398921 tn?1233143534


My cat Cuddles is about 16yrs old and has always been pretty active. He was fine lastnight, then this afternoon I noticed him just laying there not acting himself. He threw up alittle clear liquid and now hasn't eatin or drank anything in almost 12 hours. I know he's getting old, but yesterday he was running around, eating, drinking, now today he's totally different and will only lay/sleep in same place where I put him this afternoon. Plan on bringing him to the vet in the morning if he continues.
I hope and pray I don't lose him. He's been like a child to me all these years.
Please, any suggestions would be very helpful.
Thank You.
4 Responses
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398921 tn?1233143534
Update: To those with cats that stopped eating/drinking.
Saturday morning I had to rush my Cuddles to the Emergency Animal Hospital due to him moaning in pain. He started eating/drinking fine as stated in my previous post. He ate/drank Saturday morning also, but afterwards cried out in moans that were so sad to hear. We wrapped him in a blanket and I held him and kept him somewhat calm on the way to the hospital. Deep down I knew I was taking my baby of 16 years to his final destination. We get to the hospital and wait a good 45 minutes before he's seen. I explained everything to the Dr. that has been happening with him for the past few days. They checked him for a fever, checked his weight and the Dr said while they were weighing him, he was hissing up a storm at them (like he does to everyone but me) and he noticed that his front fang was red and swollen. He claimed that his tooth was the cause of his pain. We (my husband and I ) looked at eachother with an uneased look, and asked that he check him out further just to make sure there's nothing else going on. So they did x-rays and blood test on Cuddles to make sure he wasn't sick somewhere inside that we couldn't see. The x-rays came back fine, as well as the blood test. He said that Cuddles was very healthy for a 16 year old cat! Except for his teeth. He's lost alot of teeth over the years and our old vet told us years ago that cats teeth aren't like humans teeth. When we have a bad tooth the pain is unbarable! Well, it is for cats to. So they put Cuddles out with medicine and pulled his fang, and gave us pain medicine and antibotics to bring home for him. So if you have a cat/dog that's not eating/drinking and not acting normal, it could be his/her teeth. I cried tears of happiness when we were finished because I just knew my baby wasn't going to come back home with me. And of course i'm very happy he's as healthy as he is for his age. Thank God for everything!!

Also, there was another cat there not eating/drinking, as well as hiding and acting not normal. He was constipated (sp?) big time. This poor cat was clogged up completely! That too can and will cause them not to act themself or eat and drink. So please, if your kitty or doggy isn't acting normal, stops eating and drinking and hides from you, take him/her to the vet ASAP! You could save your pets life! They can dehydrate and die sadly. And it could start out as something so simple like a sore tooth, and end up causing them their life due to dehydration. I hope my story here helps save atleast one animal out there. I know it can get expensive, but they are our pets that we love and they are worth it!
Good luck to all and keep our kitty's and doggies safe!
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398921 tn?1233143534
Thanks April for your response.
And yes! God does care about ALL animals and I do strongly believe God helped my cat.
Prayer does work and I believe your friends dog was also helped by the good Lord above.
As for how my cats doing now. He's eatin almost a half a can of Frisky's cat food. Drank all the liquid from a can of tuna fish and has drank alot of water, used the bathroom twice and is now upstairs sleeping on my bed where he loves to sleep. He's purring up a storm and even has started winking back at me again when I wink at him. That's something we've always done. He's always been more than a cat to me. I swear sometimes he acts human like. But he is doing alot better thank God!!  As for the cheese, that was the only thing at the time that he would eat. So I gave him small pieces just to get some food in him. Afterwards is when he ate his cat food and drank water. I'm just so happy to see him eating/drinking and being himself again.
The fear of losing something you love so much is enough to make a person sick, which I was getting that way myself. Since he's been eating, I to am finally able to eat. With the way he was acting yesterday just made me sick to my stomach from so much crying and worrying about him. Anyways, thanks again for the wonderful words in your response and thank you Lord for helping my kitty! =)
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203342 tn?1328737207
I'm glad he's doing a little better. I was going to tell you to take him to the vet but just watch him and see if he keeps doing better.
I certainly do believe in the power of prayer and miracles! I've seen them in my own life and friends and family. I also believe our God cares about the animals He created and He cares about the things we care about. I actually had a friend who's dog had a hard lump on his stomach and she panicked and called a friend who came over and the two of them laid hands on the dog and prayed for him and the next morning the lump was gone! Later, the vet told her it was probably just a fatty deposit but still the timing shows me that God does indeed answer prayer and cares.
I'm so glad he's doing better! 16 is pretty advanced for a cat.You might want to give him something easier to digest for awhile though. Cheese can be hard to digest and hard on the stomach. You might want to give him a little boiled chicken mixed with a little white rice for awhile and gradually mix in his regular cat food. Best wishes to you and your kitty! :)
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398921 tn?1233143534
At about 11:15am my cat Cuddles woke up, got off the sofa (where he's been for almost 24 hrs) and ate about a half of piece of cheese, and then drank quite a bit of water. He's walking around, but slowly. He went 24 hrs with no food/drink so hopefully that's why he's walking slowly. He even hissed at the dog like he always does. I'm hoping he's getting better. If he stops eating/drinking again, he'll be taken right to Vet. And if he starts to act not himself he's going to vet. I prayed and prayed so much these past 24 hours plus for this cat to get up and eat/drink, and he did! Miracle? I believe so. Will keep posting on his condition. Hopefully this will help other pet owners who need/want to help their loving kitty cats.
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