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2121656 tn?1395674749

My dog lucky/12 yrs. old

Ok, so I've posted here back in I believe May 2012 for the first time. However, being that I was new to this forum and didn't really know/still learning. I somehow lost my post. Therefore, I will send another. Back in let's say May 2012, I sent a post asking for some advice about my dog lucky. She had had ACL surgery on both back legs for tears in them, 4 yrs. apart. Well, she had started limping on the right leg, whining alot, panting and at times her legs seem to be week and give out. I took her to the vet and had x-rays done with results in being just arthritis in her right leg now. Therefore, the vet put her on steroids at 2 a day for 5 days, then 1 a day for 10 days, then no more. Well, needless to say she ended up in the same position as she started, unable to hardly walk at all. Therefore, I called the vet again. He said to continue to give her a steroid once a day and she'd have to have lab test done every 6 mnths. due to being on them. Well, she's starting to have trouble walking again with the one steroid a day again and sometimes legs give out. It breaks my heart to see her like that. She is eating and drinking well still. We have a 4 split level, but unable to keep her confined to the one level. She's adamant at following us through the house. Anyone have any advice as to what we can do to limit her climbing the stairs? and if she was in to much pain, is it true that she wouldn't eat or drink much? She's over weight, 97 lbs. can't take walks anymore to help lower her weight. How much should I limit her food to? I always add turkey or roast beef to 2 cups of dog food twice a day (she won't eat dog food without turkey or roast beef in it, our fault). She gets a treat once a day. I know I feel stupid asking these questions, but she's my first dog and I'm still learning as I go. Thanks for all the assistance.
17 Responses
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974371 tn?1424653129
Thanks for the update.  Will keep hoping this will give Lucky some relief.
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2121656 tn?1395674749
Update on Lucky. She now has arthritis in her spine, that's why her back legs are weak and sometimes gives out. Anyhow, she was taken off steroids & on Monday she starts taking a half a mobic once a day & was given tramadol to take for pain. Two week trial on the mobic, if that doesn't work, the Vet is gonna give her stronger dose of steroids. I was real nervous going while waiting for her to be examined, because there was a lady who was also waiting for one of her dogs examination. She was telling me & my husband, that she had to put her 12 yr. old lab down 2 wks. ago, because he was having the same issue with him. Only difference was that her dog couldn't even stand up anymore due to arthritis in spine. Well, it's been a long day for me today, and I've a Dr. appt. tomorrow morning at 9 am. I will keep you updated.
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974371 tn?1424653129
Glad to hear you were able to work things out for an earlier appt.
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2121656 tn?1395674749
UPDATE: I just spoke with my husband & he said schedule it for tomorrow. So, I did & her appt. is at 4:15 PM. I will update after appt.
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2121656 tn?1395674749
Good morning! My vet is wonderful. He use to take care of large animals, such as horses, ect. What happened the location he's at now, he owned that office once before. He sold it to another vet. That vet for some unknown reason, just walked away from the place. He in turned took it over again & had to go thru Albany NY to locate all of his prior patients after the other Vet just walked away from it. Per our Vet, she was losing money. He had told her when he moved on to larger animals, if she ever thought about shutting it down to contact him, so she did & he ended up repurchasing. I think the problem with the scheduling is because, Lucky (my dog's name) is heavy & she can't get into the van herself & I can't lift her in. My husband is needed in the office at work this wk. with no choice, per his boss. So, I can't get her there during the day. I tried to get her an appt. at 6:30 pm, but nothing available & the Vet is attending a wedding on Sat. I will try to keep her as comfortable as I can. I ended up giving her a aspirin last night, it seemed to help. I didn't hear any moaning. I was reading the forum & seen that you can use tramadol with steroids, so I'm gonna call the Vet & have him order her some for the time being. She's sleeping comfortable now. I know that because she's snoring. Well, thank you for your support & advice. I will definitely keep you in touch.
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974371 tn?1424653129
Oh, i am so sorry to read this sad news.  Poor thing does sound miserable.  I would be on the phone to the Vet and insist she be seen now!  I can't believe, with those symptoms, they are making you wait that long!  How long have you been using this Vet?  Over the years,I have used various Vets for various issues.  Is there another Vet you use?  If it is the girls in the office making this decision, you tell them, insist, to speak to the Vet yourself.  No way should you or that poor have to wait that long.  
The urination could just be from not wanting to get up or she may be having organ issues.
I feel so bad you are going through this.  
Just try to make her comfortable as best you can
Please keep us posted and do call your Vet first thing and stand your ground.  
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2121656 tn?1395674749
I also forgot to mention that she's had a couple of accidents urinating on her bed. I'm thinking or hoping, it's just because it's to painful for her to walk outside.
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2121656 tn?1395674749
Sorry, I haven't been on much. Having alot of major health issue's myself now. I wanted to give you an update my my 12 yr. old black lab as I sit here in tears, waiting for her to come in from the garage. Anyhow, she's not & hasn't been doing well in the last couple of days. It seems that the steroid isn't helping anymore. I don't understand if it's just arthritis, why she's not doing so well. Anyhow, she's now not able to hardly walk & when she tries to to go outside, her legs give out. It takes her along time to make it outside. We've put a doggie bed in the garage now also, so that she can rest on it after going to the bathroom before making it in the house. She's been moaning, crying & panting most of the day & night. Weird thing is she'll still eat & drink. Not sure if it's because the steroids make her hungry. The earliest appt. to get into the vet isn't till Monday the 20th. I feel so so bad, because she's suffering from something & I pray every night she'll get better. Well, just wanted to update you & thank you for all your advice & suggestions.
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2121656 tn?1395674749
I just started walking her again yesterday evening and it's a very short block. The Vet hasn't mentioned anything about walking her, just that she's overweight. I'm thinking the same with her panting probably pain from the arthritis, because she's been doing it before I started walking her again. I know that she was worse at night along with pacing and whining and would keep us up. I read that if your dog's eyesight is going, and it's dark they get anxiety so to leave lights on. That's working so we're good there. I will also look up Kongs and check into acupuncture. Thanks Again
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974371 tn?1424653129
Glad you know about no cooked bones.
You may be trying to walk her too far.  I would definitely cut that way back and just try to get her to go short distances to exercise the muscles some.  What did the Vet say about walking?  She is possibly panting due to pain or the meds.  I see the problem with the pool and such a big dog.  You might try a sling and pulley system of some sort unless that would stress her too much.
Look up Kongs on the Internet.  If you have a petSmart, they carry them.  You might see if there is a canine acupuncturist around.  
Hard times, I know
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2121656 tn?1395674749
Cooked bones? not at all. I buy her the meaty bones. She stopped eating bigger bones a couple yrs. back. Just leaves them laying on the floor. I will definitely get her some knuckle ones, because she licks her bad leg all the time. Vet said that's what they do to injuries. What's a Kong? I was not able to get her to go further than the corner again this morning. However, when my husband got home from work, she did go for a short walk around the block. I was happy that she was willing to go. She now is panting alot. Probably is in pain, not sure. Hoping maybe just hot. We do have the central air on all the time for her. We just purchased an above ground pool, but it's not connected to our deck. Therefore, we can't get her in there and she's never swam before. I will check with the vet and see if we an pay for her to go for water therapy somewhere. I know the vet mentioned it after her ACL surgery, but opted not with the cost of the surgeries and water therapy was costly also. Therefore, we just did the exercises that we were told to do. Needless to say, her back legs are working real well.
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974371 tn?1424653129
Hope you are not giving her cooked bones!  Try asking the butcher for the larger size knuckle bones and give those raw.  I used to but a few, keep them in the freezer and take out as needed.  She may even just enjoy licking on these.  Do try a Kong.  Just try short walks just to help her get some exercise and use the muscles.  If you or someone you know has a pool, aquatic therapy might help.
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2121656 tn?1395674749
Don't feel stupid, we're all human. She won't chew large bones anymore,but does eat little one's. I will definitely follow your advice. Maybe I can get her to take little walks around the block. However, when she first started with the leg pain, and we'd get to our corner, which is a short distance. She'd want to come back and pull. Thanks for the great advice.
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974371 tn?1424653129
Speaking of stupid, you did list her age in the title.  I get in a hurry so I apologize.
, crating isn't an option and she gets past the gate, little stinker.  Vet is right, don't give in to her increased appetite,mwhich the Ned's will do.  If she will eat vegetables, give her carrots fir treats.  She does need some exercise but slow and limited.  Have you tried giving her something to keep her busy while you are gone?  You might try leaving a couple of stuffed Congs for her, just watch what you use.  Maybe cut up some small veggies and only add one biscuit or a small amount of peanut butter or lo fat cheese.  If she is not an aggressive bone chewer, go to the butcher and have him cut some large beef bones which you would feed raw, not cooked.  When it gets dry and might splinter, replace it.  I have seldom used one but many people use holistic diets so you may check into that.  I would think with a good quality, low fat senior food and trying the green bean diet and her supplements until her weight decreases would be the way I would go.  Arthritis is painful so the extra weight is not helping.
Good luck and keep us posted
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2121656 tn?1395674749
I'm so sorry, I put her name and age in the Title thinking everyone can see it. I'm still new at this, please bare with me. Lucky is a 12 yr. old black lab. She does take 1200 mg Glucosamine, 1200 mg Chondroitin & 500 mg MSM. She was doing well with the steroids, but not so much now. Believe it or not, she trys to jump the gate, as well as she did after ACL surgeries. I'd come home from work and the gate would be part way down the stairs and she'd be in the living room. Sometimes laying on the couch. She's very stubborn. She'd never stay in a crate. Yeah, I know the weight isn't good for your legs. I just especially when on steroid's that make them more hungry. The Vet said don't give into her with extra food. So, we don't give her anything extra. Just feel bad if I cut her food down from the 4 cups with turkey or roast beef in it. I don't want her to starve, but do know it's not helping her. She does like green beans, I will definitely take your advice. She was only 75 lbs. before the steroids and no walks. Now she's 92 lbs. Do you think, because she can't exercise anymore, and I cut her food down. She'll lose some weight? Thank you for the kind words about not to feel stupid and being here to assist me in helping to make good decisions.
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974371 tn?1424653129
Sorry, hit the wrong thing.
Is there any way to block off the stairs with a baby gate? Is she crate trained so you can keep her quiet when you can't watch her?
With arthritis, as in people, the excess weight is not good.  You can but low calorie foods.  Adding a little turkey should be ok.  You can try the string bean diet (we have used this fir years to get weight off our performance dogs). You can get canned or frozen green beans and rinse them.  You feed half and half the dog's regular food with the green beans.  4 cups is a lot of food but again, what is the breed and age?
And no reason to feel stupid as we were all first time dog owners ourselves.
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974371 tn?1424653129
So sorry you ate going through this.  I don 't see what breed she is or how old?  There are other medications your Vet may try, Rimadyl being one but it can cause liver damage.  You can try giving Glucosamine/chondriton. Ask about the dose but it is around 20mg per Lb of body weight.
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