1063386 tn?1287878569


I went to the NS today and he said very nicely though that I have a mild chiari he does not feel it is causing my symptoms and is not sure what he could do to help.  He cuts things out and there is nothing to cut.  He was very nice about it and was surprised my NL hadn't done any other testing on my like LP or MRI if the c spine  which he did order for me.  He said that a chiropractor wouldnt hurt anything and may be worth a try.

so I still have no treatments for symptoms but at least I was not completely blown off by him even though he didn't think the visit was at all needed.

so there it is DX  mild Chiari asymptomatic with no need to do anything with it (ya know since i was born with it and doing fine for 30 years.)

I wanted to laugh though at the asymptomatic thing though.   2 pages of symptoms not really asymptomatic..........pray the Chiropractor has better luck.
: )
10 Responses
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620923 tn?1452915648
HI...sorry, I have to ask who is ur Dr Angie?

Please do not alow the chiro to manipulate ur neck.

Helpful - 0
539750 tn?1226521677
I heard we shouldn't do lumbar punctures, it can increase the pressure....I would look into this.
Helpful - 0
999891 tn?1407276076
Hi Lu,
I must say that the following is my own experience, everyone is different. I have “borderline CM and Syrinx”

I got a firm warning from my NS not to have any kind of manipulation done on my neck or back as there is a strong risk of making things worse. This includes PT. I must stress that this was medical advice given to me by a doctor who knows my history but I would advise caution. Research the risks for CM patents who have LP’s and manipulation before doing anything.

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620923 tn?1452915648
LP's should only be done by a experienced chiari dr...if pulled too fast it can cause the chiari to get worse very fast....so always inform ne dr wanting to do this on a chiarian that u have chiari and find out y they feel u need it and ask how many chiarians have they done this proceedure on.

Sometimes it is a nessecary proceedure.

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1063386 tn?1287878569
my NS is Dr. Bamakedis at the Cleveland Clinic.   I dont really think he very much cared about me other then to point out I had this and it didnt need anything cut so he was done.

My NL completely signed off of my case so that is all I have to go on.   I talked to the chiro about me having Chiari and he seemed like he knew about it and what to do   but then again he seemed like he knew everything...................

he is my only hope though to get relesased back to work

prayers it is only whiplash causeing these symptoms   and my chiari is mild and silent as all hemorrhoids should be,,,,  as with any other hemorrhoid  ones of the brain are no different...they are all pains in the A$$
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620923 tn?1452915648
Angie...LMAO u r soooooooooooo right !!

Sorry, and I hope u r right...I had undx whiplash for 14 yrs and I had so much back issues bcuz of how it affects the mucles and I had no idea about my chiari and did see a chiro...and it did help.

Good Luck and keep us posted

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759386 tn?1324562124
Here is why I had the lumbar Puncture on Saturday:  The ER doc said that it could perhaps make my headaches worse - perhaps not we are all different.  I asked her if she knew or was familiar with Chiari and she said yes.  WE chatted for a very short time and she was knowledgable with it from the limited questions that I asked her.  She said that she was not an EXPERT but the more about and was going to do her thesis paper on it perhaps as she was in her residency.  

She was worried about bleeding of the brain due to the mild concussion that I had from the accident in April of this year.  So my thought was bleeding of the brain: serious if that is what all the pain was from.  So I signed the paper work and we did the LUMBAr Puncture.  She just hit the Siatic nerve once and apologized immediately.  She said usually she has lhelp but the the h1nu flue that the docs were swamped.  And they all try to do as much as they can on thier own.  She did an excellent job.  

Just my experiences.

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1063386 tn?1287878569
well I am going to go to the Chiro tom adn just see what he says.  maybe I can talk him into doing gradual things as a precaustion.
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620923 tn?1452915648
Good luck.....be careful.

Helpful - 0
1079987 tn?1258040916
Please be careful.....you know my experience,

Good Luck!!

Meg :)
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