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Hydrocortisone cream 1% used on penis glans. Now thinned skin.

Will my penis glans skin recover after using hydrocortisone 1% cream? I began using this cream in February 15 for about 5 days. Then I stopped and had sexual intercourse.  Everything seemed fine but I got redness so started using it again for about a week. All was fine again. Then masturbated and the skin not my foreskin must of rubbed on residue that was there. This was about a week later after having used it. It seemed that 3 quarters of my glans went a blood red colour. I guess the skin was starting to thin.  I masturbated a few more times over the week and my penis glans skin began to go dry and crack.  On once occasion a dot of blood appeared. I couldn't understand what was going on.

It was sore and painful but a man has needs. When I masturbated I kept the skin retracted (I am uncircumcised ). This stopped any friction. I then tried to stay away from sex and masturbating.  However a man does have needs so if I did I used a lube. So as not to affect any healing process. So. So far I had used cortisone 1% on and off for roughly two weeks I guess. I'd decided enough was enough. The skin was becoming wrinkly and transparent when my penis was soft when I started to masturbate.  When erect I noticed that some capillaries were showing at the Base of the head. Also it has a shiny , waxy appearance and could be red in one place.  Anyway. Through pure stupidity I decided to use the cream for one more week. Only applying it where the redness was and rubbing it in.

I read some more stuff online and thought. Wow. Enough of this poison. So stopped using it and won't use any steroid cream again. So. At the moment I have a prison glans that can have a blotchy appearance and the skin can look at little loose . If I start to masturbate i first see transparent wring skin then the whole glans looks dry. I then get out the lube to stop any damage and the reappearance of cracked skin. This helps me greatly. When erect my penis has red blood capillaries visible at the Base of the glans. Also the skin is waxy /shiny .

Can anyone tell me if all the symptoms will disappear with time. And what sort of a time scale am I looking st for a full recovery ? Or am I stuck with these side effects. All good , honest advice appreciated.  

Anyone given steroid creams for something similar I suggest you do not use. All in all I guess I used this cream for 5 days,  then had a few days break. Then used them again for 7 days. Then a break for a couple or few weeks. I'd used it liberally for those 12 days. Didn't realise what I was doing. After the 2 to 3 weeks break only using occasionally I then decided to try to fix it by using it for one more week. Applied twice a day and only a small amount and where it was originally needed. Was used in conjunction with an anti fungal cream.  

Anyway. I've stopped using it now. And has cut down on masturbation and if I do I use a lube. Which helps greatly. So my question is. Will my penis skin return to normal. And how long will it take.  Or am I stuck with this affliction for the rest of my life. Thanks.  
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And that kind for your kind words. Much appreciated. I'm 11 weeks in nearly . In another 11 all may be back to normal. I've heard that striae  are the only permanent thing that remains. But I've also been told all will return to as it was before. Striae if I've spelt it wrong is like wrinkles or grooves left on the skin but I'll have to recheck and no one really notices except yourself apparently.
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Hi I was wondering if we could get an update. It has really helped me to read ypur stories and also wondering if anyone has used Dr Fukaya lotion with 2% 50 to 100 Daltons.  I have a similar problem and would like to hear if anyone has used it and if it reversed their skin atrophy. Thanks
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Please excuse typo's.  Uchida was meant to say 'much*'. Anyway. Dude . You may of thinned your skin a little but so long as you don't use the steroid cream down there again you'll be fine I reckon.  I wished I'd stopped as soon as my glans starting turning red. The skin was starting to thin.  So yes. Stop using it which u have  it may of thinned as skin in that area rubs against other skin making the cream penetrate the skin more. If I were you'd I'd keep using the anti fungal and be patient  it'll heal up.  
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Ok.  Here's my story. Very brief overview.  Got a red mark on my glans. Mrs badgered me and was always watching everything.  Went clinic. They said it's nothing but try aqueous cream. I did. Got contact dermatitis.  Dr gave hydrocortisone 1% cream. Warned me about overuse. It fixed the problem. Every time I got any red marks down there I was paranoid of Mrs and would use the cream. This was during 2015. Never more than a few times did I use it. Used most of tube over the year. I now know the red marks I began to notice must of been thinning skin.  
Mrs again giving me grief. Went Dr he gave me anti fungal and hydrocortisone 1%  cream. I used for a few days. All fine.  Had sex. Used it again stupidly
There was confusion with the Dr when initially gave the cream.  I thought I had to use it all. Next I noticed whole glans as red after sex.  Also foreskin was peeling. I used again like an idiot. But thankfully stopped. Next I masturbated after a few days rest but the glans went three quarters red. I wasn't using lube at this point. Master bated again a few times over the week. Cue. A nightmare.

The skin cracked and bled due to being so weak and thin. You can imagine how I felt. Tried vitamin e capsules on the area. I noticed transparent plastic bag style skin down there in one area . So stupidly I used pea sized amounts of hydrocortisone 1% on that area thinking it would fix it. Major redness then showed up.

Luckily I read up about the cream. The realisation of what I'd done nearly tilled me over the edge. At the same time my Mrs left me. So here I as with mega thin skin and red spots. And a red area at the Base of the glans.  Also pink foreskin that was thinking and would stick to the glans. All because I listened to a crazy woman and wanted to keep her. Truth is. There was no problem.
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So from Jan 2015 til Jan 2016 I used a cream that had both mixed in. Fixed contact dermatitis but used every now and then after for a year. This caused  little damage but nothing compared to what was to come. Jan 2016 I was prescribed hydrocortisone 1% with anti fungal. Confusion with Dr.  Used it all bar a gramme for about 28 days on and off. Thankfully it wasn't any longer than that but damage was done. Luckily I'm now 11 weeks down the line. Using lube when masturbating let it continue to heal. As well as the symptoms above I also had a plastic bag effect when erect that would disappear when fully erect. At the start I used to get this when soft too. All I have now is red dots under threat skin . Apparently a rash. Fungal.  Due to thin skin I reckon. And red capillaries that show up. The skin has healed well and also the foreskin. I've set myself a target of April 2018 . 2 years on. To be 100 % again. I don't expect it to be the same as it was but I expect full functionality and no one to notice any difference. I'm lucky I didn't use it more than I did.
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Hello dude.  I'm good thanks. Hope you're ok too. I'll reread your issue and see if I can help. I've not suffered much itching at all. If any. What I got was thinned skin . Major redness where I applied it in on area trying to fix thinned skin.  Also wrinkled skin. Capillaries where they wasn't showing before and depression due to obvious reasons. And also losing my Mrs in the process.

Anyway this is 10 weeks in and much improved.   Did you use the hydrocortisone 1% on a large area or just a small amount ??? I used about a tube of the cream on and off for about 4 weeks. Week on week off. I keep getting thrush now due to the thinned skin so I presume that will go as it thickens. Up to two years !!!!clotrimazole clears it but it comes back.

I'm not exactly sure what's happened to you. 2 weeks would of thinned the skin a little but definitely reversible I would think. Anti fungal cream can be used for 6 months and doesn't cause damage . Hydrocortisone 1% should be used no more than a 1 week . I haven't had any itching at all but I do get yeast infections.  I would say you're getting yeast infections also because the skin has thinned a bit. I've been assured hydrocortisone 1% cannot cause permanent damage and all will return to normal.  It can take a while though unfortunately.  I've set myself a date of April 18 to be 100 % back 5o normal again.

Do things that make you happy and keep strong. You'll figure it out. Avoid hydrocortisone cream down below.  I too was told that hydrocortisone 1% shouldn't be used down there; by a different professional. So let me know where u used it and how much you used ????
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Hey man..I used it on the bottom half of my shaft of penis when I had a yeast infection sometimes up the whole left side of shaft but I was always cautious and have used it on and off over the past year.  Didn't really use much of the tube as I got lots left, however I will never use again down there.  I'm glad things are getting better for you!  I may have a little thinning as it does feel slightly different feeling on the side where I used it versus the side I did nothing on.  Yes..I think the itching is do to the yeast as I am using the ketoconazole until Friday which will be two weeks.  I will keep you updated.
Ah. I see. If u didn't use much of the tube you'll be fine. I used 15 grammes . Near enough the whole tube . What a fool . Here's my full story. From what you have told me , you'll be fine. Don't he hydrocortisone 1% down there or you'll be in my situation.  Some people have used it all over their Penistone and it's thinned the skin out all over. I used it on my glans. My best feature tbh with you lol. I lost my gf and got loads of psychological issues 2hn it first started.  Wasn't nice.

You were wise not to use too much of the steroid cream. If I were you I'd just throw it out. The anti fungal will help you out. If you haven't used Uchida steroid cream you'll be fine. Here's my story.
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Hey man whats up??  Thanks for the updates.  I'm not sure if its thinned skin or just an overall skin infection due to the yeast..I will say that I used the Ketoconazole (antifungal) and hydrocortisone for about two weeks until one morning after I applied the steroid on my penis it started to burn intensely and I immediately wash it off.  Ive been using the coco nut oil religiously after showers and during the day as needed.  After a week 1/5 of not using the ketoconazole and just coconut oil..as of last Friday it looked like the yeast came back with a vengeance.  I went to emergency room bc it was intensely itching all day.  He said to use the Keto and don't EVER put a steroid cream on my groin.  I'm a week in and it is much better however the itching is there once I have underwear on during the day.  Also I notice that in the bottom part of my shaft gets insanely itchy when I am lifting heavy weights??  Not sure why that is but it seems to happen when I'm exerting myself or what not.  Did you have any of these issues and how are you dealing with the itching from time to time or is this part of the healing process?  I feel like this may be contact dermatitis because my balls itch as well after having underwear on all day..  so confused with this ****.  I have another appointment July 6 and 14 for update but I need this to be gone asap.  Like you, no sex and I've masturbated a few times however the lube seem to burn my skin to the point I had to wash it off and not get off.  So I got a more hypoallergenic water based lube and will try that tonight as I am not scabbing at all at the moment.  Good news that yours is improving as I think I still need a true diagnosis at this point.  Thanks and look forward to your response.  Thanks
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