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Invisible Bugs crawling on skin? Strange sensation...

I posted this info before, but it was a reply to someone else's similar post...

I am a 23 year old healthy male. I recently had a full physical and the results were that I am in above average health. I have no diseases, do not use drugs, but drink on occasion.

Anyways, just started noticing these strange symptoms, within the past few weeks. Nothing "brought it on" so to speak that I can tell of. It's been going on longer, but less noticeable, now since I do not talk sleeping meds any more, it's all that I can notice...

Symptoms are strange sensations on my skin. The sensation is it feels like there are "invisible bugs" crawling on, and/or biting my skin. No actual bites, rashes, bugs, sores, or anything of the nature is ever visible. Occurs more at night, while laying down than any other time. The sensation occurs throughout my entire body, no area is exempt from this sensation, and it seems to be completely random, at times I'll feel it on my arm, then my face, then leg, then arm again, etc, no pattern. The sensation "goes away" once I touch the area (either itch it, brush at it as if there WAS a bug I am brushing off, slap it, or touch it in any way...)

I've heard that various forms of dry skin, or minor allergic reactions to soaps could produce such a problem... I have not changed body soaps, shampoos, or laundry detergent types in quite a while (well before such symptoms) I do not have dry skin, or any type of rash.

Ruled out dry skin

I've read about "Morgellons" (years ago, before it was a mainstream idea) and don't think that is what I have... I have no lesions, sores, boils, wounds, or anything of the sort, and no fibers protruding from anything.

Ruling out Morgellons.

I had read about the possibility of it being bed bugs (from reading sites like this online) so I tore my bedroom apart looking for signs of an infestation, and saw NOTHING. My mattress is brand new, the apartment I live in is also pretty close to brand new. Never the less, not a thing was found, searched mattress, box spring, walls near bed, everything.

Ruled out bed bugs.

The only other thing I've seen it could be is Restless Leg Syndrome. NOT sure about that, but I did hear that that sensation in the legs is a symptom of that, and that in some cases, the skin crawling sensation can occur all over the body, not just the legs, and still be considered RLS.

Undecided about RLS possibility.

The only other things I have going on that MAY be related, is an upper back pain/numbness... unknown cause. Been going on for years though. No diagnosis.

So basically I'm out of ideas, and about to go insane. It's terrible at night not being able to sleep because of that feeling, and not being able to sleep with my girlfriend because I keep her awake with my constant moving around and itching...
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man..Im glad Im not the only one..Ive been dealing with this for about 3 years and I just try to cope with it...my pops took me to a doctor and the doctor was acting as if I were crazy..so I stopped talking about it to people.....ever since that day I've just been secretly coping withit and not complaining about it, but man...its so crazy that something like this exist...its almost a mariacle to find out that Im not the only one dealing with it..Haywood I wsh you the best my friend...because this feeling is so creepy and such a mystery that All kinds of extreme ideas have crost my mind...when u feel like no one in the world can help u it will drive u to insanity and make u think about suicide and other ways to escape it........I mean who wants to live in a body that feels as if it were being consumed by nats that are entirely invisable...if u guys ever find a solution please help me because Im also running out of ideas...and I'm the type person that hates bugs and things like that so it completely freaks me out and is the grossest thing I have ever felt...hopefully we can find a way to help eachother my friend  
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I started believing my family and other people that said I was delusional and decided to just try to ignore it and remind myself that its all in my head. I ended up almost dying!! I was in hospital on IV's with swollen feet and lower legs, and  they looked like I had necrosis that was spreading up my legs so the doctors were going to amputate my feet. I could barely see and I felt like I was breathing through a bed sheet or something. I was sleeping all the time and having trouble thinking and I'd wake up with little bleeding wounds all the time. I started to recover just two days before the amputation was scheduled. The doctor said he had no idea what was causing me to get better which happened so fast (about 5 or 6 days). The strange thing is the only thing that changed was I relapsed on meth and fentanyl because I figured I was as good as dead anyways . That was 4 years ago and I haven't been that bad since then but still have whatever it is. I fix computers as a hobby but so many of the ones I find are full of whatever it is. It will cover a surface and cause it to deteriorate rapidly. I've studied it constantly since my hospital experience and I believe that it is in the rain water. Wherever rain water accumulates, sits, and evaporates, it leaves this stuff behind. All you can do is practice good hygiene, keep yourself and your home and stuff you care about clean and keep rain water away.
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I have the exact problem as you describe it.  6 different illitrate doctors could not give me the right answer.  The last one said it is scabies, but I don't believe it because I share bed with family member, so why they don't get scabies?  unfortunatly we all just talk about it.  I saw many web sites and in each one of them many people describe there itch in the same way.  Some opportunists try to sale snake oil on internet to make a buck.  But there is no any educated  doctor to give any explenation.  
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I too have the exact problem and have had it for about two years.  I have tried almost every product on the market which has had various side effects.  Most recently I visited a Health store and they directed my to this product called Black Walnut & Wormwood herbal supplement.  I have found that this product seems to make them less active on your body when comsumed with some type of liquids.  I'm not saying that this is the cure, however it makes the crawling and biting subside for a period of time.
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1268020 tn?1281035671
I suffer in EXACTLY the same manner, for two years now. This is the worst in my bed!
It used to be brutal 24/7 but now it just mainly bothers me in bed. Sometimes bearable, but not today!

I can sleep elsewhere with much less difficulty. I'm going to bug-bomb again today, although I have no evidence of infestation. It's been a long time since I've tried to, and I'm not really convinced its bugs, but it feels JUST LIKE IT, so how can I rule it out?

Also, many doctors. Have tried many anti-psychotics to treat delusion to no effect; at least now the doctor belives that I'm not imagining it.

I don't have much advice to give; it seems somewhat better the more frequently I launder my sheets. I slept on the leather couch all week last week, so I neglected to to them, and I imagine that is why I'm in my current predicament.
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I agree, the more I wash my sheets, I can sleep throughout the night. I use borax, ammonia and a fabric softener. I've even had to iron the bed linen with starch. My husband continues to feel sensations of crawling in his hair and face. It has been 2 years since we've moved into our new house. There has been a big improvement, but sometimes the crawling and pin pricks start again, and I will have a sleepless night. We've also tried using a black light but the only thing we've seen are fibers that resemble lint. Our AC duct has been cleaned, we've used cedar fogger, had our home tested for black mold, and had pest control inspect for bed bugs and mites. We have no answers and it's frustrating. We've gone on vacation and found that whatever this is has traveled with us. My husband has been to a dermatologist and used the expensive creams. We've been treated for scabies by our physician. The cream lessened the crawling sensations.
If anyone can reach a conclusion on this mysterious crawling, pin pricking, no see-um, Houdini "bug" please point us in the right direction so that we can put an end to this and enjoy our home.
Use alcohol and eucalyptus oil in a gallon sprayer. Spray beds, floors, couches, carpets, and walls. If it is and internal problem take mimis mineral solution. I bought it off amazon. I did many other things but this helped the most. Also use vinegar to wipe surfaces. Vacuum daily and throw away dirt right after
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I just experienced it! Now I have to say that I experienced it before in my last apartment, we had bed bugs, so I sprayed the bedroom. I think I might have sprayed too close to the mattress because I was kept up all night! But that was about three years ago and a different mattress! Now to have it happen all of the sudden out of nowhere again? I cleaned my bedroom, washed my linens, but I noticed what might look like a bite mark. Do I have to get rid of another mattress??
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Bird Mites!  So many people do not realize how bad bird mites can be!  They crawl in ac ducts or windows from pigeons.  And even a year or two later even if the birds are gone they will come back. They are only active at night and like bed bugs can travel with you when you move (they can with stand freezing and hide out in clothing). They give you the creepy crawly sensation but are not diagnosed.  Uh!  horrible.  You must wash all your clothes and sheets in hot, hot water and spray lysol everywhere.
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yes!!! Bird mites, any kind of mite, I've fought 5-6 kinds put maliciously in my home. Unfortunately, maliciously put on my head and or my home, I have collembola living happily underneath my skin. I have no idea how to get rid of them without hurting myself with pesticides. Collambola are known as hexapods.
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