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Sticky Skin

I desperately need HELP!  I have a horrible skin condition.  My skin is sticky all over and there is a waxy sort of film.  My hands and feet are the worst.  It feels like soda or honey is coating my hands and feet, with a lighter feeling on the rest of my body.  My socks stick to the bottoms of my feet.  It is worse after showering, washing hands etc. I use a green kitchen scrubber on the palms of my hands and soles of my feet but it doesn't get the film off.  My skin does not absorb anything; water, lotions.  Soap seems to not wash this off my skin yet at the same time seems to stick to the film.  My hair is also affected.  It does not absorb anything, the soap seems to stick to it and not rinse off.  Same with conditioner.  And my hair is either falling out or breaking off, I'm not sure which.  I also have a coating on my toungue.  I can't taste properly.  Everything tastes bitter.  And I constantly have a bitter taste.

  It began about eight months ago and has gotten progressively worse.

I also have a fingernail and toenail fungus.  I am afraid that the fungus has moved to my skin.  

I went to the dermatologist for the first time yesterday and she merely gave me a prescription lotion for extremely dry skin.  This actually made the stickyness worse.  I applied it to my hands and it just sat on top of this film and became even more sticky.  I washed it off, which took two rounds of washing, and the stickyness was worse.

I feel like this sounds crazy.  It is debilitating.  I find it difficult to do much of anything because I stick to anything I touch.  And I certainly don't want to pass this along to anyone else.

Has anyone else had this?  
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Take a anti acid pill to lower the acidity in your body. Or drink baking soda tablespoon and water mixz. Sea salt and water mix on skin. Get tested for fungus so you can get on the right script. Sorry youre going through this. It sucks
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Hi Everyone... I also have this "sticky skin awfulness", mainly in the creases of my skin (my eyelids are the worst) and it may also be inside my ear canals (that may be a separate issue although they get worse when my skin does, so...).    I've been ill for decades now (with what doctors are now thinking is rare genetic disease involving immune function) so there are too many variables for me to say this with absolute certainty - BUT - I really do think there's something in the water that's causing this!!!  (oh, I also get that waxy feeling on hands and when showering water beads up) But LISTEN!!! I recently found out that my apt. is in a federally funded toxic clean up site!!!  There are chemicals - including oil based chemicals - in the earth and ground water (a two mile radius around me) and this stickiness DID start after moving here.  Has anyone noticed that the water in their sink beads up like there'e still oil in it,  even after scrubbing it so that NO oil should be there?  If you notice any of these things, you may want to consider its in the water!    However, I also wouldn't be surprised if there was more than one cause for this - but checking your water should be absolutely considered!!  Test your water for contaminants!   A (good) doctor told me about a quality water testing company, but I can't find that info now (I haven't done it yet but will soon) but do remember that it starts with "AAA" (something) try googling that and I'll also try to get back to everyone when I find it.  I really wish everyone well, this is an AWFUL symptom - if for nothing else than the feeling of it never leaves you and makes you feel like you can never get truly clean.   And, I'm sorry, but I just have to vent:  Our medical system, and too many doctors in it, are just horrible!  If these symptoms don't make us crazy - these doctors surely will!!   Hang in there everyone! Wish me luck, as I wish for you!!!   Hope this helps.
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we have thought it could possibly be the water or something in the environment causing the sticky oiliness and our other symtoms are from that IMBALANCE .we have thought environment as we see the broken hair and hairloss on a lot of ppl escpecially the people we have been around so weve felt this is something contagious. idk but its pure hell ....Did u ever get water checked? yes ours beads up on bottom of shower looks like there is oil in it even after cleaning
It is demodex mites they live in hair follicles. They love eye lashes and eye brows I also had them in my ears it about drove me crazy. See my posts above for more info. You are definitely on the right track to get them gone but you must carpet clean and use a steamer. When it reaches infestation and peaks it is a living nightmare. You can feel them all in your clothes then. Use the winter months to your advantage and open the windows when you are not home. They look like little fuzz balls in clothes
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Try 6tbls Borax Powder.
2 cups Hot Water. 1/2 cup  Hydrogen Peroxide 6% if you can get it if you can't just use 3%. 1 cup Methylated Spirits or Rubbing Alcohol combine all Wet with your Dry Ingredient.  After showering & dripping off Standing in the shower dunk squares of Viva Paper towel into the mix sponge over the body then rub vigorously over every square inch of your body including the scalp.
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Isnt borax danerous on skin?
Borax is not dangerous at all you can actually drink it it can cure internal fungal infection and help chalate heavy metals
I took borax internally for a month for fungal infection.  I do not recommend swallowing it, as my digestive system has changed since using it.  My food now moves very slowly through me causing major constipation that was only mild before taking in borax.  Epsom salt is great for fungal skin infection, borax, as well can be used.  Long soaks.
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Jist got confirmation we are indeed loosing hair ...no explanantion as she was not a doctor but for 4000 she could help just me only me get my hair back or maintain what i have with no guarentee ..so basocally i just got to see how real our hairloss is on microscope still with no help no answers ..to top it off we are lethargic here lately and seem to be vomiting running fevers and have diarreah alot ..we are basically withering away in front of everyones eyes this is sad ..nobody dederves to live like this or be treated like we have ..at this point i can only pray dor our lives  
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Suffering 2 years now, need answers. I want to die.
Hi i get this its hell... What are you other symptoms if any???
Chloridextine baths. Lime sulfur baths. Sauna. Essential oils in cold pressed coconut oil all over skin
You need to look more internal. I had a very bad mite infestation aquired from pets but have also been dealing with internal parasite and no Dr will help. All the symptoms you have I have. Also plz take the time to meditate and feel the sensations in your body. See if you feel fluttering or movements. I know lots to help the internal symptoms if you need to know
Hair worms. Schistosomiasis. And mite infestation bcan cause waxy skin too. Possibly even pork tapeworm
Look up demodex follocorim spelling may be off. Tried to post a link but it won't let me
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Hey guys me and my family have been struggleing with the same symptoms as deb since june 2016.. i have been scouring the web and visited over 5 docs trying to get answers..this past summer we did start to get better but we were trying so many things we cannot pin point what helped .our money is exausted so we cannot afford to do everything again,so after tons of research and reading all comments on this.this is what i want to try for my family..we are going to pray 3 days a week for everone suffering and thank god for what we do have.also we are going to  buy water and shower filters and drink nothing but water .then Buy tri salts from amazon and take 1tsp morning and night in 8 or 4oz of water  because this is alkanizing but only twice per day because this is 12ph and our bodies cannot live in 12ph .clean our diet up completly nothing out nothing procesed and cut back on meat consumption and dairy products.get a good probiotic for all,vitamin D and vitamin C.then we will do the lemon vinegar soaks and another soak with 1 cup mustard seed per bath..wash everything in our house and vaccume everything buy new pillows and cover them with a protective cover .and use coconut oil to moisturize our bodies.i also bought a juicer and plan to look up juices for hair skin and nails and drink fresh juice everyday.. i know this sounds like so much but we are willing to try anything ..but im not sure what shampoo or soap to use so just going to try to find something natural without parabens or sulfates.. lastly we are going to find a naturopath to work with us and keep going to our conventional docs to try and rule out fungal bacterial or hormonal problems ..whatever this is stress makes it worse!!!. After 5 docs my whole family have been diagnosed with seborheic dermatitis,alopecia,and blepharitis..we are not all related by blood either all have seen different docs and they say none of this is contagious its gentics well we dont all have the same genetics  so i do not buy this diagnosis.try to be strong people and know that god counts ur tears and u do matter.None of us are delusional either they are!!!! there will come a day when we get answers .
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can you share with us how you are doing? i am going through the same struggle and hoping and praying for some answers too.  
Any resolve? I just started experiencing this!
no resolve so far.. it gets better then worse again .we have only started doing some of the things in my previous post . I feel if we can go totally plant based and get our lymphatic system moving and get our bodies sweating right it will do a lot to help with this ... but the transiton has been hard for my family so far we eat way to much diary ... I went to hair place and thought I was seeing a specialist what a scam . as soon as we get the money to travel I will got to tricology clinic and she if they can give any insight. until then just have faith try to live as normally as we can ,keep searching for answers and treat any infections as they come and continue to give all these docs our money maybe one will listen as some point
Chloridextine is great for baths but you have to look into demodex mites. This is the cause and we all have them all humans and animals have them. It is only when you are overloaded is when you notice. The saliva and feces is what is the sticky stuff on the skin
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I've no answers. Just the same problem.
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Have u ever find out what it is I have it too

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