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Sudden death of beloved dog

My beloved pug Annabelle, died Christmas Eve Day.  I rescued her when she was between 1-2 years old. She became  my constant companion and best friend.   Today marks a month since she passed. She had had a cough and then a urinary infection,which was being treated for by her vet. And yes, she seemed to be slowing down, breathing on occasion more heavily than usual, she didn't play with her toys as she use to, but was still her feisty little self. Happily ate her meals, loved going out  and taking our walks though they were  not as long a walk as when  she was  a pup. She had trouble seeing. She slept more than usual, and not always with me as she use to. She loved her new bed which I bought her before Christmas.  I knew she was getting older and slowing down but didn't realize she was as old as the vet told me after she died. He said, 11- or 12. I keep asking myself, why didn't I realize this.  I cannot conceive being without her, it is incredibly painful. On that fateful day,  we went for a walk, she did her business, and walking back home,  I lifted her up to play in leaves, which she loved, she was happily sniffing.  After a few minutes, I climbed up the small embankment and said, "Sweetheart time to go inside now". I started picking her up and as soon as I did, she bolted out of my arms, and  fell to the ground and didn't get up.  I said, "Annabelle come, get up,  she was staring at me with her beautiful brown eyes. she didn't move.  I picked her up , held her in my arms, she twitched once, she was gone.   In disbelief I  yelled for help,   Her tongue now hanging out of her mouth  staring  wide-eyed at me. I'll never forget that look. I kept thinking maybe she's in shock, I'll get her to the vet. Maybe she's in a coma, anything but dead   I was in shock, disbelief, one minute she is sniffing  leaves, the next minute lying lifeless in my arms.  The vet later told me she most likely had an arrythmia, a "sudden death".  I will never forget her eyes and lifeless little body. I pray she didn't suffer, it happened so suddenly and I  am grateful I was holding her.  I pray she heard me and didn't die alone.   She was very special and will live forever in my heart.  I am crying as I write this.  She was my little girl. She taught me patience, tolerance and so much more.  She brought me happiness and joy. I am forever indebted to her.
Like all of the posts here it is incredibly sad to lose a beloved pet, we must be grateful for the time they gave us and the time we spent with them, loving them and they loving us. How lucky we've been to have  had that experience They gave us a better life for having had  them in our lives.  I keep thinking of the words, "To everything there is a season, a time to live, a time to die."  Our pets only fault is that they usually die before we do. May we all be re-united with them one day.
God Bless us all.    
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Thank you for your lovely kind words about my Annabelle.  We had a  special bond and I am eternally  grateful she was in my life. She was a  happy special little girl Your words help me now and I will hope for your sake when your old  faithful  friend passes you will be there and he/she will rest peacefully in your loving arms.

Bless you, Peace,
Jo-Ann B.
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Thank you very much for your kind and thoughtful words.  I am sorry for your loss as well.  It is hard to deal with at this time, but we have been the lucky ones to have had these special little ones in our lives.  I am eternally grateful for Annabelle , she truly enriched my life as I'm sure your loved one did as well.

Bless you, Peace...
Jo-Ann B.
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Thank you Tony, I appreciate your thinking of us at this sad time and will read when-a-Pet-Dog=dies.

It is a difficult time, but eventually I will rally and knowing there are kind and generous people as yourself thinking of us helps  very much.  Your words bring  much solace. And yes,there is no greater gift than the loving companionship of a dog, I too feel sorry for those that have not had the experience we have had.  We are the lucky ones, even thought we hurt.

Bless you,
Jo-Ann B.
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Thank you so much for your lovely post and kind words, they do bring solace,  and my thoughts are with you too with the loss of your  Maddie.

Anatole France was a  wise and thoughtful man and his words are true and  help me so much.  I'll keep his  thoughts close to my heart and find a modicum of comfort. I feel incredibly lucky I had Annabelle in my life, as I know you feel the same about your Maddie.  

Bless you,
Jo-Ann B.
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7378022 tn?1390751481
I am so very sorry for the loss of your Annabelle. I lost my Maddie (16) just last week, and understand the pain you are going through.

I picked up her ashes yesterday, and attached to the box was this: "Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened," Anatole France

We couldn't hurt this much had we not loved, I found comfort and thanks in those words... I hope you can too.
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1916673 tn?1420233270
Hello. I am so sorry for your loss. You wrote a heartfelt story about Annabelle. Christmas is a dreadful time for us to lose our best friends. Somehow, it makes it even harder to deal with. If she could, Annabelle would thank you for her wonderful, loving and adventure filled life - a life you gave her from the moment you rescued her. Grieving is very natural and it takes it's own good time to work it's way through. I would urge to read this: http://www.infobarrel.com/When_a_Pet_Dog_Dies

It might help knowing there are thousands of people that feel the same as you. Those that don't are the ones I feel sorry for, because they haven't experienced the extraordinarily close relationship we have with our dogs.

You are in my thoughts. Cyber hugs. Tony x
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We're dealing with an old dog now, and I hope she goes the way Annabelle does, fast and in the arms of someone who loves her.  She even had a good time going for a walk right before it, I don't think she could have been any happier at that moment.  Your suffering now, but I hope you find some peace knowing Annabelle was happy till the end and well loved for 10 plus years.
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973741 tn?1342342773
I am so sorry to read of your loss.  I also lost a dear pet the week before Christmas due to a freak accident and was in shock that it happened.  Grief is hard to deal with and I'm very sorry you are going through this.  Dogs that leave behind such sad owners were lucky dogs.  it means they were so well loved while here.  peace to you
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