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1159737 tn?1286517257

I'M BACK!!!!!!

Hi guys! I know, I know, I was the one wanting everyone to give me daily details of their recovery and then I dissappear- I am sorry. Today was the first day I actually felt like getting on the comp. I seriously have not sat down here since I came home.So please don't think I got better and left, I just haven't felt good enough to sit here.

My surgery went fine, I was in the hospital for a week because my head hurt so much, finally they said I just needed to go home. They sent me home with percocet and oxycontin, then I had to switch to morephine and percocet, now I am on morephine and vicodin. My head still hurts, although not like it did after surgery. I don't have that weird jumbling of my words anymore, my comprehension is better, life isn't as "weird" as it used to be lol. I still get tired pretty easily, and Dr. Oro's assistant Kimberly keeps reassuring me I had a pretty intense surgery so the pain and everythng is to be expected. For a while after surgey I was throwing up everyday, that has finally gotten a little better, you would think I would have lost weight but no, I have gained ten pounds lol - I think it is because when I could eat I was eating everything, and everything sweet like cookies and stuff. Weird. I go to the pain clinic next month, because of my head still hurting so much. It is different than the Chiari HA, but nonetheless leaving me in pain and exausted, but, I do feel like I am getting better, and wondering if my HA aren;t something else.  One weird thing I had going on after surgery is I would twitch, like my arm or leg would just jump, or my whole body. Kimberly said it was my nerves repairing themselves. It only happens a little bit now.Other than that, I feel ok, def. not as horrible as I did after surgery. I do feel like I am recovering. I go back in for my two month check on Sept. 3, that's when I get my MRI too.

Anyway, just wanted to say hey and I am sorry for not keeping in touch, I don't have a laptop so siting in front of he comp is not so easy. My neck still gives me trouble as it is now so I am off, but I won't take so long to get back this time.

I realized looking over this post that I don't have tons of misspellings or letters somewhere they should not be, so that has gotten better too!  
5 Responses
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1159737 tn?1286517257
Thanks for the prayers guys! I am finding right nw more than anything I am still soo tired - but someone reminded me the other day my body is using my energy to heal and then with me trying to run around and take of kids is not helping. They are back to school now though so I at least can have a little more just relaxing time. My husband though has been awesome in my recovery, in that he doesn't expect me to do anything and on the days when I am like - babe- I am just so tired- he jumps in and does whatever I need him to do. I think he is so helpful because he sees that when I am feeling ok I do still do tings, and when I can't that's the only time I ask for his help, like he knows I am not taking advantage so he's cool.

I am amazed at how much better my typing is now! So much faster and not having to go back and change all my errors! Before my surgery, it took me sooo long to type a message because there were so many errors. My comprehension is getting so much better too. Has anyone noticed maybe a slight personality change after surgery? Like now I feel- more assertive? Not trying to be a snot or anything, but before I was so timid and shy, and now I'm just - not. Weird. Also I am like- nicer to people. I know that all almost sounded completely conflicting, but being assertive doesn't mean being rude or mean LOL. But now I care more about people. I don't know. maybe it was the whole coming close to death  I appreciate things more.

Anyway - sooo many new people here! But I am glad to still see old friends too. How are all of you guys doing?
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So happy to have you back on here!! Take things slow! I too had some weird things happen after the surgery, but they slowly stopped through out recovery time!! keep all of us posted on your recovery!! always in my prayers
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620923 tn?1452915648
Heyyyyyyy welcome home!!!...lol....

No worries, I was off for some time once I got home too...u need to readjust....

What u need right now is rest...so listen to ur body...and we will still be here : )

Glad that u r getting support from Dr Oro's office staff....

The twitching u mention I called tremors....or a vibration,...the valium was good at helping that....sorry the pain meds r not helping like u would like, but that will make it easy to stop them.....

Soooo glad that u can tell u r healing : )

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1159737 tn?1286517257
I know EXACTLY what you mean about "jump start" when falling asleep! How funny! It is encouraging to hear the HA get better, thank you. Kimberly rocks - I love her- that office def. takes care of it's patients.
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1179332 tn?1297478990
So glad to here that you are doing well!!!! I have been thinking about you and hoping that everything went well.

Kimberely seems to know her stuff..that was what I was told too about nerves repairing etc. BTW- I had horrible headaches after the surgery, they weren't the same as the Chiari ones but SUPER painful. I had trouble with that well into my second month but then things did start to get better. The exhaustion...lasted me much longer..you went through a major surgery and your body is using all that energy to help you get better.

There were some weird things that I noticed after surgery too...I started to get this weird tongue burning thing (theory is my cranial nerves are trying to heal) and I would get this weird jump start feeling when I was trying to sleep (that's the only way I can explain it). I have been told by many other Chiarian's who have had the surgery to expect weird things to happen for a while...

I am so glad to hear that you are seeing some improvements!! Just remember the recovery is slow, so you may feel like you haven't seen enough improvement..but it takes time!! I saw some immediate improvements right away and then for almost 7 months I felt like nothing was improving and then all of a sudden I started to notice more improvements.

I know what you mean about sitting at the computer..I don't have a laptop either and it was killer to try and sit up and type when I was newly out of surgery. So don't worry, we understand!! But I am really happy to know you are ok!

Take care of yourself and rest, rest, rest!! <3

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