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Help with cat - vomiting and won't eat - vet was no help

Please help me if you have any idea what I could do to help my cat. Moochy is 3 years old and started vomiting a week ago. She coughed up two big hairballs in that time and wouldn't eat. I took her to the vet on the third day. The vet kept her for five days, did every test available and confirmed she has slight bilirubin and a very low white blood count but he couldn't find any cause. She doesn't have feline HIV or leukemia. He gave her broad spectrum antiobiotics and gave me some to give her now she's back home. But she still won't eat - she's lost loads of weight, and she's still vomiting - though it's only liquid now.

The vet didn't tell me how to keep her energy up or feed her with a syringe or anything and I don't htink they supplemented her the whole week! My uneducated theory is she had hairballs and started vomiting and developed cat anorexia after a few days of not feeling like eating. So her bilirubin would be due to anorexia. But that doesn't explain the blood count. The vet said all he could think of is that she got poisoned somehow. But she's an indoor cat and we live in a child-safe, clean house with no known poisons around.

Please give me some advice if you can as to what might be wrong and how we can help her eat again - or at least keep her energy up?? I'm desperate. I will look for another vet this week if she's no better because I was very unhappy with this first one - but it all cost us nearly $1000 so I don't know how much more I can do. If I can do anything myself in the meantime I want to....
Thanks in advance -
71 Responses
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My kitty (10, Domestic Short hair, Female) has been ill since we went away for a couple of days. We left my brother feeding her and he text me to say she wasn't eating and throwing up a yellowy bile (sun 23rd) we came home that evening and watched her for 24h while trying to feed her but she isn't eating or drinking let alone using the litter box. She is normally very very feisty but she's been completely docile and lethargic and even let us pick her up (she NEVER EVER lets us do this). We took her to a vets and they kept her in over night and ran a blood & urine test as well as an X-Ray and couldn't find anything wrong. She's still throwing up and not eating so we took her back. They've re-run the same test and still they can't find anything. They've offered to put her down....it hasn't even been a week since she's been ill. unbelievable. They've offered to open her up but that will cost £500 and we've already spent £900. We simply can't afford it. Does anyone have any advice?
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242912 tn?1660619837
I had the same thought about the plastic, Apple!
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740516 tn?1360942486
Hurry up, plastic can be blocking important organs.No time to waste,VET EMERGENCY ...
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242912 tn?1660619837
Hi Jason...your kitty is in DIRE NEED of a vet visit!!!  
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Hi i read about your comment and i need help too.My cat has been throwing up for a week already and has somewhat been eating but throws up every time he tries to eat. He is not pooping or peeing and i am really worried. The other day i found him eating plastic (before the vomiting started). we gave him wet food, dry food, and spring water. tap water but it was no use. Can you please help me im getting worried by day.
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You can apply for Care Credit, it's a credit card that you can use at most vets. We did this when our cat was diagnosed with diabetes.  It's an option.
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874521 tn?1424116797
sorry I'm so late to give you a reply...also sorry to hear your kitty is so unwell..it is NOT normal to loose half your body weight, esp for a cat. this can cause Hepatic Lipidosis or fatty liver disease. however that is not the cause its a side effect of weight loss

you've done well by gettin her to the clinics for testing, surprising nothing has shown up, did they do the specific T3&T4 thyroid level testing? and also sugar levels?  b/c to me it could be hyperthyroidism, pancreatitis, diabetes or cancer to name just the top ones that lead to drastic weight loss..


if she hasn't had these tests make sure she gets them...otherwise I really can't tell you much more.

wish you good luck, something has to be found and fast to help her or she won't survive loosing so much. keep us posted please♥
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My 10 year old has lost 1/2 her body weight over the last year.  She has been to the vet several times, last time they did blood tests again, urinalysis, x-rays, and could come up with nothing.  I'm working with her food and now have her on blue buffalo for sensitive stomach as I could hear her tummy gurgling frequently, along with a prebiotic.  She eats fine and drinks, acts pretty normal other than she is so thin.  She potties normally (other than a bout of diarrhea from an earlier food change that did not agree with her).  We are keeping an eye on her potty habits to make sure she is doing both and so far so good.  My concern is first that she is not gaining weight and second, over the past month she has vomited about 3 times, vast amounts of liquid usually colored the same color as her food but with very little food in it, just a lot of water/liquid.  Does not appear to be bile.  But it is a lot.  I can't figure out why this happens, I don't see any pattern and don't know what would cause it.  Any ideas?  She did used to groom a lot and doesn't do it nearly as much as she used to, she has coughed up hairballs in the past and even recently, so I do use hairball treatment and brush her frequently, but why would this make her vomit so much liquid??  Can't figure out what to try next.  Any suggestions are welcome ~
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7052683 tn?1392938795
As Opus said this is an emergency.  She will need IV Fluids and x-rays. She may have Pancreatitis or a bowl obstruction.

Please take her NOW!!!

Let us know what happens, K?
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874521 tn?1424116797
I'm afraid the person you are asking this question too hasn't posted since 2009.
If yr kitty hasn't eaten in 4 days he needs to see a Vet asap...cats quickly go into liver failure within a very few days of not eating, and if there is vomiting as well they also need IV fluids or it quickly becomes fatal
PLZ take yr kitty to a Vet, the Internet can't help him only a Vet can. Best of wishes
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What medication was it? My cat is having the same issue and my vet thinks it is the same thing as yours did. I'm afraid she is going to die. She hasn't eaten in 4 days
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7052683 tn?1392938795
Hi Stella Bella001,

I am afraid your kit is gravely ill. Sounds like she may have pancreatitis--an ultra sound will be able to see this. There is also a test specifically for  this, but it is not available everywhere.

Your best bet is to find a Veterinary School/university near you and take her there for emergency care. They will sometimes no charge.

If she has gone for 72 hours without food she needs to ne given fluids by IV immediately and hopefully this in appetence has not caused harm to her liver.
Yes your baby is gravely ill and needs medical care--however you can get it. Home remedies will not fix this.

Please take her to the vet--if you cannot afford bringing her back to health, then please make sure she does not continue to suffer in this pain. The vet will advise if without the proper care she may be better off being put to sleep to relieve her from living with this pain.
I know this is hard to hear , but we must always do what is best for our pets, not us.

Good Luck , and please keep us posted.


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Hi we are desperate for some help because our cat has become very ill and we were wondering if anyone could offer any advice on her condition.

She has refused to eat/drink for at least 72 hours. She is vomiting bile and clear, foam liquid. She is currently at the vets where she has been given a blood test showing no abnormalities. She has also been given an anti-vomiting drug and appetite stimulants to encourage her to eat. The next step is an xray but costing a further £300 on top of the £500 we have already paid, we are asking for assistance for any alternative methods we could try. Please could you help?
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874521 tn?1424116797
Sorry, ice cream isn't going to be neary enough....
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874521 tn?1424116797
Yes honey please please talk your mom into taking him to a Vet ASAP....he is dehydrated from the vomiting and that is very serious, if he's not looked after before you go away he will NOT make it, sorry to be so blunt but I need you to understand how serious not eating and vomiting is!!!! Beg your mom to help him....and as soon as possible!!!
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He just had some ice-cream, not food, but it if it means he's getting some kinda liquid I'm happy with it
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I'm only 15 I don't know much but bout vet stuff ect. But about 1 day ago my cat started been throwing up(looks like foam, bunch bubbles almost like flem from a human). He's also not drinking or eating, and he's been camping out under my blanket all day. Along with yesterday hiding under a chair. And starting about 2 days ago iv noticed his side going up and down more than normal.
(also he's got 3 legs, had a form of cancer in the right back leg, but they said that(after many test) it looked like nothing went up past his leg.)

Haven't take to vet yet, have family up tomorrow for thanks giving. and leaving for Colorado Monday, I'm freaking out about leaving him home with my dad until Friday. :(

Id appreciate advise soon as possible, I might be able to talk mom to taking him to vet tomorrow morning. ~Thanks
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7052683 tn?1392938795
Thanks O!
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874521 tn?1424116797
good for you for being such a diligent cat momma!!! it sure does pay off to be on top of whats going on and not just taking one opinion especially when they want to just 'try' treatments without a definite diagnosis...so hoping Molly is on the mend and will keep eating and recovering more each day!!!!

cml.....the vac is a modified live virus(MLV), they stimulate the immune system to create antibodies as protection from the full blown disease, but with these live virus's its always possible to create a lesser form of the disease ....vac's have so many pros and cons....:(
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7052683 tn?1392938795

You are a Hero, indeed! Molly is one lucky little girl to have you as her mom.

First, I must apologize for the whole "not letting her suffer" speech. I very rarely write that, but from you post on Molly being poisoned, I thought this was a definite, and we love our babies so much , suffering is out of the question..........BUT

You loved Molly enough to know something did not seem right in the vets speculative actions. Good for you to take it further and finally found the vet that Molly deserves.

Unfortunately vets can be very good and very bad, with a lot somewhere in the middle.
Seems like your first few were of the Clueless variety, and I am so sorry you had to deal with them.

So Molly does have FPV. I am saddened to hear that but happy to know you are in good hands. What did the vet mean by the vaccine could have given it to her and it is a mutated form?

I only ask this because you are a very diligent pet parent with the great quality of researching for the protection of your Molly. Please stay on this forum as you are the kind of pet parent we need here. One who goes to great length's  to find solutions to medical conditions and can share this info with the rest of the posters when they have problems similar to yours.

This is all we can do here is support and share our experiences, we have to leave the "diagnosis" up to the professionals.

Needless to say I am thrilled that Molly is beginning to feel better for her sake and yours. We feel so helpless when our little ones are hurting . This forum is wonderful for being able to turn to the posters here for support.
Empathy is in abundance here, and Molly is now one of MedHelps Kits!

So please keep us posted.

P.S You may also want to post a new post under your name and todays date. The post you responded to was an old one and I do not think it got the many responses it would have if you had posted your story as a New post.

There are plenty of people her with experience that I do not have with FPV and will help answer the questions you may have. So please think about your own post about Molly--they are also wonderful at sending out good vibes and prayers.

Please give Molly a big Smooch from me and "May She Live Long and PURR!


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11184979 tn?1419505185
First I would like to thank you for the prayers, they helped! I don't know where to begin from, things changed drastically. The poison version was stated on 16.Nov by the local vet clinic (city B) and then they changed their mind once again after a day on the 17th. I am pretty sure they messed up something with the barium swallow test as the next day they stated she is poisoned and she could barely open her mouth. Anyway after the barium, they found a blockage which resolved on the 2rd day of x-rays. Things got quite messy as on the 17.Nov they said she MAY have feline panleukopenia and wont make it. They made two tests of FPV and both were negative. At the evening of 17.Nov, as a last resort, they suggested injecting interferon and "see what happens". At first I got very mad and angry at them, because they were treating her like a test rabbit... I accepted the interferon as a solution (if she was to take it, should of taken it on the first day, not the last). I was very angry, didn't really wanted to change the clinic as I had not time, but I was stressed by their ***** way of dealing with my cat. Called several clinics and all replied with the same sentence: come as soon as possible in order to start the treatment. I selected one clinic (vet C) and went there with the results : they confirmed FPV without tests and suggested interferon / some other Russian serum and 24H medication intake. I was certain about going with the cat there, but I went to another vet (vet D) just to confirm the treatment.  The last vet (vet D) said she is not for interferon as she is to weak right now. I went home and read about interferon till about 5am, at 8am I woke up and had to take a decision. From what I have read one of interferon's side effect is to lower the WBC, but we already had lowered our WBC from 2.5 to 0.4 (yes, 0.4). So I thought to myself: if they want to give her interferon at this stage...she will die from it and scratched all the clinics suggesting that treatment. My last hope was the vet (vet D), who had some alternative thinking about the problem and went there on the 18th. She said she is having a FPV and that there was a mistake with her vaccine (maybe the way she got the FPV in the first place). Also informed us about the chance this may be a mutated form of FPV (that's why tests couldn't say what it was). I trust my last vet (vet D), after one day with her she is having her first small meal and her first purring(evening of 18.Nov). I know the recovery will be very long as we don't eat normal, we have lost so much of our weight, but my cat is back from the dead. Today (21.Nov) we slept most of the time, she jumped on the chair next to me as I am writing. I believe she will make a full recovery. THANK you again for believing, CML!
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7052683 tn?1392938795
OH, I am so sorry for Molly! Poor little thing. If it is poison and they cannot help her , you need to think about letting her go peacefully. She must be suffering greatly if the poison has eaten through he esophagus , stomach and intestines.

Can this be reversed with meds or does your vet think the damage is irreversible? If that is the case , Please do not let her suffer.

I am so sorry to even have to say this. I know how much you have done for her to keep her going, but sometimes it is out of human hands.

When there is a poison involved I think timing is the key and knowing what the substance was. It is good if they keep her in the clinic if they think this will help her recover. If there is no hope for That, please let her come home to you so she will be with her loving mom.

I am saying extra prayers for you MOLLY!!!! I hope you pull through.

Mom , keep us posted, ok?

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11184979 tn?1419505185
I am so sad..., we suspect she drank some poison and the vet couldn't tell by the symptoms, which got much worse after the first day. They tested everything else, but didn't take caution about poison. The time passed and the damage is .... she now vomits blood .....and has blood diarrhea, everything from her mouth to the intestinals is burned............... I don't know how she got the poison, where did she get it, nor if it is 100% poison. I really don't know anything right now. Today is the 3rd day she didn't eat, nor drank water. She stays at clinic and they are giving medications, but I don't think she is getting better........ If anyone has any suggestions on what I should do, please let me know...
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11184979 tn?1419505185
My cat have the same symptoms as most of the people here. She fell from the 3rd floor 10 days ago, but the vet (city A) said she was lucky and there is nothing to worry about. Started vomiting last night and stopped eating/drinking. All ( and I mean ALL ) possible tests were made at a local vet clinic (city B) and we took her home (bill went crazy and the kitten was severely stressed by all the procedures). Tree vets (city B) tried for about 2 hours to take a blood sample and finally gave her some drug to partly take her down. They shaved her front and back legs and her front neck prior to drugs in order to find a good vein - british short hair. The abnormalities were: Temperature above normal (40.5 degrees), WBC low, MCV low, RETIC high, NEU low,Mono low, EOS low, Urea low, TP low. As we got back some she was hiding from me and giving me bad looks...but I gently observed every step she was taking. After 3-4 hours she vomited bile again, even though she had medications preventing it. What do you know, there was some hairballs this time. Maybe that is the main cause in most casts with no other medical decease. Regarding the blood profile, they said it "may" not be entirely true and that even the tests are not 100% valid, so what the hell is then to be trusted... Anyway, at first I was freaked out, thought my cat is leaving this place and I can't do anything to save her (even with all the money). I called the vet (city A) who examined her after the fall and he said I have nothing to worry about, he admitted her blood profile is't normal, but most changes could be also caused by stress. Hight temp = stress, even in healthy cats he said. Main things to take care about : if cat is vomiting don't panic, visit the vet asap and explain in details, hydratation is crucial / never underestimate it or you may loose a trusty pal. Don't neglect the possibility it may be just hairballs. As I said my cat's latest bile vomit had several small hairballs included - they were causing the abdominal problems. Morning at about 9 am I have another visit with the vet and this time I am asking for medications to calm her stomach and some for appetite. As soon the kitty starts eating on her own, she will be fine. Some vets just need to take your money :-).

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