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unbearable itchy face and itch scalp

Dear all,
I have been having this itch on my face and my scalp for the past few months. I was never had this problem. I thought it might be related to the heat summer heat and wheather but now I am not sure. My face is red and like rash around my nose and my chin. The Worst part is the chin itch so bad I have to scrath it all the time. I tried dffernet soap, alcohol pad, lotion, olay, black afrcian soap, anti itch cream, cortisone, anti itch gel but nothing works. Its like the itch travels my face here and there itch. I even went to see a skin doctor but she gave me similiar cortisone cream but not working. It drives me nut. I cannot function like this always touching my face to scrath.
My scalp has been itch like something pinch in my scalp. I also scrath my scalp. I tried anti dandruff shampoo it helps a little but everytime I washed my hair next thing I know my scalp itch again. I tried different shampoo before this anti dandruff shampoo. The skin doctor prescripted a medicated shampoo but I still itch. I think the medicated shampoo is strong too.
So now I scatch my face and my scalp. It is very annoying and it is not people friendly. Who wants to look at me scatching.
I dont know why this is happening to me. I definetly have red and rash on my face. My upper back also itch but I thought it was heat rash but still itch even after I went to a skin doctor. It is very unbearable. Oh I am not sure if it is related to drano chemical which I exposed. MY upstair neighbour poured dwon drano in her toilet and sink and got my toilet backup with drano all over my batheroom. I mopped the floor but smelled odor which I thought it would be ok. It would go away but no the odor stayed in my apartment for few months. I was admitted to emergency since I got sick light headed almost fainted. I took a shower and washe my hair after I mopped the batheroom floor.
Ever since then my skin, my lung, my scalp like my whole body has problems. Now I have asthma and I am still seeing lung specialist. However, this itchy is the worst of all. I feel everything irritates me. I cannot stop this itch.

God helps me. Anyone knows what can stop this itch, Please let me know.
Thank you so much

This discussion is related to Contagious Itchy Face Syndrome.
59 Responses
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I live in Bakersfield California USA.  I to suffer with this itchy face head thing but don't have any marks or bites or even a rash. It's causing fatigue and I'm praying for a cure. Please if any of you find relief in some way I pray you'll share the advice of what helped you. I have fibromyalgia and I'm concerned it may be something worse going on than just the fibro  
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Baton Rouge LA. I also have the same mysterious unbearable constant itchy nose, scalp ear problem. It's also right inside nostrils. It consumes me mind, body and soul everyday. When I  see family and friends itch in same places I wonder if it's my fault. Is it contagious? Will I or Drs. ever know what this is? It would take a battery of various tests and thousands of dollars I'm afraid. I try all the home remedies too. Some help for a bit (I think) some dont. Even a bit of relief is a God send for an affliction like this. Been to Derm. to no avail. Got steroid creams and solutions too, doesn't work. Last thing  Derm. recommended was to see neurologist. Derm. refuses to run skin sample test which upset me even more. Guess I'll be getting new Dr. and starting over. Good luck to all of you out there hope you find a cure or some real relief.
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Did u figure out anything
I am having same issue
Yes fungus. Need oral pill and steroid pack for itching inflammation
This is very common in sports.
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I found out what fixes it, and what I think the problem was, for me anyhow. Definitely dry scalp. I used coconut oil all over my head and scalp last night. As soon as I applied the oil, the itching stopped!!! What relief:) I left the oil on for only 15 minutes and then washed my hair. I feel so much better. Even my face and arms feel better, as I smeared the stuff all over my face and arms and hands. I hope this helps all of you!
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I have been battling this by myself for so long. Im not even sure when it started. Every one ive tryed to talk to about it (thats isnt a medical professional; i dont have insurance) thinks im crazy. I am living in a nightmare. I share a bed with my 1and a half year old daughter and i see the saem aweful things that"bug" me, "bug" her. I am loseing myself and this battle. I thank the lord i have my fiance (who currently doesnt live with us) to talk to occasionally because he believes me and listens. I have stopped wearing makeup and going outside. I clean every day all day long hoping ill kill whatever it is. But when we go to sleep and i see them (i have 2 daughts, 1 sleeps with me and the other has her own bed) itchy my heart breaks and i am just lost. I want to work but i am so afraid of passing watevee this is onto someone else. I have found some help in covering myself heaf to toe in coconut oil. I find little skin Like flakes at the ends of my eye lashes with the coconut oil. And epsom salt baths. Dont rise off after. Also spray epsom salt/ water everyday over everything. Keep your hair up always. And try to do luke warm showers or baths, colder works better if you can handle it. God bless you all and i hope we find peace. Living this kind of life is torture. But really its my kids that break my heart and im tok sensitive to see them suffer. The weakminded must endure to ensure the young thrive. Good luck and god speed
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I have had this for about 2 years. I have had scabies. I have had a mysterious bug attacking me at night as well. This is much different because it primarily attacks the face and scalp. I have 20-15 vision, and have seen tiny white things flying very fast through the air. The only thing that cures it it putting a 15% sulphur 0.5% menthol cream all over your body for 3 days straight. Then a week of 5% permethrin straight. Furthermore, if you have problems inside you anus or in your nose you will most likely need to take ivermectin. Moxydectin is being studied as a remedy, but is by no means safe for humans as it stays on the skin for 14 hours, whereas, ivermectin is only 4 hours.
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I know its been a long while since you post here but im pretty sure i got the same and i’ve seen the little tiny white flying things you mention .... i believe that what i got is scabies but doesnt match the symptoms and i see ppl around me having the same problem , black dot on nose ,itch nose , elbows and on side of their heads too ... i had tried everything on the “book” permetrin ( horse paste) because doctors just gave me some cream for the itch and said it was jus an allergy !!!!! I would like to know how you doing today if you got better or worse or finally got rid of this hell... i know its higly contagious and theres nothing like close contact !!! Its on the air , something its there on some places , like libraries , our houses ... ive seen ppl after a week of knowing them they star itching and theres zero contact with them !!!!!!
Hope you doing better now and if you find help somehow , let us know . Thanks and god have merci
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Guys this is a common symptom of liver disease,such as and in my case, caused by hepititis C. Caused by the liver failing to cleanse the blood of all toxins,which make their way to the skin via capillaries and cause itching. Hep c, liver cancer etc...
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Hi, I was reading this thread because I am suffering from the same symptoms. Something that causes my symptoms to get worse is coming into contact with acidic fruits specially citrus family (orange, lemon, lime, grapefruit, mandarin,...). Even after touching their skins, if I touch any part of my face, I will have to spend the rest of my day feeling miserable itching my face and scalp. Hopefully this hint will help you as well.
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You might also consider citric acid allergy as well. This kind of allergy is not very common, so you might not have heard about it. Unfortunately it seems like I am sensitive to citric acid too. Since it is a very common food additive, it is very hard to avoid it. You can watch your diet for a few days and try not to use anything with citric acid in it, so you can know how you feel after that. Please let us know about yourself and how you are coping with the symptoms.
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     Have u figured out wat this may be??Have u saw any type of bugs or anything?Im curious because i see black specs that look identical to black pepper
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what we have her are Morgellons. Nobody knows what it is excactly and the doctors do not want to deal with it because they themselves do not      know what to do about it. So they tell you it is all in your head. I became  itchy after something bit me. I aquired a new dog and possibly it brought something in from outside. Initially I did not pay attention to it and thought it might just go away after a couple of days. But it was getting worse and after some research I found out it is called Morgellons. Fibers that grow in the skin and come out as a hair but can be in differend  colors. After checking itching in the neck I found strange fibers rolled up around a long strangely shaped and curled fiber looking like a hair. Comes out of my ear and eye lashed often tipped by a strange white dot. Exremely  itching. I had a bumb on my ankle and when I pushed on it there was a long fiber coming out. It heald fast but stays as a red dot. Very itching inside nose and ears. Little white dots like wax but if looked under a jewelers loupe it is strangely formed. Also sheading black and red scales ( very small again ) from the scalp. Anybody reading this-- . google MORGELLONS, AND IT SHOWS PICTURES OF ALL THE STRANGE FIBERS . I HAVE HEARD FROM PEOPLE SUFFERING AND HAVE BEEN TOLD NOHING CAN BE DONE ABOUT IT.
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Hello All

  I'm suffering from itching on face and scalp for 2 years due to allergic reaction by using hairdye.  I met 4 doctors and used medicine. it was good when i use medicines(atarax, calamine lotions). if i stop itching is back again.  I found few remedies and used Nizoral shampoo, coconut oil  for hair and got relief. But itching is not cured completely. if i stop the nizoral and coconut oil itching is back. For facial itching using medicated soap prescribed by doctor. The itching is back again if i stop that medicated shampoo.  I didn't find permanent solution.

   can any one tell what is permanent solution to cure from this itching on head and face.
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Just a quick note to say hi!
It could be a demodex mites .Demodex is the name given to tiny mites that live in the hair follicle. In humans, demodex is found on facial skin especially the forehead, cheeks, sides of the nose, eyelashes and external ear canals. The condition it causes is called demodicosis. I had similar problem for years and in Europe I was just diagnosed with demodex.They like facial skin,scalp and eyelashes. Recently in Canada i was diagnosed with demodex on my skin and face.Only oral Ivermectin for now is helping.Topical erythromycin or metronidazole may also be used to treat eye infections involving the lids, conjunctiva, and/or cornea.I try everything...Tea tree oil... Macadamia nut oil,soaps....etc...nothing works or helps.It is very hard to treat this problem.You could get infected at the hair salon,during cosmetics treatments,at Hotels-pillows,towels....or from someone who is infected with demodex.I hope this info helps.
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Please be sure you do not have an overgrowth of mold in your dwelling or place of work. Mold spores become airborne and are known to cause many mysterious health issues. Most people blow it off because mold is really almost everywhere, but at a certain point it is hazardous to our health. Causing illness which includes yeast infection under the skin which I have on my scalp due to mold illness from it growing in my house. Search mold illnesses and see if you or others that live or work with you have more symptoms on the list. Excessive mold exposure can inflame many illnesses also making them harder to deal with.
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did you ever find out what was wrong with you? With the itching on your face?
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HI...something that is hard to detect is a mild form of Lupus....have you checked for that?
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I been intchy my ear for past year 3times aday maki g nioses to scratch my ear hen my brain itchess sometimes when I sneeze my ear inches. Omg please help me pleaee sometimes I feel like a bug crawling in my ear. . I di t know sometimes everyomoening I get discharge fro. My ear ease help me I can't take it no more :/
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Oh dear god, why is this such an epidemic that no one is able to cure. My scalp itches like I've not washed it for a month, after 1 day. My neck and face itch like I've been laying in mud for a week my chest abd back itch constantly leaving me with scratches all over, which result in bumps where I then have sore AND itchy spots, my groin (yes, jock itch, despite my sedentary lifestyle) is unbearable. It's almost entirely my entire skin organ. Upper arms. I can wear any sort of clothing, no diffrerence. I have tried medicated soaps, pinetarsol shampoo, tea tree oil, calamine lotion. bicarbonate of soda, vinegar, antihistamines.. nothing eases this god damned itching. I cant shave my head because it is raw with a red rash from scratching, but I cannot have hair on my head because it becomes a nest for invisible bugs. The only thing I could even think that could possible stop this is living full time in the ocean, but then, how will I get anything else done. I am not a fish :( but I am becoming scaled and look like some homeless heroin addict :( If any doctor told me this was in my head, I'd put my itchy fist in his head. :(
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@Bonehenge... I have just come across this site while looking for answers to my year long problem that has taken my life from me, it seems.  I realize your ist was very long ago, in 2013, (5 years ago). however, after reading what you wrote, i couldn't help but to comment...  I actually wanted to say Thank You.  When dealing with such a horrible disease, parasite, bug, itch, etc, and/or whatever this is, it becomes very hard to smile, laugh, and find joy or humor in ANYTHING anymore. In my personal experience with this, i find that the majority of my thoughts are now consumed with trying to find a way out of this losing battle and also out of my life which has become nothing more than a nightmare that i can't ever wake from.  (You know, like all of the Freddy Krueger movies...pain and suffering is real...even if its just in the bad dreams).  If that makes any sense? Lol. Anyway, back to my point... as i said, smiling or laughing are only things i can recall from over a year ago now.  But reading what you said about living in the ocean, "but i am not a fish" literally cracked me up. Then to follow with punching the "its all in your head" doctor(s) with your "Itchy Fist"...Omg, HUMOR, there you are!  I've missed you!  Haha.  So even if it was just a short lived smile and a few laughs outloud...I DO aporeciate it!  Thanks again!
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I also have this weird itch all over my body. Specially in scalp and neck... i hope it will go away..
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I have Rosesa. Dr. said I also have dandruff on my scalp and my face & excemea on face & scalp  [ sorry, bad speller] which its not visable to the eye [ didnt know before that was possible]... which all 3 cause extreme itching on my face and scalp. Dr. said  it causes something that starts with a "S" to build up on scalp.. almost like "craddle cap" but NOT. My hair brakes off & sheds out really bad when these 3 flair up... My hair has thinned & looks like hell, looks like split ends everywhere and the frizzies like you wouldnt believe.  Red welted look between my eyebrows, and redness on my cheeks & chin and forehead,. Just inside my nostrels, and ear canels, my face, cheekbones,eyebrows, scalp itch like crazy. On my cheeks close to my nose I have teny tiny lil bumps. No one else can really see them, but I sure can & the DR. too.   For me, I take a antibotic for roscea. I found that if I use a high end hair care products,,I like Kevin murphy products., It helps alot. The Kevin Murphy detox shampoo  2's a wk. is a God send for me!  I use it on my face too. I use the Angel wash & rinse too. Dandruff and medicated shampoos made me itch even more. Too Harsh for me. Over the counter products have wax and other stuff in it that really  irritate & flair up my 3 skin issuses and I itch like crazy. I wear NO make-up, No face products, No nothing. It all makes me itch. Also the hot weather bothers it.  Moisture lotions, humidity, etc. all bothers the skin conditions. I'v also found stress and anxiity about things here & there are real irritents too.   Had a ton of allergy tests done.. nothing. As long as I'm carefull and avoid as much as I can, the things that flair all 3 up... I do OKAY to really good, most of the time. I hate my hair now tho.. Not much I can do for it or about it...   Well hope my story helps someone .. Good Luck
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Wash hair in vinegar mixed with baking soda. And take a hot bath in epsom salt water and tea tree oil.

Coconut oil works good afterward but not a remedy for mites or lice. Vinegar clears all possible eggs and will not allow for them to attach to anything. Sprinkle salt all over the furniture, carpets and bedding and leave for two days. It dehydrates bugs. Also wash all bedding and anything you've come in contact with with vinegar and water. If you think it's fleas put a flea collar in the vacuum bag when it's not running. Wipe any surface with windex or vinegar....repeat daily for a few days.

You don't have to be a dirty person to have any bug or fungus but its very uncomfortable and can easily get out of hand. Mites you can't even see! Hope this helps.....without all the chemicals. Worked for me and I still don't know what it was....went on and on
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i also have itchy skin ,welts on head,red skin in temp change my face get oily oil pops out of my face, also white substances lface also swells.the .odd time ithink i see litle spects,that move.
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Try using 3% hydrogen peroxide left on overnight 1-2 times per week.

Even if you dont have blond hair.

It seems to stop the bumps from manifesting on scalp.

What you have is Morgellons disease.

I've had it for years.

Strange welts/hives are the other side effect of this disease. Which I simply put triple antibiotic on when they arise.

Good Luck, This works! Not a cure for this highly contagious disease.

(You probably got it at work like I did working in an in bound call center)
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Try using 3% hydrogen peroxide left on overnight 1-2 times per week.

Even if you dont have blond hair.

It seems to stop the bumps from manifesting on scalp.

What you have is Morgellons disease.

I've had it for years.

Strange welts/hives are the other side effect of this disease. Which I simply put triple antibiotic on when they arise.

Good Luck, This works! Not a cure for this highly contagious disease.

(You probably got it at work like I did working in an in bound call center)
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Try using 3% hydrogen peroxide left on overnight 1-2 times per week.

Even if you dont have blond hair.

It seems to stop the bumps from manifesting on scalp.

What you have is Morgellons disease.

I've had it for years.

Strange welts/hives are the other side effect of this disease. Which I simply put triple antibiotic on when they arise.

Good Luck, This works! Not a cure for this highly contagious disease.

(You probably got it at work like I did working in an in bound call center)
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