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hurt kitten

a thirty pound wooden leaf for my table fell on my kitten will he be ok? he eats and uses the restroom but can't move and when he does he cries he also stays asleep most of the time i've been nurseing him but its been a week and he still can't get up there was no bleeding after it happened but i'm still worried and have no money to take him to the vet and shelters also charge money can someone please help
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that was a bueatiful story and i hope its true at least i know he is running with my old cat smokie whom died two years ago from a stroke and i know i tried my very best to save him and he will be greatfuly missed
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242912 tn?1660619837
I am so sorry to hear this.  And very sorry for your grandfather's passing as well.  Yes, you've had a rough time in such a short time.  I do hope you'll forgive yourself for the accident with the kitten and know you did everything you possibly could under the circumstances.  Your boy will be patiently waiting to see you again some day.  Let me copy the Rainbow Bridge for you in case you don't know it.  I hope it brings you some comfort.  Again, honey, so very sorry.  Warm Hugs...♥

**Rainbow Bridge**

Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.

When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge.
There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together.
There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.

All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by.
The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.

They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.

You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....

Author unknown...

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well i was fedding him every 1 to 2 hours just like a baby but I'm sad to say he passed this morning I was really hoping he would make it i named him after my grandfather who passed away one month ago from today its rough for me but he's better off not being in any pain thank you for everything
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242912 tn?1660619837
Please forgive me.  I meant to tell you what a wonderful job you're doing in caring for your boy.   That is a lot of dedication to care for a tiny kitten like that.  How often are you feeding him?  I've never cared for a kitten myself, but I believe they need to be fed every few hrs around the clock.  Do let us know how it goes with the vet - I'm really happy you'll make the trip and will hope for the best!!!  
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well thank you for all your help. I think I will drive the hour to a vet to see what they say and if its serious I will give my rights up to him and they won't charge me. It's just hard for me I don't want to fail the little thing. Once again I appriciate your kind words. :)
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242912 tn?1660619837
Honey, I'm afraid part of being a loving pet owner comes the hard decisions.  It certainly sounds like a severe brain injury which could possibly be dramatically improved by an injection (or several) to take down the swelling in the brain.  But if you can't afford that, your kitten might just sit there and suffer who knows how long, you know?  I know you don't want that.  

I was in somewhat of the same boat 6yrs ago.  Our cat came home with a brain injury and while we did take her to the ER vet and she did get an injection, it wore off within 24hrs and 8days later, we were no farther along than when we started and had now spent thousands of dollars.  It broke our hearts and I cried for six months, but putting her down and out of her misery was the best thing for HER since we simply had no more money.  

I understand your feelings of guilt, but please, this was just an accident and not your fault.  I certainly can't say for sure, your kitten won't get better, but we've had quite a few head injuries on this forum and it's a long hard road for both kitty and owner and that's been with kitty being treated by a vet. And besides, we just don't know exactly what's wrong with your kitten.  All this is only a guess on my part due to your description.  Could be something else entirely. This is your decision though.  Keep us updated, okay?  *Hugs*
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well he does move he trys to stand and he can move his head he just cries when he does he has been inproving everyday at first he didn't eat,move,or cry now he does i just don't have it in me to put him to sleep I feel so guilty and i want to save him i keep thinking if i just left him where he was this would have never happened
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242912 tn?1660619837
Ok, this sounds very bad indeed.  Your kitten could be paralyzed, have brain swelling, brain damage, extreme Pain; I don't know, but I Do know your poor kitty is suffering and you simply MUST take him to a shelter to either be examined or put to sleep.  I'm so sorry to say that, but since kitty isn't moving at all for over a WEEK now, you can't let him continue like this.  You love your little kitten, otherwise, you wouldn't be posting for help.  The only way to help such a severe injury is to do what I say.  I'm so sorry.  
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no i hold him when he eats cause i'm feeding him through a baby dropper also he uses the bathroom in the towel he's wraped in then i wipe his but with a wipe and get a new towel he never learned to use a box the leaf fell on him when the mom started to train him i just can't get him to wake up longer than a few seconds and if he does recover i think he will be blind in one eye
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242912 tn?1660619837
Hello and welcome to the forum - I hope we can help.  Your kitty really Must see a vet, but I'm sure you know that.  Any number of things could be wrong with your kitten including a head injury which *can* be treated with success, however, you must find a way to get kitty some help since he could be suffering.  At the very top of this forum...nevermind, I'll bring the link to you.  It's a link to resources for people who need help paying a vet.  We all need that help to be honest since vets are expensive - I sure understand that.  All I or anyone can do though is guess at what's wrong.  It is a good sign that he is both eating and using his box.  So, do you mean that you are bringing the food to him and putting him in the litter box? Is he moving at all?  

Here's the link - just click on it.  Please let us know how it goes, okay?  


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