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Can Sinus Cause Constant Head Pressure Without Other Symptoms?

Background: Retired from the Army in Nov and had a complete physical. Everything was fine except for lower back degenerative disk diease and mild hearing loss. All bloodwork was normal. Took a job in Iraq where I am currently. Arrived in Feb. In Jun, I was sick with extreme fatigue, headaches, and dizziness. Saw a doctor in Jul and was given OTC headache meds. They did bloodwork that came back normal. Since that time I have had daily head pressure and tinnitus. The tinnitus comes and goes and can be really loud and annoying. Visited another doctor in Sep who thought it might be an allergic reaction and was given zyrtec for a month. No change with the head pressure. Saw an ENT in Oct who feels that it just a left-over from whatever made me ill in Jun and thinks it will get better with time. Have had this for 5 months.

NOTE: I am 44 and had never had a headache prior to this. Have never had any TMJ problems. Tinnitus was never a problem. Never noticed any allergies before this. Never had sinus problems. Am in decent health and walk daily for 45 minutes. Thought it might be some sort of reaction to something here in Iraq but do not have typical allergy or sinus symptoms.  

Questions: 1) Can sinus cause the daily head pressure and tinnitus? No pain, just a heavy and tight feeling from my eyebrows, temples to the back of my head. Wake up with it. Only goes away when outside exercising. Constant dust inside and outside this place with pollution. Extreme heat going from AC into 120 degree. Has cooled off now, but symptoms remain.  

121 Responses
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535822 tn?1443976780
I agree with post above about EMFs.also we are being aerial  sprayed constantly ,where I am every day and night and I seem to be sick a lot with flu like symptoms
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Please look up EMF Hypersensitivity, I had this so bad Doctors know nothing my answer was a bad ground in the house it is really bad to keep being exposed to high EMFs. lots you can do to protect your self, we disconnected all the power in the bed room so at night I could sleep and discharge, very scary stuff , I am writing about this because so many people have issues with this and no where to turn. check  your homes ground wire, and keep all power away from you at night. including cell phones. begin taking omega 3 and vitamin  B12
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Hi I have the exact same symptoms as you had in 2008.  I know it has been a long time, but would love to know if you ever found out what was causing your symptoms and if you found relief, how?..Please help this is really making me feel not like myself at all. :*( Thank you
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It could be a spinal fluid related medical condition. They are rare, but common conditions. A common one is Intracranial Hypertension. It's when, for whatever reason, the brain does not absorb the spinal fluid and it begins to build up in the head. It can cause pressure feeling and pain in the head, whooshing noise in the ears, vision trouble/issues, headaches that can range from mild to unbearable in pain. Eye pain and/or pressure. Many people feel fatigued, forgetful, brain fog, heavy feeling in the head, neck and/or shoulders, and no energy. For diagnosis, an eye doctor can look at the back of the eyes to see how the "disk" looks and whether the veins around it are pulsing or not. Another way is to have a lumbar puncture (spinal tap) done. They are not fun and can be very painful, but the best way to determine if the spinal fluid is elevated.  Another condition is that the spinal fluid can also leak from the ears and/or nose due to a leak caused by increased pressure, certain injuries, severe sleep apnea, etc. on the other hand, if the spinal fluid pressure gets too low, that can cause issues too, including headaches.
Hope this helps. Good luck!!
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Thanks for the info...i am experiencing theses things and i do have sleep apnea( severe). Currently have post nasal drip..and on antibiotics and clarinex..to see if the issue subsides and if not the doc is going to do further testing ...i will mention to him some of the the conditions you listed. Thanks alot!
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Im a 26 year old male who is suffering from constant sinus pressure in mainly the left sinus as well as permenant tinnitus, a bit of head pressure, and ice pick head aches around the head. I wake up feeling terrible every day. I also suffer from muscle spasms/jerks although admittedly i am a caffeine junkie as well as a nicotine addict so i am praying that the jerks are related to that but i dont exclude the possibility that they arent.  Im seeing a doctor tomorrow but am not confident i will get a definite answer and will probably require more testing and a specialist of some sort.  I am terrified of what it could possibly be especially if its a brain tumor.  I am wondering if anybody else has had these symptoms and what they could mean.  I have read a lot of similar stories on here but none that quite fit with mine.  Any info would be appreciated and i hope people on here will find their answers as well.
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how did you prove that you had the candida overgrowth???
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