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My doctor is currently on vacation so I havent been able to get into him. I had a blood test done and looked up my results online. It came back with the following abnormal things:
my WBC was: 14.9 giga/L
Neutrophils: 11.6 giga/L
Monocytes: 1.4 giga/L
C Reactive Protein(High Sensitivity): 10.7 mg/L

I had the test done because of a throat issue i've been having for almost a year now. My tonsils swell, my glands in my neck swell and I get white/red streaks in my throat along with other symptoms. I've tested negative for strep and mono.

I'm just wondering what this could be by the blood test results.
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My Doctor basically just told me I have a bacterial infection and put me on more antibiotics. That's fine and all but if anyone could help me and tell me what kind of bacterial infection it could be I'd appreciate it! I know I'm sick, I just want to know what's making me so sick.
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Your WBC counts are high normal is 4.0 -10.0 giga/L.Your neutrophils are also on the higher side normal range is 2.0-7.5
giga/L.Your monocytes are little on the higher side. The normal range is 0.1-0.8. Normal CRP values are 0-1.0 mg/dl or less than 10 mg/dl. The normal values listed here are just a guide. These ranges vary from lab to lab, and every lab has a different range for what’s normal. It is important doctor will evaluate your results based on your health and other factors. This may mean that a value which may fall outside the normal values listed above may still be normal for you or your lab. Do consult your doctor for more queries.
Best lucks and regards!
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