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Why is my the area around my penile urethra red and sore?

For the past 3 months, the external area around my penile urethral opening has looked slightly swollen and red. It is slightly painful and it becomes more painful during an erection. I am 100% STD free, so please do not suggest STD checks as i have been comprehensively screened and cleared.I have shown this to many doctors and a urologist. The general consensus is that it is just an irritation. I have not altered my bathing routines so i dont think its soap irritation. I dont think its fungal related as i have used antifungal creams like Hydrozole. And i dont think its bacterial as i have taken antibiotics like keflex and doxycycline. I have tried just leaving it alone which did nothing and I have tried rubbing "lucas paw paw ointment", a natural perfume free substance on it. That seemed to help slightly but not a great deal. Any suggestions as to what it is and what can clear it up?
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Yeast infection solved it upvote me
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I am a 28yr old circumsized male

This all started about 6 months ago for me...I was hanging out with a girl who i knew was very slutty and had unprotected sex for like 5 min before i put a condom on. Im not bragging in any way but i was drunk and the sex lasted for a couple of hours. The next night i ran in to an ex gf and again had unprotected sex for another couple of hours and while having sex the second night my penis def felt irritated during sex especially at the tip!! (i know im an idiot)

So the next day i got sick with strep or something and went to the doctor to get medicine, everything was fine at this point. That night when i got home from the doctor i went to urinate and had some discharge...i automatically thought i had picked up an STD. I went back to the dr the next day and told him about the unprotected sex and he tested me for all STD's and treated me for gonoreha and clamidia before i even got the results of my tests. At this point there was no more discharge but i had a red halo around the meatus of my penis and it felt very irritated especially when it rubbed against my boxer shorts.

All the tests for STD's came back negative and i went to my primary doctor about 5x over the next few months and was given every antibiotic under the sun. I also tried every cure i found on the internet...tea tree oil, bacitracin, antifungals, you name it i tried it, even ice haha (not fun)! My doctor was stumped and gave me a list of urologists...i picked one close to me and went.

This urologist was a real **** and told me nothing was wrong and said it was prob all in my head...i tried to tell him that i've had my penis for 28 years and i'm pretty sure i would know if something was wrong...he gave me a cream and a script for an antibiotic and of course it didnt work.

I was pretty frustrated at this point so i called my primary dr and told him what happened and he told me to go to a diff urologist on the list one who is alot better and well known. I went to my appt and apon inspection of my penis she said that i had a very narrow opening of my penis and (meatus). She sent me to get an ultra sound of my bladder and kiddeys because she stated that if it was meatal stenosis that my bladder wall could be thickened because it would have to work extra hard to push the urine out of my bladder. She also took a swab of my urethra to def rule out any infection or STD. All came back negative.

I went and got the ultra sound and went back to my urologist and she stated that everything was fine with it...she said that i could have a meteotomy and they would cut the opening and make it larger. She said that she couldnt say for certain if this would make all my symptoms go away and thats its not a pleasant procedure and maybe i should just wait it out and maybe it would heal or get better on its own. She game me some lidocane cream to help with the sensitivity and ive switched to boxer briefs. I really hope this helps even one person...ive never been so frustrated in all my life and i know what alot of you are going through... i'll check back in a couple of days for any questions but i think i covered everything. good luck and i would love to hear if anyone has the surgery and how bad it is/was...cause if it doesnt get better on its own i might opt for the surgery!
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Without examination,confirmation of a diagnosis is tough but as all STD’s have been ruled out,so it can be due to urethritis or contact dermatitis. Urethritis (an inflammation of the urethra) is usually obvious because of a urethra discharge and there is often burning with urination.

A contact dermatitis means that the penis is coming in contact with something it is allergic to.  The common products would be bathing soap, detergent used for laundering, industrial products on the hands that are not washed thoroughly before urinating, feminine hygiene substances your partner might use, sexual lubricants, condom preservatives, etc.

Pls use a mild soap like dove and mild detergent for laundry washing.Also use cotton undergarments and wash your hands before voiding.If the symptoms persist then it would be better to consult a dermatologist.

Hope it helps.Take care and pls do keep me posted in case you have any additional doubts.Kind regards.

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