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Celexa Cold Turkey Withdrawal - I'm in hell

I started Celexa for "mild" anxiety and stress back in November.  It gave me increased nervousness and anxiety from the start, but I decided to "tough it out" like so many people told me I should do and give it a chance to work.  I only took it for 2 months.  The anxiety that the drug caused seemed like it started to get better and then just hit me with panic attacks and crying spells that I did not have before taking this drug.  I started on 20mg and only tolerated that for a few days and then dropped to 10mg for the remainder of the time I was on it.  I only took 5mg for about the last few days I was on it.  Anyways, my Dr. told me to just stop taking it, no taper.... and I was out of the med at that point also.  That was 3 weeks ago.  About 5 days after stopping, all hell broke loose in my mind/body.  Here is what I'm experiencing:  CONSTANT ANXIETY and nervousness, uncontrollable crying and feeling depressed, dry mouth, no appetite, diarrhea, can't concentrate.  I also had a cold right after I stopped it, but that went away.  I have xanax that was given to me to help while I "adjusted" to the drug in the first place.  I went to the ER yesterday morning because I couldn't take it anymore and they did nothing for me.  The Dr. told me that there was no magic pill that was going to fix this at this point and that I should take .5mg xanax 3 times a day for now.  The anxiety and crying are so bad in the morning sometimes that I can barely function and get out of bed.  I had a couple of days where I thought I felt some improvement, but it was short lived.  A pyschiatrist at the hospital told the Dr. I dealt with he believes since I didn't tolerate the drug well to begin with, then quit cold turkey, and also I take Protonix which they said made the drug stay in me longer than normal is causing this, but offered no solution/time frame.  I'm very sensitive to most drugs I've ever taken also.  I don't want another to put another antidepressant in my body.  Will this end?  I'm so scared of how I feel right now.   I feel extremely hopeless.
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Hi, I was happy to see your feeling better now, I have been off citalopram for 3 months now and I'm still struggling everyday. Especially with depression. How many months did it take for your on feel better? I'm just hoping there's an end to this so I can live my life again I don't think there's anything worse then depression.
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I'm sorry that you're dealing with that...I hope you feel better soon.  In my opinion, it's what the drug companies want....everyone to think they need it for life because it's pure hell to get off of it.  Antidepressants are the number one drug prescribed in the US....and most doctors don't even recommend patients try anything else before giving them the prescription, or at least tell them to do other things along with it.  I wish you the best of luck.
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I was diagnosed with anxiety and panick attacks back in 2007. I was prescribed Celexa also known as Citalopram. It takes a while to work. Doctor said like 3 months to really kick in. At the beginning  I spent 3 months on the couch no energy, not eating, afraid to go out, not working, and then all of suddent I felt fine. Fast Forward to 2014 genius me decided I felt fine so I didn't need them. I stopped cold turkey. one month after stopping I got the biggest and scariest panick attack. I was screaming for the ambulance. I felt I was going to pass out, and felt as if I was dying. It has been almost two weeks since I resumed taking celexa. This past two weeks have been hell because my anxiety is bad. Although today I feel a little better. I have to wait again for celexa to kick in. I am taking ativa 0.5 mg 3x a day. They helped me a lot, and thank God I have them. I feel sorry for the people that can't get medication. I would go crazy I believe. I don't care for now on if I need to be on this celexa for the rest of my life I will. I rather feel good, then feel like crap, and not enjoy life because of it.
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You're not in withdrawal because of a vitamin deficiency, however, it's a good idea to have vitamin levels checked as well as thyroid function.  Also, have a blood count and make sure you're not anemic.  I would get off Celexa as soon as possible before your system is too used to it.  I wouldn't think you need to take very long to taper down after only 6 days of use.  Maybe try taking it every other day and see how you react, or cut the dose in half.
I would try EVERYTHING in your power to fight your depression without drugs.  My life was a living hell thanks to them, and I am much better with vitamins, healthy eating, regular exercise.  Go outside as much as possible...it helps.  I take lots of walks.  You could try some of the herbal supplements for depression, but make sure you do research before taking anything as some of them can react with other things you might be taking.  You could also talk to a therapist or go to a support group.  I know sometimes those things seem scary, but talking to people really helps once you push yourself to do it.
In my opinion, most people don't even need antidepressants and the doctors don't have us try anything else before writing a prescription before talking to us for 10 minutes or less.  One of my friends just tried to commit suicide, and she's on an antidepressant.  A lot of good that drug did her.  I'm not saying that they don't ever help people, but I thought I needed a pill to feel better and I don't.  I can't stress enough how much exercise helps depression...even if you don't feel like you can do it, just keep trying and don't give up!
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The best thing to do is to get bloodwork to see if your deficient in certain vitamins, particularly the ones that can contribute to depression and other things going on with your body. The one's I was was deficient in are vit b, vit d and iron. I was so low that I needed prescription strength vit b and vit d. I was able to take OTC iron. It was also suggested by my dr to take fish oil with no mercury in it. Having the right level of these vitamins can really help with depression and being tired, among others. You can look these up on the Internet under deficiencies for whatever vitamin your looking into and it will list all of the negative effects if one is deficient in a particular vitamin.
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i dont take vitamins at all. i take celexa and i didnt take it for 6 days and had withdrawal symptoms but i started taking it asap again. since i dont take vitamins could i have a vitamin deficiency also?
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Hi I have been through hell on citalopram I had depression emotional blunting and no motivation I had breast cancer last year whilst in process of tapering off but didn't continue because scared of w ithdrawls. I now after very slow tapering from 2.5 g have had unbearable withdrawls severe depression, no emotions agitated very I'll I have a beautiful 2 year old daughter and this is hell for me. I have odd windows of improvement then the crap starts again.
Been off 5 weeks now and have lost hope. Could someone please help she'd some light on very long dark dark tunnel. I was never depressed before ADs only had some anxiety and wish I could turn the clock back and demanded therapy not this evil drug.
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Wanted to update:  I've been off antidepressants for a few months and I feel great!  People don't want to believe that those medicines can harm you and that there is such a thing as protracted withdrawal.  Well, it's true!  I had to take remeron until my brain reset itself and then SLOWLY taper off of it...if I tried to stop too soon, I would start going back into withdrawal.  I was at the point where I had to shave tiny pieces off the pills to taper off, but finally did it.  Had alittle anxiety at first but once my brain went back to normal I've.been fine. I never needed an antidepressant in the first place, and my doctor should have recognized that. I NEVER had panic attacks before I took those drugs and haven't had one since but no one wanted to believe me. They took me through one of the worst nightmares of my life and I will never take them again.
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HI, Nursegirl (et. al.)  Your comment (re: quitting Celexa cold turkey) sounded exactly like my life!  I've been on SSRIs for anxiety, all prescribed by my OB/Gyn, never seen a therapist or pdoc (but I do know all the lingo, my son has Aspergers/Generalized Anxiety Disorder...)  

DRUG HISTORY:  Prozac 6/2000, ending at 1/2009 (at 40 mg, it just crapped out, apropos of nothing and quit working), doc replaced it with Celexa 40mg until current episode.  

6/13:  Major meltdown, that had been lead up to by some incredible life experience episodes.  Details not necessary, but know they were major, and included the loss of a business opportunity that I had been working on for 4 months, my daughter's 8th grade graduation, a cross country trip in the back seat of my parents car for an uncle's funeral, and 911 call from the hospital that my recent mammogram came back with suspicious masses in both breasts......the breasts are fine, but I had to go in for more radiation.....thanks.

6/13:  At urging of PCP, went to seek psychiatric eval at emergency room.  She said that was the only way to see someone in a timely manner.  Disaster of an admittance, was there for 9 hours, and by the time I got to the social worker (who was the last step before the pdoc) Pdoc attending had gone home for the day.  Very nice, and not at all stressful.  Could have admitted to the psych ward at the hospital at that point, but they told my husband they were just going to coldturkey wean me from celexa, and he decided to do that from home.  (This was the right decision, I was so upset at the prospect of checking into to the hospital and not even being SEEN by anyone til the next morning..) Husband asked what if things go badly at home, can we just come back, they said sure, but I'd have to go through the entire intake process (9 hours) all over again.  

NOTE:   OMG, THIS is what is wrong with our medical system.  No wonder people go nuts!

6/18:  Saw PDoc in her office for 1st time/intake.  Added Depakote 500 mg which I took 6/18 –6/20

6/21 -  6/25: Not sleeping well.  Doc advised by phone to boost 1000 mg , then stopped cold turkey.  Wanted me on Seroquel in addition for sleep (that's not what Seroquel is for, and Doc didn't even talk to me about it, just called it in and talked to my husband, who didn't get the story straight, but I refused until I saw someone *competent*

6/26:  Saw new PDoc, who I like and trust, she cut me off the Depakote cold turkey and added Seroquel IR 100 mg

6/27 – 7/2:  Reduced Seroquel to 50 mg (citing extreme sleepiness and grogginess, and inability to function, felt like wearing lead boots, inability to “find” words when speaking-------but overall, the Seroquel has helped me sleep better.  So there’s that.)

7/3:  Saw Pdoc again, she said to add Seroquel 200 XR 4 hours before bed, plus a hit of 25 or 50 mg of Seroquel IR at bedtime (to help ensure sleep)

7/4:  Very shaky all day.  Didn’t take the 25 or 50 mg. last night.  Still a mess.  Are we getting ANYWHERE?  Still lots of crying.

7/5:  Slept late, a little better with the shakes, but still very much there.  Can’t hold a cup of coffee, would not get behind the wheel even if they let me.  Still lots of crying.  And the paranoia/ everyone is out to get me feeling is back.  Oh, and bonus, I’m constipated.  And I'm eating a lot, because of the foul taste in my throat (the only thing that keeps it at by is mint chocolate chip ice cream) so have gained 4 lbs since this all started.

WHAT I NEED ADVICE WITH:  I am damaging personal relationship at lightning speed.  Of course, people aren't thinking about their words when they say them, I have to keep asking for clarity, and they are GETTING IT WRONG.  My little sister says, "Well at least it's all behind you and you can start to get better...."  She meant the hospital visit, not *this*.  And people are saying dumb ****, like "I know how you feel," "Don't worry, you'll get through this," "God never gives someone more than they can handle," and I'm just ANGRY ANGRY ANGRY.

Then people compound it, because I'm not "normally" an angry person (my cup is always half full) and are irritated because they don't know how to deal with this new person.  

Can you all give me any hope, or BTDT advice, as to when I can expect to pull out of this????  At this point, maybe I DO want to go to Passages Malibu and hang out with Lindasy Lohan (just kidding.....can't do that, I have a household to run, and two children (13 and 16) to take care of......which I'm not doing a very good job with, but whatever.)  Anyone?  Anyone?  Bueller?

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480448 tn?1426948538
Ahhh...disregard, I just saw a notification that you sent me a PM.  Off to read it now.
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480448 tn?1426948538
So, how did you do at the doctor today hon?  I've been thinking of you all day today.  Please let us know.  Feel free to PM me if you would prefer that instead.
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I already live a healthy lifestyle and have for several years....sometimes I guess it's not enough.  It doesn't hurt though :)
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And this is why I don't trust doctors...

I had just about the same situation when I was on the drug and trust me getting off of it wasn't easy. My problem was I had loss of motivation and had no energy.While I was on the drug for many months as it was suppose to "gradually" help, it only made matters worst. I actually became suicidal because of it and ended up in a mental hospital for a little while. In the end I resorted to street drugs which I can say does not help.

What I can say is this, it will take a few months before what you are feeling will go away. A prescribed drug or not, it will typically lasts 3-6 months before the after effects of the drugs wear off. Now I know this probably sounds like "OMFG I HOPE NOT!" but it's the truth, however, there are ways to help you though it a lot.

First off keep yourself busy. As long as you can keep yourself distracted by hanging out with friends, playing video games, what ever, just keep doing something and try to avoid situations where you are alone doing nothing. Next off, go healthy. I'm serious! Eating at least 2 apples, bananas ect.. drinking lots of water and exercise every day will help flush the drugs out of your system lowering the length of time for the after effects to wear off. And lastly don't give up hope man.

These really are obvious points and aren't hard to remember. The hardest thing you will find tho is to apply it to your life and make it a habit, it won't be as easy as shoving a pill down your throat but it will be far more effective than that damn celexa...
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480448 tn?1426948538
You probably are right about the benzos, I just don't want you to overly stress yourself worrying avbout everything, you know.  A taper will take some time (it should)...so you have some time to think about that.

IF you do discuss a benzo taper with the doc, I would recommend asking for a VERY slow and deliberate one.  The slower the better IMO.

Try to look at tomorrow as day one of a new start.  I know you feel so defeated, I've been there and it's awful.  If I got better, so will you.  You know I'm pulling for you, you've been on my mind a lot.  

If you believe in prayer, pray...even if you don't really believe in it, ask others to pray for you.  I'm not the most spiritual person in the world, but I believe there is definitely something to the power of prayer.  I think even just KNOWING that many people are thinking of you and wishing the best for you is a huge comfort.

Big hugs!!
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Thank you for the support...I know this will get better, just ***** trying to get there...as most of you probably know.  I'm going to keep an open mind because I need help.  I'm pretty sure the benzos need to go...after I take it now I have crying fits and thoughts of dying....very scary.  I seem to start feeling somewhat better when it wears off.  I'll tell the Dr. Everything and pray for strength to get through this.  
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480448 tn?1426948538
Giving up is not an option, sweetie.  I know this has been so hard for you.  Try not to worry just yet about the benzos...one step at a time.  Go in tomorrow with an open mind, with your list of questions and concerns.  I completely understand your fear of trying another med, I'm hoping this doc has some different ideas.

Please let us know how the appt goes.  I'll be thinking of you, and anxious to hear about it.
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Trying to tell myself this will get better....I feel so empty and lost.  I'm trying and nothing takes this pain away.  I'm so scared....I have too much to live for to give up.  I don't even know what to expect from the psychiatrist tomorrow.  There is a heavy weight on my chest that will not go away.  I want to feel some kind of happiness again and stop the bad thoughts I'm having.  Sorry to keep posting, but I am truly lost right now and my life is at a standstill.  
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I'm seeing a psychiatrist on Monday but don't think I want to try any new meds with my system so messed up right now.  I have been taking 2 mg of ativan a day and before that was approx. 1.5mg xanax for a total of about 3.5 months now.... how slowly should I taper?  I'm already going through hell after stopping celexa but I think I need to get my system clean of all the drugs and see where I stand.  I was nowhere near the shape I'm in before I took any of this stuff.  I think the benzos could be part of the problem.  they are obviously not helping me feel better especially since I'm getting more depressed now.  What a mess I'm in.
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I'm pretty sure the benzos are making me worse and I can't just quit after 3 months on them.  I want my life back!!!!  I'm sick of crying and having panic attacks everyday.  I'm losing my mind.
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Thank you for your thoughts and encouragement.  I'm hanging on by a thread but still hanging nonetheless.
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4862508 tn?1360796307

     Hi.  I am praying for you.  I hope you are hanging in there.  Please know that the terrible withdrawal symptoms you are experiencing are 'only' withdrawal symptoms.  It is not you.   It is the drug and its after-affects that are doing havoc to your brain.in addition to the damage it already caused to your system while you were taking it.   Celexa is notorious for having  some of the very worst withdrawal symptoms.  Even those who have been on it for 1 week suffer terrible withdrawal symptoms.  It is very important to taper off the drug very slowly.  Drs do not seem to mention or warn how hard it is to get off of antidepressants.  But in the real world, there are many forums (go to drugs.com click forums) dedicated to this discussion,  these withdrawal symptoms are so terrifying that they have even lead to suicide.  PLEASE REMEMBER these symptoms will pass and you have many wonderful days ahead of you.
       For immediate short term relief you might want to try taking a warm bath with 3 cups of epsom salts (available at grocery stores) added to the bath water.  Epsom salts are derived of Magnesium which is naturally depleted by stress.  The Magnesium in the bath will be absorbed through your skin and temporarily offer stress relief.  You can also just soak your feet in an Epsom salt "bath" for relief

  For a more inclusive healing I recommend that you hook-up with a Naturopathic or Holistic Dr.  They can help you support the rebalancing of your neurotransmitters which always are interferred with when we take antidepressants.  All Antidepressants alter brain functions...either inhibiting or accelerating the natural activities of our brain chemicals.  It takes time and nutrient support to rebalance and nurture your brain back to optimal health.  Our brains ultimately get stressed as we get stressed, but the healing cannot occur by taking the unnatural Pharmaceutical chemicals that the main stream Drs have been taught to prescribe. Those do more harm setting our system further out of whack.   What does help us  is to regain our homeostasis, our natural balance, by supplementing with the natural nutrients that our bodies need and recognize.  Replenishing those minerals, etc,  that have been depleted as a result of our reactions to overwhelming  stress  will heal us.
         I  have been on at least 5 different antidepressants over the last 15 yrs.  I began taking each one hoping it would be different from the last.  None of them gave me better health.  One did nothing and the rest made matters worse.  I finally tapered off my last ( and it is the last) antidepressant (lexapro)  with the help of a Holistic Dr who took tests to see what nutrients were out of balance in my system.  In my case, it was Magnesium (research has revealed that up to 50% of those who are depressed are lacking in Mg) and vitamin B-9 (folic acid) which is also commonly deficient  as many of us cannot absorb B-9 unless we take it in the form of Folate rather than folic -acid. If you are interested http://www.methyl.com has info on that. Both of these nutrients support brain health.
      I pray and hope you receive some holistic guidance to support and heal your mental and physical health.  Please know that others have gone, and are going  through the same dreadful trauma you are experiencing.  Please REMEMBER  this is only a temporary bad and awful experience which you will recover from. The best is yet to come.

        You are in my prayers.  I hope you will keep letting us know what you are experiencing.  We all benefit from the sharing.

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I hope the new doc Can help me....none of this even makes sense to me and I can't see any light at the end of this tunnel.  I went to the doctor for mild stress a few months ago.....how did I end up here thinking about dying?  please pray for me.
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480448 tn?1426948538
Well, it's not easy to sort out a cause, but yes, benzos absolutely can cause or contribute to depressive symptoms.  It's hard to say though, because severe anxiety most definitely will cause a secondary depression as well.

My only concern about you trying to reduce or come off the benzos right now is that it will exacerbate the anxiety and panic.  I think maybe it's best to deal with one thing at a time.  I feel for you...I know you feel like this is hopeless, but it isn't.  Hopefully this new doc will be able to shed some light on this for you.

Fingers crossed.

And, don't worry about the posts...my goodness, we're here to help.  Even if all we can do right now is support you...you've got it.  Keep posting and letting us know what's going on.

Prayers for you.
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Depression and anxiety go hand in hand feeding off each other. I wouldn't think Ativan could make you depressed but someone else can comment on that.
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