460185 tn?1326077772

Red Marks

Recently, I developed, almost overnight, a red/pink rash or lesion on my left hand and ankle.  I showed them to my dr and she is sending me to a dermatologist.  Right now I don't have a digital camera to provide a picture.  These marks aren't itchy or painful.  They aren't shaped in a "regular" shape.  They almost look like "strawberry marks" that children sometimes have as birthmarks.

I confess that I am concerned about this and wondered if anyone had any suggestions as to what they might be.  I'm in Canada and sometimes the wait to see a dr or a dermatologist can be quite lengthy.

3 Responses
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460185 tn?1326077772
Any ideas?  This is a genuine post, not a "joke".

Helpful - 0
393165 tn?1420760445
Hi Wolf,

If they are itchy it may be stress related if they are not itchy it could well be a touch of dermatitos (excuse the spelling). I recently got a rash all over both sides of both my ankles and could not stop itching for days, it was diagnosed by my GP as a nerve/stress rash, and he gave me a perscription for some antibiotic ointment which literally cleared it up in 2 or 3 days! Let me know how you get on!

Instead of waiting to see a dermathologist, would it not be quicker to go to a pharmacy and get over the counter advice? just a thought.


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460185 tn?1326077772
It was the dr's idea that I go to a dermatologist.  It doesn't itch but one of my sons gets similar rashes when he's stressed out.

I'll try to ask the pharmacist - it takes so long to get an appt with a dr here in Canada.


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