time to build up some trust in you and she will allow you to pet her there, it will come to a point wear scratching her just above the beginning of the tail will cause her to relax so much she will just "fall over.'

I am happy to hear that Hildie is taking an interest in Teia.  Hildie might be the one to break Teia's shell completely, especially if Teia has been out on her own or has been abused.  

Keep us posted, I am very interested in hearing about her progress, even the problems.
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587315 tn?1333552783
Sounds like everything is getting better and better!  That's great!!  I hope it continues and all of your fur kids become buddies!!  =D
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506791 tn?1439842983
Hey all;

Miss Teia Honey has been spending more time out in the open; got a couple of photos and posted them to my album.

Definitely likes getting her head rubbed; purred for me today and licked my fingers!  She does seem sensitive around the hips, though; didn't like me touching her there.

Hildie decided to visit Teia about 3 AM today; I heard a hiss and growl...no cat fight sounds, though.  (I am usually up by 4 - 4:30 anyway)

Thanks again for the encouragement!
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506791 tn?1439842983
As long as I can remember (I'm 52), it has been the practice of our family that the cats (and dogs) we keep should be spayed or neutered.  Too many unwanted animals, living shabby lives at best, out there.

Cerridwen (in my picture album) did start spraying one time, but we found it was a UTI causing the behavior.  Otherwise, Kessie will leave an "editorial comment" in the dirty clothes or on the bath mat if we forget a day too long to scoop the litter boxes.

As for contact; looks like Kessie, Hildie and Chessie are aware that Teia isn't into the community thing ,-)  Kessie visited once when Teia was in the bathroom, but retreated swiftly at the first hiss.  Chessie has looked, but not gotten close enough for a hiss.  But Hildie does keep going to the open door, looking to make eye contact with Teia, despite several hisses.  All three do respect her space, it seems, as they do not try and get close to her.

A rather more peaceful introduction than I thought, as they usually get pretty protective of the house if another kitty comes up to the window or patio door.  Might be because we actually brought Teia all the way in?

I do have one of those baby monitor cameras, hmmm, plus a working VCR and plenty of VHS tape...I'll hook it up and see what we can see.  Thanks for the idea!
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It is always recommended that when introducing a new pet to the home that the new pet be 'confined yet accessible' to the other pets.  Seems as though she decided to do this on her own, which is good.  

It allows her to have 'safe place' and the other to become curious and wanting to explore.  this is how cats generally get to know each other.

Don't worry about the hissing, the hissing is a defense mechanism that tells another that they don't want to be bothered, or if they are bothered (violently) they will fight back.   This is normal.

As long as she is eating and drinking and you have the door open for the other cats to come in and explore.. then just be patient.  

I am assuming all your cats are spade and neutered, if not, they need to be. With multiple cats  'spraying' will occur.  And this will cause more problems.

I think you,  your wife, and the cats that own you will be just fine.  just keep doing what you are doing....

BTW.... if you really want to know how they are getting along, try to get them on camera at night...  most of the behavior will be seen then

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