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Dizziness/Off Balance Feeling

I have had symptoms of anxiety. For the past few months. But, I also have dizziness. The dizziness happens at different times of the day, even with out the panic attacks. Sometimes I could be doing nothing at all. I could be laying down, trying to relax and I get dizzy. I have had lots of blood work done for anemia, blood counts, TSH- all normal. Except the iron was slightly low. I have had that for the past 3 years and never had dizziness because of it. Could this be from my ears. A few weeks ago I was putting in some Chistmas lights and as I came up I felt like I was going to loose my balance. It scared me so much.At times I feel dizzy while I am laying down, and that scares me.  I even went to the ER, they did a CT scan, and sent me home with a patch behind my ear. Could it be my ears. I have ringing in my ears every few days, left and right. I don't have alergies though.A few weeks ago my ears kept popping. Then it stopped. I had a anxiety attack a few weeks ago and the dizziness stopped for a few days, but came back. I also have warm fuzzy sensations in my head, like it tingles, from time to time. I am going to the DR in a couple of weeks for a check up. What should I ask him to check next, this dizziness is controlling my life, I feel like I am going to pass out all the time. I am scared to be alone if I do pass out because all my kids are under 5 yrs old. What should my next step be, maybe a ENT? Thank you.
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Has anyone been given a water called "INDAPAMIDE" to treat inner ear infection? I went to my ENT doct and this is what he gave me BUT with my panic attacks its just hard for me to think or believe this will help since it is also used to lower blood pressure.
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I dont feel good at all :/ I want to believe its just a panic attack
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Seriously this "panic attack" *****. Felt like I was about to die :/
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i know what you're going through and it completely *****!  i've been to the ENT, and had an MRI of the brain, and everything comes back fine.  they can't find anything wrong... but i feel like i'm walking around on a sponge or like i'm on cruise ship.  i've asked the ENT if it could be allergies and he said he doubts it.  he thinks it was some infection in the inner ear.  he didn't seemed to concerned that i was freaking out about it.  i hate the feeling and i want it gone.  there are times too, when i get hot for no apparent reason, and it too freaks me out.  i just wish someone out there could help us out and make whatever this is go away!!  i hate it, and i don't wish it on anybody!  for those of you out there that have experienced the same things what worked for you?  i'm open to suggestions!!!  
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180749 tn?1443595232
Something natural to calm down the brain activity.
Sit on a chair or on the floor, and follow this relaxing technique(Bhramri) for 9 times daily.Then keep your eyes closed for 30 seconds, rub both your hands together for 10 seconds, and place on your face for 20 seconds, then slowly open your eyes, then bring your hands down after 5 seconds.
Your will notice a relaxed  brain in days. I will suggest more relaxation techniques for you, later.
Bhramri Pranayam -Close eyes. Close ears with thumb, index finger on forehead, and rest three fingers on base of nose touching eyes. Breathe in through nose. And now breathe out through nose while humming like a bee.
Repeat this  5 to 21 times.
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I had a Temporal Lobe Lobectomy 2 months ago and since then I have been having dizziness, lightheaded feeling, shortness of breath and a racing of the heart that just comes and goes on its own time. I know what an anxiety attack feels like and this is not what I'm having. I'm still thinking it could be a blood clot that is causing it. A pulmonary embolism could be a possibility because of the side effects I'm having corrulate with that. It makes sense to me because the bed rest that you have after surgery can cause blood clots to form.
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