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Best place for severe eczema and food allergies

Hi, Im on my second ped immunoloy specialist and he is at the end of his rope now with ideas to help my 4 yo son.  Where would  the best place be to take my son with severe eczema and food allergies?  He is on prednisone and atarax now with minimal improvement.  I live in Southern Cal, but willing to go wherever I can get the best help.  He has a rash all over his body and bleeding wounds all over both hands and feet for three months straight now.  This is the second bout of prednisone in a month.  Already failed antibiotics and antifungals.  Please help.
35 Responses
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168348 tn?1379357075
What is Ambrotose .. I have 4 children and many vitamins cause a reflux stir .. so I'm always on the lookout for new ideas.

My oldest two react to alot of known allergins.  One gets bouts of a reactive arthritis from allergins, too but has pretty much outgrown it .. so anything natural in the way of vitamins I'm always open to learn about.  I have to be very careful with otc things which boost the immune system as many contain roots of plants which are derivatives of things my girls are severely allergic to in the ragweed dept.  My allergist alerted me to this.   Always tough .. you think you are doing something good only to find out it may cause asthma attack.

both my older girls were on Singulair daily for 4 yrs .. it really was a wonderful drug!!!

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326352 tn?1310994295
It's sold by Mannatech (which unfortunately is one of those "home-seller" companies).  I purchased Ambrotose from them because of what my boss said helped his grandson who also had allergies, ear infections, and strep continually.  I wasn't sure if it would work...and I *think* it does.  We also give our daughters a basic multi-vitamin (the princess ones).  Ambrotose is a powder of nutrients, some of which I had seen sighted in other studies (like the fuccodin and aloe vera).  You can google Mannatech and Ambrotose and find their website, if you wish.  I couldn't find a list of ingredients on their site, just the usual "our product is the best" advertisement.  If I can remember this weekend, I'll type up what's on the jar and post it here.

It's pricey, I will warn ya, but you only use a little bitty bit once a day.  We got it as a trial for our daughter during her worst ever eczema breakout.  Along with the other stuff, her breakouts are less severe and she's not as "crusty", if ya understand what I mean by that.  We have seen an improvement with her breakouts when we use it consistently and less of an improvement when we forget (as we did over vacation and she broke out again).  I'm not sure it'll work for everyone, so I don't usually promote stuff.  However, this has helped with our daughter to a degree.  

If I had to vote on the things I think we've seen have helped in our particular situation, I would vote the Hylira as #1, Ambrotose as #2 and the Atopiclair #3 (that really helped her face) and the Fungal stuff #4 (we had a SERIOUS problem with fungus around our vacation time).

Cold and flu season ended about the time we started this "trial" of Ambrotose.  We usually get the girls a flu shot and intend to keep trying Ambrotose into flu season this fall and see if we get to visit our doc less than last year.  That'll be the TRUE review of this product for us.  Right now our typical flu season consists of 3 strep throats and 2 ear infections plus at least one good cold.  That's just our dd#1.  Our eczema baby goes the other way with more ear infections, less strep, and lots of colds.

I understand about the asthma thing.... you think you've got something good going and wham...back to the inhaler thingie (which she hates).  We are watching dd #1, she's had a cough for 3 weeks and doc is hoping it isn't a sneaky form of asthma.  At this point she says "no", but we have to return in 3 weeks if the cough is still with us.  Lucky us.

Good luck, let me know if you decide to try this stuff and what you think.
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Hi guys.  It sounds like Im not alone with this parenting a tough eczema child thing...

UPDATE:  He is still scratching and bleeding, but he is doing MUCH better (50%) just on Zithromax so we believe most of the severity was a secondary infection even though we were using tea tree oil, neo and polysporin, and bleach baths (1/4 cup in whole tub for antifungal antibacterial effect).  We are weaning him off prednisone and added Zantac which our doc says is a histamine blocker that blocks what Atarax doesnt.  We just started so we have not noticed a benefit yet with it.  We are waiting to get appt with LA specialist.

I also just started him on BIAMONTE's eczmea program.  Dr. B is a naturpath who specializes in candida and eczema.  He has helped me with my candida over the past 2 yrs and claims he can probably help my son because MOST of eczema suffers have genetic errors that make us susceptible to candida infection or parasite problem.  Especially if your child has had ANY type of fungal or yeast infetion, there's a good chance the child has intestinal candidasis or parasites.  The problem is trying to comply my 4yo to his program of swallowing tons of capsules every day.  I would recommend any parent of eczema child to look up Biamonte's website at "health-truth.com".  I will warn you that it is not cheap either, but whats cheap about several doc visits and meds as we are doing now??  If not biamonte's program, look into other programs with that concept.  Its a very expensive, very hard to comply program with astringent diet restrictions and talking up to 80 capsules a day for me, but regular docs only wanted to put me on liver toxic drugs and prednisone all the time and never took care of problem like this program did.

Thanks for the info on Hylira and Atopiclair (wonder if they sell in states?) and my mom takes Ambrotose, so I know about it already.  I wish you all the best with your children and pray God with give you as parents some rest and peace with all your hard work taking care of high maintenence kids!
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326352 tn?1310994295
Good info, too!!  I didn't know about the bath with the bleach.  I do use Tea Tree oil and have added it to the laundry on occassions (love the smell, weird I know).  And the Zantac...I'm going to add that the list of questions for our next visit to the doc.  

Hylira and Atopiclair are prescriptions that are available in the states.  Hylira just recently had a generic made (hyaluronic acid....can't spell sometimes so that may not be quite right but phonetically seems right...huge bottle for around 10 bucks depending on your insurance).  Atopiclair is not available in a generic, but you use so little of it that it'll last a good long while.  It's a non-steroial facial thing for eczema.  Lauren has a time with eczema on her eyelids and cheeks.  Our allergy doc prescribed those and they seem to be the best of the lot we've tried.  

Luckily we've only had to go one round of prednisolone on our dd with the eczema.  She didn't tolerate that well at all.  And she does have a serious candida problem.  I will look up the website you stated.  Thankfully she will eat yogurt and that does seem to help (especially when she has to have an antibiotic).

How does your mom like Ambrotose?

Yep, high maintenance kids all around, but love 'em ne'er the less.  Maybe more because they are high maintenance.  :)
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168348 tn?1379357075
Wow what great info all around ....... C~
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637356 tn?1301924822
sorry to hear about the major break out with your son. My daughter is exactly like your son and takes Singular and Ballergy. Also taking two allergy shots a week to try and avoid bronchitis due to her severe allergies.

Defiantley write down everything he touches and eats for a while and see if something is new. Maybe you are forgetting the common factor. Also Latex can be a severe reaction like this one. My daughter is highly allergic to latex as well and we found out by putting a latex bandaid on her. Caused a major blister and redness all around her arm.
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