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611067 tn?1458591483

Daisy Update

Daisy is starting to show signs that she might be ready and I have so many mixed emotions.  I'm saddened that I'm going to lose this little bundle of happiness!  But, I'm extremely exhausted from the late nights and not being able to sleep because I'm constantly worrying about her.  She is not as comfortable either.  She started to eat less this weekend and this morning she looked the other way when I brought her her food.  I've been using a little chopper to make her food more liquidy so she could get nutrition but she is not interested anymore.  I'm not sure she is drinking either and I have tried pedialyte and she's not interested in that either.  She still comes and lays on me and curls up on my chest and purrs, but even that is not has distinct as it's been.  

I'm afraid the end is very close now and I'm so confused.  I know I need to make sure she does not suffer, but I am so afraid of putting her down before her time.  My heart is breaking and I just don't know how to let her go.  The connection I have with her is so strong.  I can't stand the thought of her suffering - so how do I know for sure when it's time!  She's not showing signs of pain (although I know cats are masters at hiding pain).  

My throat and heart hurt so badly.  The tears keep coming and I just keep asking God to bring her peace and comfort and to help me make the right choice at the right time!  I'm trying to have faith that he will tell me when and that Daisy will tell me too - but what if I'm so distraught over losing her that I put my feelings first!?  OMG!!!  
22 Responses
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you can post on rainbowbridge.org - include pictures - I posted my cat there
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Im new here but you answered my plea even when you were in deep pain yourself. So sorry to hear that Daisy has passed. I know how hard it is, my thoughts and prayers are with you.


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611067 tn?1458591483
I absolutely know without a doubt that their are spirit guides there for our pets who pass to help with the transition.  My hubby is extremely sensitive to spirits and he told me it was a human spirit he felt there for Daisy.  I think I know who it was because that person's name instantly came into my head.  I am so thankful he was there for us and for Daisy.  

You all have posted such beautiful poems, thoughts, and love and I am in awe of all of you and your compassion and love!  That alone brings great peace to my heart.

I'm still crying and aching today as I'm sure I'll be missing her for a long time, but knowing I have so many people who understand and who are willing to give me a supportive hand and heart - has made it so much easier to bear!  I know I'm not alone because God and our savior has been here for me, but even just as wonderful are all the good friends I've made here!  You will never know what you have done for me and I am forever thankful!

I'm also forever thankful that Daisy was in my home with her unconditional love!  The joy she brought me was tremendous.  I've been reliving memories about her all day.  She was a sweet spirit.  I remember when we brought Abby home - Daisy had never had a litter but since Abby was so tiny, Daisy nurtured her and you would have thought she was Abby's mother.  She also nurtured the kitten we found last August - and tried to nurture us all.  She was a mother hen in so many ways.  Her spirit will continue to dwell in our hearts and home.

My mother has a jacket sitting on her electric wheelchair and it was one of Daisy's favorite places to sleep.  My mother started to cry and told me that when she wears that jacket in the future it will make her think of Daisy.  They really do touch our lives and our hearts!

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506791 tn?1439842983
Good evening Janet;

Thank you for all the reports you sent about Daisy.

In the pages of this forum (and the ones dealing with human loved ones) I have seen the heights to which our kindness can reach.

I'll give you and Tom my highest praise; you done right...by Daisy, and yourselves.

Godsspeed the grief to remembrance of the good that Daisy brought to you, and you to her.

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587315 tn?1333552783
Hi sweetie!  God bless you and Tom!  April and Sassy said it best, I second everything that they said.

You should call in to work today so that you can take the time to get yourself together.  I promise, that with a little bit of time your pain will be easier to deal with.  My heart goes out to you.  I've been through the same thing with my beloved cats too many times to count and know exactly what you're going through.  Many of us on this forum understand and have been through this!  We care about you and if you need anything-you let us know!

A zillion and two hugs
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363281 tn?1714899967
My thoughts and prayers are with you. I am so sorry for your loss, she is in heaven now, happy, playing and our Lord is loving her very much.

You were a wonderful "mommy" and she knew that. Let yourself grieve, time is a healer, it is slow, but that awful sting will eventually leave.

You have friends here and we are all praying for you and thinking of you.

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535822 tn?1443976780
I am so sorry I know how you feel, Hugs XXX
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203342 tn?1328737207
God bless you, Janet. You did the kindest thing for her by releasing her from her suffering. It's harder on us who are left behind than the ones who leave. She knows how much you loved and cared for her. I know God is pleased with you too that you took such good care of one of his creatures. I pray he will ease your suffering and comfort your heart right now.
Give yourself time to grieve. We are all here with you in hearts and spirits. *Hugs*
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611067 tn?1458591483
Daisy is now running in meadows in heaven.  The vet we have is amazing and was so kind.  She left quickly and we know there were spirits there to take her to heaven.  Thank you so much for all your prayers and love.  It has been overwhelming, the amount of love and kindness.  

I'm supposed to work today, but I don't think I can.  I can't stop crying.  But, I know she is not suffering and it was the right time.  You were all right, we would know when it was time.  

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495284 tn?1333894042
My thoughts are with you and Daisy now.........sara
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874521 tn?1424116797
I know how hard this is on a mommy and daddy to make this last decision for the little ones in their care.......She knows she is loved and that ur doing what is best for her at this time. bless u all.
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I know this is so hard for you.  My heartfelt prayers and thoughts go out to you and Daisy this morning.
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I'm so sorry about your cat.When I was in LA last year my siamese,Gabrialle passed two days before my Mom.I had her from the age of 15,my Gabby helped me through many rough times,animals seem to know when were hurting.Animals are like our children.When I got home my parakeet Patrick,passed of old age.I called the vet they said to hold him till he passed.I got a washcloth,layed my bid on my chest,he curled up under my neck had two seizures and joined my Mom and my cat,Gabby.I just looked at it that my Mom was getting little pieces of me,for she must have been missing me,too.Losses of pets,parents,they hurt.I just pictured my Mom in heaven and Patrick flying up to her.As much as this hurts,can you think of any loved one that you've lost that would be happy to see Daisy,a part of you?As hard as it is maybe its time to put her to sleep.I was very unhappy thinking my Gabby suffering,I told my fiance to put her sleep.Its more humane and loving to put your cat's pain first,not your's,don't let her suffer.For I know what you mean cat's hide pain well,so end hers.I'm so sorry,just think she'll be rejuvinated in heaven,a playful kitten again.Wouldn't that be nice? Big hugs to you and your Daisy.God Bless,Jen
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506791 tn?1439842983
Nothing much to add save Godsspeed and Godsbless.

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518117 tn?1429276273
Like all on here I am praying so extra hard for Daisy and you. I got big old tears in my eyes over this right now. I so know how you are feeling. I so agree with April. God does care and love his little creatures, too. Please keep us updated. And know above all else,  there are many caring people here on this cat forum. They have pulled me through some tough times with my Hissie. We are here for you. Bless Daisy's and your's heart during this hard hard time.   ♥♥♥
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203342 tn?1328737207
I'm praying, Janet. God cares about his creatures too. I pray he will be very close to you and Daisy right now.
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960021 tn?1270662682
You are in my thoughts and prayers right now. I can't stop crying.....
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611067 tn?1458591483
We are definitely taking her to the vet in the morning.  While rubbing her ears tonight, I noticed that they are turning yellow and I know that means her internal organs are starting to shut down.  She is lethargic, can hardly walk and has no sparkle left in her eyes.  I am praying she will be okay until the morning.  So, this is the end for my princess.  
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611067 tn?1458591483
Thank you everyone for your support and advice!  It means a lot right now.  

Savas:  Thanks - yes, my vet said he would be available day or night (weekend or weekday) for us.  I'm so thankful to know that.  I absolutely do not want her to suffer.  

lynnkay:  I'm so glad Hissie is doing better.  You have been an amazing furr mommy!  Prayers definitely work.  We have prayed over Daisy and have asked God to please not let her suffer and to help us be in tune when the time is right.  I keep praying that she will fall asleep and softly drift off to go to heaven and run in the meadows there and have joy and happiness again.  I keep asking my boys, Robear & Magnum (who died at 16 and 17) to be there to help her.  I know Robear is around all the time and I sense him here now.  

Opus:  Yes, I have the rainbow bridge poem - received it with the ashes of Robear and Magnum.  It's beautiful!  

Thanks again!  

Daisy is eating a little bit, but not much.  I can tell she's not that interested.  I gave her some pro gut for her tummy tonight and she actually fought me and growled like she often willl do - I was surprised at how strong she was.  But, I still think we have very little time left with her.  

I adore her.  She is called our "Princess" and she knows she's one!
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518117 tn?1429276273
I just got your sweet post on my Hissie. You took the time out, during your time of pain with precious Daisy, to have nice words for me. So, it is now to give back to you. I really have no words of advice. I though can offer you hopefully some comfort. I can read by your words, that you dearly adore little Daisy. And that you are doing everything, to help keep her comfortable. That makes you a wonderful momma to your Daisy.

Hissie too is very old. Been through so much with her over the months. Surgery, vet visits and too many episodes of constipation. We just pulled Hiss out of a 12 day constipation. I knew we were fighting the clock with her. Everyday that she did not have a bowel movement, we were closer to losing her. Hissie would not be here this very day, if she not of had the bowel movement yesterday. We were going to put her to sleep today. We got a miracle is all I can say. I though so deeply understand, your pain over possibly having to put Daisy to sleep. I have cried a sea of tears over Hissie these months. When me and my husband made the decision to put her down this weekend, we both were absolute total crying wrecks.

I so very much understand the struggle in your mind and heart, over what decision to make with Daisy. We have to be honest, talked briefly here and there over the months, about putting Hissie to sleep. Maybe this is in my mind, but I don't believe it is. Everytime I have had the thought, I will look into Hissie's eyes. There was still too much life left in them. I don't know if that makes any sense or not. We though know our babies like no others. Having to consider putting a much beloved pet down, is so very very hard.

Just keep praying that God will be merciful. That is what I asked God recently. To either give us a miracle by saving Hiss or to take her in her sleep. And above all else, to give me the strength, to make the best decison, if I was to have to put her to sleep. I know that the day is coming though, when we will not be able to pull Hiss through. I dread so much the day that we lose our little girl. Like you, me and my husband have this unbelievalbe strong bond with Hiss. But it seems to me, that you are doing so very much to make her comfortable. Have you possibly tried to give the pedialyte by syringe? That is how we hydrate Hiss during her bad times. The pedialyte I have come to swear by. Even if I had to put Hiss down today, I would have kept hydrating her until the very end. Have you tried any baby food like lamb or chicken? Hiss won't eat either, when she is bad off. But, she will eat the baby food. I am just trying to come up with things that so far have worked for us. Things to possibly make little Daisy more comfortable.

My heart is absolutely breaking over this with you and Daisy. We have been through the exact same thing. I so know how this is hurting you. I read it in your words. I will say prayers for Daisy and you. And you are on the absolute best forum on the face of this earth. These wonderful kind people on here, have come to mean the world to me. They have helped me many many times over the months. I would be hurting and so lost over Hissie. And I would turn to my friends here on the cat forum of MedHelp. I have to believe that prayers work. Hissie would be in Heaven today, if prayers from us and the blessed people here on this forum, had not of worked.

God Bless Daisy and you. I am praying and praying. You can count on me for that. Please keep everyone posted on here. I also pray that God gives you some type peace in your heart over this. Possibly losing our furry babies, is like losing a member of our family. God love and keep your dear little Daisy and you.
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228686 tn?1211554707
I would suggest making sure there is an available service that you can go to at a moment's notice should the situation suddenly turn dire.

If she refuses to eat for more than a few days, I'd say the time has come.

My condolences on this.
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874521 tn?1424116797
Oh I soo understand your pain, when my Opus was dying from heart disease..after a 3 yr fight with meds and many trips to a city vet hospital...he got to a point there was nothing more that could medically be done and he started going downhill....he lay beside me for weeks going SLOWLY...(in no pain..still eating a bit daily)...I too was absolutely exhausted, I lay awake listening to him breath and crying. God how I prayed the good Lord would take him in his sleep in order to save me the big decision....but that wasn't to be....my vet (God bless the man)...came to the house to put him to sleep, administered the sedation than the anestestic right here at home to save my Opus that last trauma of going to the hospital....that dear friend was 17 yrs old...and ran up a total of thousands of dollars for care that I had to scrape to find but I would do it all again for him, his ashes are on my mantel to be buried in with mine when I go....
So I think when the time comes you too will know that she has had enough and needs to leave....when theres pain for sure its time....I hope for you all that she will choose this time for herself and slip away peacefully.
Have you a copy of THE RAINBOW BRIDGE?
God bless you all
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