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Hydrocortisone cream 1% used on penis glans. Now thinned skin.

Will my penis glans skin recover after using hydrocortisone 1% cream? I began using this cream in February 15 for about 5 days. Then I stopped and had sexual intercourse.  Everything seemed fine but I got redness so started using it again for about a week. All was fine again. Then masturbated and the skin not my foreskin must of rubbed on residue that was there. This was about a week later after having used it. It seemed that 3 quarters of my glans went a blood red colour. I guess the skin was starting to thin.  I masturbated a few more times over the week and my penis glans skin began to go dry and crack.  On once occasion a dot of blood appeared. I couldn't understand what was going on.

It was sore and painful but a man has needs. When I masturbated I kept the skin retracted (I am uncircumcised ). This stopped any friction. I then tried to stay away from sex and masturbating.  However a man does have needs so if I did I used a lube. So as not to affect any healing process. So. So far I had used cortisone 1% on and off for roughly two weeks I guess. I'd decided enough was enough. The skin was becoming wrinkly and transparent when my penis was soft when I started to masturbate.  When erect I noticed that some capillaries were showing at the Base of the head. Also it has a shiny , waxy appearance and could be red in one place.  Anyway. Through pure stupidity I decided to use the cream for one more week. Only applying it where the redness was and rubbing it in.

I read some more stuff online and thought. Wow. Enough of this poison. So stopped using it and won't use any steroid cream again. So. At the moment I have a prison glans that can have a blotchy appearance and the skin can look at little loose . If I start to masturbate i first see transparent wring skin then the whole glans looks dry. I then get out the lube to stop any damage and the reappearance of cracked skin. This helps me greatly. When erect my penis has red blood capillaries visible at the Base of the glans. Also the skin is waxy /shiny .

Can anyone tell me if all the symptoms will disappear with time. And what sort of a time scale am I looking st for a full recovery ? Or am I stuck with these side effects. All good , honest advice appreciated.  

Anyone given steroid creams for something similar I suggest you do not use. All in all I guess I used this cream for 5 days,  then had a few days break. Then used them again for 7 days. Then a break for a couple or few weeks. I'd used it liberally for those 12 days. Didn't realise what I was doing. After the 2 to 3 weeks break only using occasionally I then decided to try to fix it by using it for one more week. Applied twice a day and only a small amount and where it was originally needed. Was used in conjunction with an anti fungal cream.  

Anyway. I've stopped using it now. And has cut down on masturbation and if I do I use a lube. Which helps greatly. So my question is. Will my penis skin return to normal. And how long will it take.  Or am I stuck with this affliction for the rest of my life. Thanks.  
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Week 61. Quick update to help all you guys.

As you know when I first finishing overusing this cream on my glans I ended up with bone dry , cracked skin that at one point bled.

Thankfully things are much better now. Mostly normal but one or two things I am still waiting to return to normal. They are the following.  

* capillaries can show at rim of glans around the base. This used to be all over but is now fading.  Some can show as red blotches. This is only from over use of glans. Through masturbating etc.  This can make the skin look a little rougher than the deep, thick colour it used to be. The skin obviously hasn't fully rethickened yet or the capillaries are still too dilated in places.

* a slight film of skin can show on the glans when going from flaccid to erect. But only occasionally.  Under flash it can show on the foreskin too but not noticeable at all otherwise.

* slight wrinkles.  Noticeable when foreakin is pushed up to rim of glans at the base.  Also evident sometimes when skin is less hydrated.

* Dry crusts of skin come every now at different then. If I press the glans together gently it can make it look dry and the top layer ruffled. Guess this is a good sign as old skin cells are hopefully being replaced as part of the regeneration process.

Overall , excellent progress. Have also had sex plenty times but am yet to try unprotected since it happened except oral. No problems oral. No one has noticed any difference.

* another thing. Very , very occasionally the skin can go red from where the foreskin strikes the glans but not very often. Maybe the skin is dry when this happens and strikes places on the glans where thickness is slower in regeneration.  

Anyway. Still some issues but mostly fine and time will helpfully continue to improve as it has done already. To massive degrees.  Where it ends up in do not know. Feel free to follow my journal. Continual updates.  

Thanks for all the nice comments. I hope to continue with the excellent progress as mostly everything is fine. As for the person who says he used stronger hydrocortisone. I'm sorry but I never would wish to use any steroid cream down there again. I used too much and thought things were over me. Luckily I'm in a much greater place now. Just monitoring the backward steps the recovery makes and hoping they become less and less backward steps until thy don't happen anymore.

Be strong people.
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Read your journal, I've experienced something similar with thin skin through masturbation. Anyway you could post pictures so I could compare my issue. Would definitely help but if not good luck on your journey
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I've had similar problems one day I noticed a red ring on my foreskin, at that point I could retract my skin but few days later I could not,few days later I ordered a cortison/yeast cream I applied it a few days with no result it seemed to make things worse I got thinner skin and small cracks on my foreskin.Later same week I went to the doc and he prescribed med an antibiotic cream and natrium chloride liquid wich would help me with the infection, I used for five days with minor changes.I went to the doctor Again and explained this cream did not help, and yet he prescribed me with a anti-fungal cream I will use this for a few days and hope it will help. the most annoying thing is that I can't retract my foreskin.

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Hazlan the spots you're seeing are probably where the small veins or venules I think they're called are dilated. Giving a blotchy appearance to the skin.

All those saying thank you to me. You're welcome.  You'll get no lies from me. The man who was prescribed even stronger steroid cream. Me personally, I wouldn't put any steroid cream of any strength down there again if it was my choice.

Anyway. Week 63 update.  Two main issues.

Telangiectasia- small spider veins under surface of skin. Has improved as they used to be all over the head of the glans.  But still some apparent and can make glans look blotched with red mark. Mainly apparent around the rim under strong light . Anyone know if these fade over time or is it permanent? I've read it's  a permanent side effect of stronger steroid creams nut I used hydrocortisone 1% (the mildest ).

* striae- this I believe is permanent.  It was much much worse but now it only shows when not fully erect . I believe it will be less noticeable with time but that it is a permanent change.  

These are the only two issues I have now really. Both caused by the cream. Anyone been through this ? Be great to hear how you guys ended up ? Remember.  I used hydrocortisone 1% cream so answers about this cream only or their counterparts will only be relevant.

Good luck I to you all. My journal is updated weekly but will now be 4 weekly. Next update on here will be around Christmas time.  
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Hats off to Splodge13.  Have been fighting a much milder version of something similar. Your posts were not only encouraging but have helped me avoid the truly desperate fate that would have come around if I had continue to play around with steroid creams on parts too sensitive for them.
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In case it's helpful to anyone, I will elaborate slightly. Have had some mild but annoying chronic dermatitis issues on my scrotum. It has been controlled well with the mildest types of steroids, i.e. hydrocortisone or alclometasone (lowest dosage).  Never any longer term issues for the skin with repeat usage on the scrotum.  At one point I had a flare that caused some irritation on the penis. Used triamcinolone on it once. Several months later, tried alclometasone (which is milder) for two days. That wasn't a good idea, and caused bad effects, but hopefully will not lead to any long-term catastrophe.
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Hey guys, I have the same problem. A year ago I started using this poison on my Jimmy and now it's red, dry and paper bag effect. I also pUT this on my testicles. My life is a living hell but what I can say is helping is tube gause.  If you can find this pleas try it around your penis. Has anyone else found relief in anything?
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35 weeks on things are much better. The skin has rethickend but there's still some more to occur.  All I get now is a thin layer of cigarette paper style skin ever now and then but trust me. It was much worse 35 weeks ago. I could actually hear the skin underneath when it would fill up the head of my penis when erect.

The skin texture has near enough returned to normal. The foreskin has returned to normal and doesn't stick to the glans any more. Only slightly sometimes. But mostly no issue. When it first happened I used lube a lot when masturbating at first. Now I don't need to use it.

If I have a lot of activity down there the activity really I applied hydrocortisone 1% last can get red. But this has also improved too. The redness fro friction has become condisderably less. I also get some skin shedding as new skin pushes through the layers. Keep an eye on my journal for weekly updates.
(This is a reply to the legend 'splodge13' who is still updating this page) I am still pretty young (currently 17) and dont want this crap to effect my life in years to come. This page has been a great help.

When I was 16 (1 year ago lol) it came to my attention i had phimosis (a tight forskin). I had always treated it as normal and never questioned it up until this point . I also found that when ever i tried touching it, it felt pretty painful or at least sensitive(last year). Seeing as I was starting to go to parties and stuff, i was inevitably going to come into sexual contact at somepoint (atleast i intended to lol) but anyway, long story short, i started pulling it back gradually over the course of a week i successfully did it, pulling it completely back (after reading i should do so on the internet)

Once i did so, i'll put it bluntly... there was a fair amount of smegma and nasty **** built up. So... i tried washing it all off but did so reasonably painfully, due to the sensitivty and all (its kinda like the sensation you get when you touch your eye) I read into it more and many people also said they sufferdd the same thing. There was also a strange unpleasant odor which occurred too. There was also some general looking irritation. The internet labelled this as an infection know as 'balantisis'. It could be what u guys have too but idk. And no, it isnt an sti thsnk god

But back to the main point, i went to the doctors and she took a look at it, after i told her about the 'balantisis' concern and agreed that i could have had it. She then just tells me to use this steroid cream known as 'hydrocortisone 1%' cream, told me to apply it on the glans so i lef tand used it. I used it for around 2 weeks probably (maybe on and off i cant remember) the redness was still there if not more and absoulutely nothing really happened. Im pretty sure i actually got to the point where i ran out.

So i get a girlfriend, and we started having sex blah blah. We were both virgins and had sex wih condoms and it was extremely awkward to get on due to the hypersensitivity. So she then gets the implant and we start going at it unprotected despite her initial concern of the infection. I feel like i have gone off topic sry lol.

I have been to the docs 2 or 3 more times and they keep giving me this cream. If i have sex or masturbate, i pretty much have to thouroghly wash my johnson because if i dont it gets very irritated and has come out in spots once before. I have been using this cream on and off after masturbating or sex and i having been getting these blotchy red marks for a while. My skin has also been dried up at times too, but the glans is mostly glossed in this odd sticky layer and can cause issue when retracting the foreskin. Reading what u guys have told me has caused me concern as i have still been occasionally using the cream. I thought it was helping, but all along it could have been the issue or at least making it worse

I would love to know how to recover from this infection, without using the hyrdrocortisone 1% cream. All it is, is redness and hypersensitivity. When i applied the cream it was often in large anounts on the glans... and would u recommend to stop having sex or atleast to use a water based lube or something? Cusss sex is obvs pretty important in a relationship at times and i cant just stop for like 6months lol.

Any help would be much appreciated!  Sry if i rambled! Just skim read or something!
Quick update people. Week 44 now. Plastic bag effect gone. Glans has refilled.  Slight film on head where skin was stretched . Some wrinkles but mostly fine.

Hypopigmentation  (fading of skin ) occurred and has improved dramatically.  However, sometimes the colour can look more pale and sometimes the skin can look blotchy too.

This is telangiectasia  (chronic dilation or widening of the capillaries). The word that stands out here is chronic. Which means long term obviously.  However others have said they go back to normal after time. At the moment I still have capillaries but mostly only noticeable under the flash of a camera.

I also still have a foreskin ring impression on the glans but seems to be improving all the while. Unless the skin is softer than before which happens when the site is covered.

Overall. Such improved.  Mostly looks normal.  Or as near to normal as I can expect. Sometimes it can look blotchy or be irritated by something. This usually passes after a few hours.

So. 44 weeks in. I am a good solid 80% of what I was and sometimes 90 -93 % of what I was. I'll update this again once I'm a year or so in.
Splodge13. Dude. Thanks for writing this page. I have had irritation down there and went to the urologist and he gave me Hydrocortisone 1% cream. After reading this page I will not be using it. I changed soap, detergent and things have gotten better. As the day goes on it will slowly get irritated from rubbing against my boxers but all in all I think its getting better. Again thanks for this page.
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Sorry to hear about your problems dude. Don't use steroid cream down there at all. I won't ever again. Wish I'd knew. Sorry about the herpes thing too but at least it doesn't show. Guys. I'm gonna do a fresh post . I have repeated myself too much on this one.  Click on my name for the link I guess. Please keep me updated on your issues too. We can be strong together.
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We are nearly 11 weeks in. Current state of play. Skin is thicker.  Foreskin doesn't seem to stick to glans any more. Using clotrimazole 2% . This keeps area lubed if u like. Use a water based lube when masturbating.  Psychologically can be tough especially when someone you thought loved you leaves you. Skin still gets thrush without clotrimazole 2% (red blotchy spots under skin surface ). Also crinkly areas on glans when soft.
I'd say about 50 % healed. Will keep using clotrimazole 2% then 1% until 6 months since used cream. That'll be 26 weeks. Fingers crossed. Updates will be shorter and more to the point now. Save repeating myself and boring you all.
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I have been going through similar problems for 8 months. I started with maybe it was a yeast infection. i'm circumcised so the should be easily cured with nystatin (antifungal prescribed). The irriatation at the glans didn't stop. Another dermatologist. Says you'll be cured with Triamcinolone 0.1%. 2 weeks no change positive or negative. Stopped using as I heard about thinning. urologist then test's for diabetes negative, cystoscopy discovered enlarged prostate but unrelated. back to dermatologist and given elidel (expensive). seemed to improve than nothing different. Discontinued with doctors agreement. Off to my family doctor. Even though no  lesions ever she thinks I have HSV2. So I test and yes I do. That really *****. Tested 2 times because it showed low level but I have it. Taking acyclovir for a month but no difference in penis pain. It has a very small area on the tip that is slightly discolored. By the way I've changed underwear, detergent, soap since this started. Gabapetin for nerve pain. No effect. Back to urologist because I read about pudendal nerve entrapement. He doubts it says I really should get a skin biopsy on patch of discolored skin. Back to urologist and get skin biopsy to try to figure out the cause. Comes back Lichen simplex chronicus, not cancer at least. However I don't have the itching associated with it. After letting biopsy area heal, that was hell. Prescribed Fluticasone Propionate cream 0.05%. No affect. Back to dermatologist. Prescribed a strong steroid for 2 weeks. No effect. has not caused visible skin damage either. New dermatologist reviewed my case and said there is a prevacid like med I was taking that could be causing the problem. Also prescribed dovonex cream with vit d in it. I read that that can help people with tendency for low Vitamin D levels(Me). So that has been for 4 days. So far no change. When I get up in the morning no pain but as the day goes on and I rub up against my underwear it starts to get irritated. By afternoon the skin is red at the penis tip only. That's my story so far.
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