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Puppy not eating

I just picked up 2 Great Dane puppies on Saturday from a breeder in California. The breeder said they were 5 weeks the next day and already wormed them that Wednesday and they needed to be wormed again the following Wednesday. Before meeting with us, she gave them sandwiches from a gas station, water and dog food. They were fine during the drive home and the following day one started to have diarrhea and vomiting. He has since stopped vomiting and will not eat much but is drinking a little. Enough to urinate each trip out the door. The other puppy showed the same signs yet is eating well. we have given the first one chicken broth, and formula and still seems to be sad and not want to eat. What else can we do? They breeder thinks it is due to an environment change but with her track record with us, not sure. we can not afford to take the puppy to the vet at this time is there something we can do at home?
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462827 tn?1333168952
Any Breeder that will allow her puppies to go a 5 wks.old has LIED to you about everything she said....She clearly does not care about her puppies (Or the adults; bless their hearts!).
These dogs could have anything!  Most of the issues can be contagious to the other pup & some can be FATAL!  Anything that one has, the other is likely to get.....I think they're too young to have already been wormed twice, but I'm not sure as I DON'T believe in buying puppies from anyone!!!!  Maybe someone else can tell you about the worming schedule.....

Did you check out this breeder before your purchase? Did she mention anything about the immunizations? These puppies still need their mother and should be nursing!  That's all their digestive systems can handle at this age!  

You may can file a complaint against her, as many states have a law that DOES NOT allow puppies to leave their mom till they are 8 wks. old!  I'm not sure about CA. You should file a complaint against her, anyway.....This is wrong and it's not fair for the dogs to suffer!

YOU can't do anything, but get them to a Vet ASAP......You have no choice!  These guys are now your responsibilty and along with that goes proper medical treatment as needed, for life!

I'm sorry this has happened and I'm sure sorry for these two puppys (And all the ones that will proceed them)......"The Environment Change" is "Bull****!   Your statement of "with her track record with us." What does that mean?  Please tell me that you have NOT done business with her before!!!     Oh my.....I give up!      ;(
24 Responses
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1391531 tn?1289164143
They need to go to the vet first and most important if you could not afford a vet why get two puppy if you got them from a breeder then you had to pay for them so you have money to by them but to take them to the vet when the are sick second they are too young to be way from thier mom b shame on your breeder for selling and giving them to you so young they do not know what they are doing t who gives 5 week old puppy sandwiches from a gas station stupid wrong and can make these puppies sick. GET THEM TO A VET PUPPIES GO DOEN HILL FAST WHEN THEY ARE SICK YOU COULD WAKE UP TO NOT FIND THEM ALIVE!!!!!!!! I HOPE FOR THE HEALTH OF THE PUPPYS YOU TAKE THEM TO THE VET.Sorry to vent but this makes me upset the are helpless puppies that depended on you .
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1391531 tn?1289164143
just wanted to add that theses puppies are to young to have vaccination it could be Provo or something just as bad this is why they need to see a vet you did not mention vaccinations this puppies probably have never seen a vet for a well puppy check up she mostly likly dewormed them her self at home
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462827 tn?1333168952
P.S. I've changed my mind....I'M NOT GIVING UP!   Give me her Name and address & I'll file a complaint against HER and anyone she corresponds with!

I personally, would like to see her "Hung" by morning!      Karla
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I am already filing a complaint. when I meant track record once we got these guys home and went onto her website my litter was to be the last litter yet she is selling more puppies @ 3.5 weeks. Another lady a few hours away purchased a puppy from her and that one is perfectly fine hence the recommendation to buy a puppy from her. we felt we were rescuing puppies. As for the vet bill, my payday is Tuesday and the vets here do not bill hence asking for help advice otherwise they would both be in there. the name of the breeder is Windy Knoll Ranch. I am not giving up on the puppies just shocked people do things like that. I told her since they were my puppies she should have not fed them any type of human food since I do not plan on feeding them human food.  
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They have not had any vaccinations. I made sure of that as I explained I wanted the vet here to see them. I will also have the vet file a complaint as well against her and hopefully shut her down.
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1388999 tn?1370042814
My dear please please listen too the ladies on here!if they are Great  Danes they will cost a lot to look after and feed they are very very big dogs in fact the tallest on the planet .....them and Wolf Hounds they need the best care when young and not too much exercise as in the first 12 months as they grow so fast and bones are really soft.So plenty of calcium as well.
I have had a giant breed an English Mastiff  and in that first 12 months they will eat you out of house and home as they need fuel to grow.If they are not fed properly they will be sickly small and stunted, it is a labour of love in bringing up these wonderful Giants.

Please take heed of the advice on here I cannot believe that breeder letting you have them at this age its a recipe for distaster she should be banned for life.
You are not in a good situation and as for your babies I must tell you at the moment their future is in your hands, you must take them to the Vet.

I do not hold out much hope if you dont ,so please ask your Vet if you can take a time plan out to pay them off.As you can see everyone is very upset and these ladies do know what they are talking about.Please keep in touch we will back you all the way in advice and moral support.   thankyou for contacting us.

I do so wish you the best with your two little souls,
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I just spoke with the vet and he will see the puppy in a few hours, He also mentioned that since the dog was bought in California, the law protects us and that the breeder has to pay for the vet bill.
I have had experience with the large breeds with no issues as I had a Neo Mastiff that was very protective.
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462827 tn?1333168952
Oh Thank you!!!!!.....Please come back and let us know how you and your puppies are doing......I'm hoping for the best!!!!!    Karla
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1391531 tn?1289164143
hope the puppies start to feel better soon with the right care and love they should  mend fast if the damage has not been done by a stupid  irresponsible breeder that should not own dogs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Did not mean to to sound hard on you but i really believe that a vet isthe best means of help when they are sick and that that vet bills are part of owning a dog. best of luck to you and the puppies
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Nikki1580. It is completely understandable. The worry about the vet was we did not have one for them yet and the vets want to start with an arm and a leg before taking on the pet. They were not given the right dewormer and the vet gave them a higher dose for the weekend and to have them check back in a few days. I explained that the breeder told us what food to use and the vet did not want us to follow the diet that the breeder was using. She mentioned that with these types of dogs, the moms will try to wen the puppies early due to calcium issues but the breeder should not have made that call. They are both up running around and pulling the cats by their tails.
Thank you all for your concern and help!
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1388999 tn?1370042814
I am so relieved, you did not say you had a giant breed before I just thought you just went and got them with no knowledge of how to look after giant breeds.
We have so many get in touch that have no idea so this is why we went over the top just look back on some of the posts.Its a nightmare sometimes.

Now you are on the forums don't be a stranger your input would be valuable and it would be great if you could put some pic's up of your babies as they go along.

   sincerely Joan.

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675347 tn?1365460645
Oh when...oh WHEN will there be strict legislation and licensing  for animal breeders who wish to do this for profit....??
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No I love the bigger dogs as they are more peaceful than the little ones! I think what got me with this breeder was that she stated that puppies were being put down by the city and I did not want to see atleast two get put down.
@ ginger899 I agree that there should be better regulations for this as the city did not consider her a breeder yet she had 3 or 4 sets of dogs for breeding and had 3 litters back to back all because she is considered an owner not breeder. The breeder I got my Mastiff from was the same way but was shut down due to her breeding so many dogs at once.
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1388999 tn?1370042814
Gosh its so lucky for those babies that you were able to give them a home.
Are you going to have fun when they get bigger and stronger, are they the the same sex puppies ? and what are there names.?.
Do not forget to put pic's up for us.And make sure your cats keep thier tails lol
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Update: Serena died yesterday from the Parvo in which was confirmed in her system before I got them. Tomorrow Gollum will come home as he was able to fight it. The breeder refuses to acknowledge her wrong doing and the city she lives in will back up my lawsuit as she has lied about the chief of police as well as the animal control officer. They did not put dogs down as she stated and her sob story to people is that the police are harassing her. I would not recommend Windy Knoll Ranch to anyone for any reason.
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1391531 tn?1289164143
Sorry to hear adout the puppy had a gut feeling it was Parvo when you mention that the breeder was going to put the puppies down that made sense bad breeders that do it for the money and look at there dogs as money markers and not part of the family and not as a living things usually will put the puppies with parvo down all her puppies probably have it and it was cheaper then treating it and to be honest she probably would have done it herself and not take them to the vet. Glad you tried to save two at least they had a fighting chance I would research the laws in ca, i live here did you sign a contracted? i if you do not you still can sue them for the price of vet bill for both dogs and full price you payed for the puppy that did not make it i know this will not help or bring back serena but maybe it will hurt what she loves most money. and you also can get her shut down that the most imporant thing so there is no more sick puppies be sold and breed. you took them to the vet with in the 1 week of when you got them the law is on you side..........SORRY Again FOR YOU GREAT LOSS hope you have many joy filled days with lots of love from gollum
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1388999 tn?1370042814
Oh no I am so sorry. I just hope her breeding dogs are taken away from her in the end.
I feel so very sad for you ,at least you still have your little guy.
Please keep in touch with updates we would really appreciate that.You have got a lot of fight in you and you should be proud of yourself . I know we all respect how you have gone about this.
                      Never ever take a backward step ! just keep going forward  no matter how slow because you will always reach your destination no matter what it is.

sincerely Joan xxxxx
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My boy puppy Gollum is doing much better. The Parvo caused him to have and ulcer which is being treated as well as antibiotics. He is eating much better. The fight with Windy Knoll Ranch is the fight of her life as she has since gone onto her website to slander me and I refuse to let her get away with it. The city and animal control has been called and in a nice way they knew she would throw them under the bus to sell the dogs and make a quick buck.
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462827 tn?1333168952
Welcome back.....I'm so sorry about your little girl, Serena..... I sure wish she could have been saved.....I know that was awful & my heart goes out to you.....
I'm very glad that Gollum continues to get better.....I bet he's already doubled in size, huh?
I've been following your breeder's webpage....I have kept up with her questbook, too. I think it's interesting that  negative responses get deleted & positive ones remain!  I've been following  since the beginning.....I'll see a negative and Boom!, it's gone....All Her responses are entertaining to me, in a crazy way!

I believe the remainder of her "pups for sale" look sick!! Is it just me?

Her RIP link is Horrible! Just the way it's designed is a Huge RED FLAG, IMO.

Anyway, I'm glad you checked in and please come back with updates.....Take care...Karla

P.S. At the risk of sounding too bossy; If your Vet sold you a food that he/she sells themselves, please do a backgound check on it, too. Your Parvo pup needs EXCELLENT nutrition and it can't be found in a bag of food from your Vet!   OK, I'm done.....Bye!!!!
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1388999 tn?1370042814
Karla is right about the food Chicken and fresh meat mixed with dog bics makes it interesting
my dogs get something different everyday, have to they expect it now,trouble is they all eat rather slowly tasting every bit and never eat each others did not have to train them.

On Saterdays they get a couple of grilled pork sausages in a whole meal roll.My two boys hold it in thier paws and nibble off the top bit by bit...  I make a hole in the middle of roll so it stays in there,no they dont get mustard or tomato sauce as well lol. It is very healthy my dogs average age is over the yrs is about 13yrs as they are always the bigger dogs.
Raw meat, cooked chook brown rice, pasta and dog bics with oxo sometimes.
and big shin bones for teeth.

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My Dane from Kathleen Tollinger has brain issues. He is being put down this week. I have tried to reach her with no luck. I heard she was shut down and I hope so. I'd love to give her a piece of my mind.
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Margot started a wonderful post on here called; Buyers Beware  

PLEASE read that post if ypou are looking for a dog.

I have also put up a questionaire that we use to help families looking for a dog. Please copy it and use it!
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did you get anywhere when you made a complaint? I adopted from her in 2010 and have issues.
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