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Water Blister

For atleast the past month, I have one reoccuring water blister that occurs in the same exact spot.  It is in the back of my mouth diagonal from my tonsil on the side/roof of mouth.  Initially I would pop it to let the water out, but two days later it always came back.  So I left it alone.  It starts small, grows and grows as it fills with water, and eventually minimizes on its own, but if I remove the skin once it has minimized it bleeds very minorly.  Then within days it is back again.  It is driving me nuts b/c it is just an awkward feeling.  I don't really have any other symptoms except that for the past month of so I have also been physically weaker for some odd reason.  I go to the gym three times a week to lift weights and for the past month, I have struggled emmensly to lift the same weights that I have lifted for months.  Plus I am often sore afterwards which prior to this past month I am never sore after the gym.  I have no idea if its related but the timing coincides.  I was hope that a doctor or person might be able to chime in with some advice/possible causes and if I what type of physician I ought to see for this.  I am also not sure if this is posted in the right spot, so if its not feel free to let me know.  Thanks.
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I am also experiencing blister-looking things in the back of my throat on both sides, below my tonsils (multiple on both sides). I've seen 4 different doctors, diagnoses suggested have included possible post nasal drip & acid relfux. Was put on antibiotics initially which treated other throat symptoms I had (pain, pressure in sinuses, pink eye which I believe resulted from whatever is going on in throat). Also feels like I have something in my throat when I swallow (changes sides too...). I had my throat swabbed yesterday, expect results Monday. Whenever/ if I ever get any conclusive diagnosis, I'll post back.
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The clogged salivary gland makes sense to me. I used to get the blisters on the bottom of my tongue. My grandmother called them lie bumps and said you get one every time you tell a lie, lol. Eventually they stopped occurring and for multiple years I didnt have them. But just within the last few months I have started getting them again, this time at the back of my mouth near my tonsils, like so many other people have said. I live in Oklahoma and allergies are bad here.
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I have had the same issue now since July (now December).  Every 3-4 days the blister recurs in the same spot, with throat soreness. I have seen three docs: my PCP who referred me to an ENT. The ENT thought he could see it then biopsied an area  in my tonsil that was one inch away from the right spot. Needless to say I was not happy with that one, especially since it hurt terribly while healing for next 8 days. I didn't go back to him, but went to another ENT. She biopsied the right place, and said she had found a small cyst, that these were always benign so she didn't send it to a path lab (although I wish she had). Today, 13 days later (and 8 days of bad pain from the biopsy), I felt the same blister recurring except, this time, it is even bigger than before. Am trying to get back in to see the ENT as soon as feasible.
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I too have this same phenomenon...a recurrent (but not often) small fluid-filled blister (<-- for lack of better words) on my lateral soft palate. Differently than others though...mine have absolutely zero pain associated with them at all. It's more of a tactile annoyance than anything. So I usually just reach back there and scrape it with my fingernail and it pops and I don't feel it anymore. No pain with that maneuver either. Also of note regarding the folks that believe it may be linked to reflux....I'm a longtime sufferer (>20 years) of GERD and have been chronically taking PPIs ("Nexium-like" meds) this entire time so I'm not sure if it makes sense, at least in my isolated case, to link this pathology to acidic reflux because I can say definitively...I do reflux but the contents are def not acidic (hence..the PPIs). So that leaves me with still not being certain what it is but not worrying about too much either since it seems so benign in my case....but I will definitely keep my eye out for a potential cause from this forum.
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I have been battling this same issue and went to an ENT who told me I had throat reflux and the acid was creating the problem.  I started a treatment of Nexium and the problem is solved.  Once in a while I get a tingling feeling in the spot where the blister appeared but will take the Nexium and it goes away.  He said there was a procedure he could perform if necessary if it didn't go away but it did.  
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I am so glad I read all of this.
I am a singer and was worried that it may cause damage to my vocal cords.
I have a little blister that comes up a the back of my throat. It is painful but seems better once i pop it. the problem is it keeps coming back and that is why I started to worry.
Do you still advice that I go see the Dr or will it eventually go away.
It is very irritating.
Thanks for all the advice, I do feel better after reading all of this.

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For a couple of months I've had a single "water blister" way back left side of my throat.   I saw my dentist recently and asked him to look at my throat, explaining that, although there was nothing there at the time, I had a recurring "bump".   He mentioned that it could be caused by a clogged salivary gland and that he'd had patients have it recur for months - to a year.
I have had problems with sinus drainage during this time so that may be causing the blister.
I also read, somewhere, that the problem can be exacerbated by eating lemons or drinking lemon juice so I am going to stop putting lemon juice in my tea, hoping it will reduce the reoccurance.
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Not sure what you have is the same thing. I would get it looked at.
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My transparent blisters that keep popping up on back of throat DO hurt, but the discomfort is relieved by scrapping off the clear viscous material. My primary care doc in 2006 didn't know what it was. Has occurred off and on over years usually for a few weeks or months and is troublesome again for past 2 weeks. Trying to get in to see my present doc while it is "active" this time.
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Hi Everyone,

As many of you do, i am relieved to have come accross this thread.

I am a 28 year old male and have had this reuccuring blister, just in from of my tonsils adjacting to my (punchbag) one for the better word, for two years.

I was initially prescribed anti-biotics from my doctor but to no avail, then i re reffered to an ENT specialist.

As you can guess, by the time my appointment was, there was no blister there and not really any evidance of what i was decribing. Luckily i had pictures on my phone so showed him those.

his initial questions was to, my horror, if i had ever suffered from herpes. Now im sure this is what a lot of people, not all, worry about when they first see the blister. I answered no as that is the truth to my knowledge, and he looked down my throat with a camera which came clear..He didnt give me much of a diagnosis as he couldn't see anything and said it was probabally a blocked saliva gland and the best courtse of action was for me to contact his receptionist when the blister re appeared so he can see and if so, take a swab. Now waiting for the blister to be there between the hours of 9-5, whilst i am not at work and also the doctor is able to seeme is almost impossible.

I did manage to get to the local hospital last week as the blister was there and wad told to see the duty ENT doc, he was very rushed and but the timei had gotten there and waited to see him (4 hours) the actaul blister had gone and it was just red. he said it was a ulcer and to gargle salt water...i should have protested as this seemed like a rediculous diagnosis. So i have been told its an ulcer, its a blocked saiva gland..and asked if i have herpes by 3 different "specialist"

Anyway, i have managed to get into see the specialist tomorrow as the blister has come up. I shall not be leaving his office tomorrow without a swab, lancing or any other fault finding procedure. Since the herpes queation it has played on my mind a lot and now i feel anxious to the point i dont dare kiss my son.

I shall be eating a granny smith apple and somthing spicy before the doctors as this usually seems tio either bring it on or aggrivate it.

For all those suffering the same i WILL have an answer soon!
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6674257 tn?1383626031
You may have acid reflux and ice cream causes excess acid in the stomach (because of lactose and lactic acid) just like spicy foods. (I've been diagnosed with gastritis and was told to avoid dairy, spicy foods, fried foods, fatty foods because they encourage excess acid in the belly which causes irritation and inflammation--and heartburn/acid reflux).  Stomach acid churning up may explain why you get the blister too.  Acid could be irritating your salivary ducts as well as your esophagus.
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Thanks to all of you for your comments. It has helped me a great deal since my first time with this 'mouth water blister' happened just four days ago. (I am 63)
At this beginning of the week, Monday, I came down with a cold. Don't think it's the flu but body aches, dry cough, on and off sore throat and runny nose. And a water blister. Sounds exactly like what everyone here is experiencing. I swear one night I could feel with my tongue that it had popped but in the morning it was the same. Thanks to all of you for posting and relieving my mind!
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this is the same
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Yay for this post!! I've had these for probably about four years here and there. The last three months they have got worse and I always have at least one, up to three. They start like a tiny hard pimple and then become a dome like water blister that pops by itself. Lately the area aches a bit, I think that's been from my tongue playing with it as can feel so annoying. When I first googled it it came up as possibly aids, cancer or herpes! Eek! I freaked out and went to my doctor who swabbed it and its all fine, nothing came back bad. I wish I knew how to get rid of it!! I think it's worse when I'm run down? Live very busy life with three littlies. My dads a dermatologist and he has no idea what they are. I seem to wake up with them, haven't noticed the eating correlation? I'll go to sleep with nothing and wake with one or two. Annoying but so nice to know there are lots of you and that we aren't all dying!!! Ha ha ha!!
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Yup, I've got them too. My dentist had no idea what it was but I am really pleased after reading all of these posts. Mine seem to pop up most when I eat something cold. Small, painless blisters in the back of my mouth. I pop them and then everything is fine.
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Thank goodness for this blog!! Same as everyone else. Mine is way in the back of my throat left side near the tonsils. It is a bit aggravating and has a strange feel to it. Mine has not changed size in about a week. I agree with the comment 'a popcorn kernel' in the back of your throat. I do have a lot of sinus issues and nasal drip. And according to the dentist, I also have an abundance of saliva. Can't tell you how relieved I feel to know so many others have it and what causes it most likely. And we are going live people! I thought like some of you might have, oh no, cancer. Never thought STD or herpes because in my case, that is not a possibility. I did consider a dental cause of some sort. A tooth going back maybe. But I will notice it less now that I don't have attach 'freaking out' to the little clear lump in my throat. Thanks!
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I've had the EXACT same thing...i've done it off and on before, but this time it keeps coming back and i've had it for a couple of weeks now.  So glad to hear it's probably a saliva duct.  My doctor told me a year ago i may have a blocked one because of the small pebble sized knot under my chin on the left side.  Thanks for posting everyone, it helps me breathe easier :)
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I have been having this exact issue for a few months now, pretty much every other day and always in the exact same location.  It feels like a piece of food is lodged into the right side of the soft palate on the top of my mouth...I hate that feeling.  I usually am able to pop or dislodge whatever it is with my finger, but it always, ALWAYS comes back.  It started about six months ago, but I cannot remember any sort of burns or anything that would've caused it.  I hope it stops doing this at some point...I have to excuse myself after meals to get rid of this thing due to how irritating it feels.  It doesn't hurt...it's just extremely annoying.  :-(
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What a relief!  Thank you all for your posts.
I've had this clear blister/pimple-like thing in the back of my throat for probably a year.  Initially, I thought it was from certain foods I was eating.  I've monitored it closely and can find no correlation to eating or certain foods.  I always pop it because it drives me crazy.  No pain, just an annoyance.  It always comes back.  I've been worried lately because in the last couple months it has been more difficult to pop and for the last week, only that area of my throat has been sore and I've felt some fatique (yet both sides of my throat are a bit red). After reading your comments, I feel more at ease to chalk up the rest to post nasal drip and allergies and realize that this area of my mouth may be more susceptible right now.
Thank you again everyone!  It's nice to know I'm not alone in this. I hope we all get permanent relief very soon!
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I just got back from the ENT who has no idea whats wrong with me! I have been getting clear blisters in back of my throat on the upper right side every time I eat. Now I feel like I burnt the top and back of my throat because it feels like sandpaper all the time just like when you eat something too hot. When I swollow it feels like a popcorn kernel is stuck there but also sandpaper feeling going down my throat. I tried changing my foods to non spicy but I even get this eating ice cream! Any ideas or suggestions? The blister doesnt hurt but my throat feels burnt and raw. Thanks
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OH i am so glad I read this. I was convinced I had oral cancer or oral herpes or something terrible. I have had this exact issue for months now. I brought it up to my doctor at a physical and she patted me on the head and told me it was a chancre sore and to get over it.
After reading this I am convinced I have exactly what everyone else is saying. It has been driving me CRAZY for 4 months now. I can always feel it. I sometimes get a few days break from it and then it returns. "scraping" it only makes it take longer to go away.
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I've been getting those little blisters too and no one could figure it out.  hearing that it's a blocked salivary gland makes sense because I have Sjogren's which affects the salivary gland.  At least I know I'm not crazy, glad to hear people describe the exact same symptoms...
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Thanks everyone - this has helped me!  I have been getting little hard small blister with clear liquid in them on my cheeks and roof of mouth since I was a teenager and they hurt until I pop them and I'm fine.  Then for the last couple of months I've been getting a large liquid filled one in the same spot on my check close to where the joints come together.  I looked up canker sores and etc, but it's not the same (thank God!) because there is no red circle and they don't hurt really bad or are anywhere near the inside of my lips - just cheeks and back roof of mouth.  I feel much better after reading all of this.  
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What a relief.  I've had a tiny blister in the same spot for the last year.  I'll pop it and it may or may not come right back.  Thought I was alone on this one.  Thanks to everybody for sharing.
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