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Pressure in head, neck, dizziness, etc.

I had had this foggy feeling, slight dizziness, pressure in my frontal sinuses. I have had a CT of the brain, shows normal. I had a CT of the sinuses and it showed cists in my frontal sinuses. I went to an ENT and he stated that they are normal and nothing needed to be done for them. I also am experiencing pressure in my neck. I had an X-Ray of my neck done and they stated that they noticed spasms but that was it. So now, I am going to Neurologist next week to see what he can find. I have had chronic allergies all my life but nothing like this, I have never felt like this in my life. Sometimes I feel like I am going to pass out. This is crazy, I am 30 years old and should be living my life to the fullest with my family but I can’t because of this. I wish I could find out what is wrong so I could move on in my life. Any suggestions?
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You are suffering from  Vestibular Neuritis.
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I’m having the same exact symptoms. Been to the er 3 times this month. Have you found anything new out?
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See a neurologist ( preferably that specializes in dizziness or vertigo ) or internal med doctor to get script for vestibular therapy for dizzy physical therapy and a different physical therapist for neck pain- often the are two dif therapist you are seeing at same time - specialists.  Lots of water only , eat properly with mostly plant based food and some wild fish, yoga ( no downward dog and do not stretch with head hanging over towards feet - this might exacerbate . Stop running if you run and power walk , hike or steps ... etc. reduce stress is key also and cbt Which is cognitive behavioral therapy thru well credentialed pshychologist is key to helping you cope .
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I have had these symptoms also, on and off for over 10 years, with my Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension...meaning you have intracranial hypertension, they just don't know what's causing it exactly. I take Acetazolamide for treatment (well over the "recommended" dose I take 1500mg/day), but currently it has stopped working. I can tell it has stopped working because my neck cracking has come back as well as the visual disturbances, the "buzzed/light headed" feeling, the tinnitus, and headaches. I'll be going to see my neurologist next week to see what he has to say. But I know it will be another lumbar puncture and possibly a shunt since the meds aren't working.
Also, if your sinuses (not veins in your brain) are not draining properly, this is Intracranial Hypertension. There is no reason that a normal cerebral spinal fluid reading would cause hypertension in the brain. (And, no, I don't mean the sinuses that you breath through in your nose)
Good luck to those of you who are also suffering. It's no fun and I feel for you all.
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God Bless You for sharing and understanding. My son has this. He is 42. I think he has been seriously affected by it for several years. Has been through all the specialists too. The meds don't really solve the problem! Keep sharing! What is the BEST doctor for this???
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A couple years ago I think i had an ear infection ear totally plugged up I drive semi and the company I was with would not get me home so I could see my doctor. When I did get home me sent me to a ent she ran tests said it was just me getting older and sent me home I have a load ringing in my left ear with pressure it is hard to breath out of the left side of my nose and it feels like there is something in it but when I blow it either nothing comes out or very little and it feels like someone has hit me on may 25 2015 I passed out don't know why all tests have came back normal I have ct scans MRI all normal does anyone know if this might have a hand in me passing out
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Is anyone having high blood pressure as well. The pressure in my ears and head neck stiffness followed numbness in hands and arms. My bp is 159/90 past couple days.
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I have the same symptoms most of you list above, I do use ibuprofen and it does make the symptoms worse, the ringing especially, but it is the only thing that helps the pain.  I am deaf in the ear that rings,the hearing aid helps but at night all the time as the hearing aid not worn at night.  Just developed the vertigo this year, this has been on going for about 10 years, I never had allergies as a child but about 50 I started having severe symptoms.  ENT did not find any tumor relating to my hearing  loss but since I continue to develop more symptoms I am going back (4 yrs).  The doctor said acid reflux it did help some to increase previcid  to 15 X2 a day.  My nose is 100% blocked by deviated septum believe this is also a contributing factor.  In addition to those symptoms I am experiencing whistle from my nose and wheezing from my lungs no fluid according to the DR.???  I have had two MRI in this time with no definitive result.  They continue to try to treat the symptoms but no diagnosis.  They act like I am crazy!  I also have found a small dose of Xanex helps with the ringing.  New Dr added another anxiety drug??? Like I said they think I am crazy...Not crazy just sick!
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I have had these symptoms for three months.  But when I look back at my life, I think I have had attacks like these a few times that went away after a few hours or days.

I feel like I have the answer.  adrenal fatigue + a major stress (can be surgery, injury, death, etc.) + allergies= chronic inflammation.

My adrenals were worn out, I had used up all the cortisol my body had, and adrenals too tired to produce more.  I had a major stress-  septoplasty and a family problem.  Then along came Ragweed season.  The result:  chronic inflammation.  By luck, I had the opportunity to take some prednisone.  My whole face, inside of head (nose, throat ear passages) and neck muscles deflated like a balloon.  The only prob.-- no one will believe me and refill script.  So now I am taking benedryl and slathering cortisone crème all over my nose, face, and neck.  I am not totally comfortable, but it is working!
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Hello all,

I have had these same symptoms for almost two years now. Has anyone found relief or a diagnosis? I have constant head and fluctuating ear pressure. Head, neck and sinus pain and pressure. I have had normal sinus ct scans and brain, and neck MRIs. Normal lab results, normal spinal tap. Tried sinuplasty. Been on prednisone, steroid sprays, and medication after medication. Hope someone out there has found relief.
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5 years i have had your symptoms, plus only what i can describe as someone trying to strangle me alot of pressure just under jawline on both sides, yet most of pain is on right. Constant ear infections that smell and have discharge, head has burning patches that tend to be on the right side . A scans came back normal, please post your results, so need help.
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Have you had any answers? I experience the same strangling feeling
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Hi Frank...hope your feeling better!!! I have all your symptoms.  Lately the pressure in my head won't go away.  My neck hurts so I'm thinking the headaches might be f rom my posture.  I have sinus pressure and ringing in my left ear and now my right ear is being affected too.  I'm getting allergy shots for a year and a half now and that hasn't helped. I tried all the rinses, steroid sprays, allergy and sinus meds and nothing really helps. Just wanted you to know that your not alone in your misery.  Hope one of us can find a solution and post it.  
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Normal pressure hydrocephalus, can cause these symptoms. I take diamox and the daily pressure went away but i have breakthru symptoms sometimes.
Also, vestibular injury is a dx often missed.
Allergies are a sign of an immune system problem. Have an immune panel done. And have viral titers measured.
See an immunologist for testing.
If u have ongoing active everyday viruses due to low functioning immune system, there are some common viruses that can cause inflammation to the vestibular system, causing dizziness.
Head trauma can also cause vestibular injury and notmal pressure hydrocephalus.
Also, vascular issues. If veins are not draining fluid properly, a back up of fluids can occur and cause these symptoms.
An FMRI will show poor vein perfusion.
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i was recently dx with lyme disease. i have recurrent sinus infections, vertigo, numbness and pressure through neck and head, tingly hands and feet, brain fog, floating head feeling, list goes on. insane symptoms.

i am doing long term antibiotics. *****, caught it late, cuz there was no rash, so docs were baffled.

hope you can all get tested, although even testing is very inaccurate for lyme. horrible disease, with little research.

best of luck to all
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I have been suffering from these symptoms for years. It affects every aspect of life. As I write now I am super dizzy. I have dizziness, facial pressure, strange headaches, the headaches shift sides, ears crackle. My md has given me pain killer for years and they relieve the symptoms are there everyday. it drives me insane and gives me depression. I finally read about chronic sinusitis and identified with all symptoms. I went to the ent and he said I have sinusitis on one side and that surgery would relieve the facial pressure, but to talk about the crackling ears and headaches to my md. And I have and all he gives me are pain killers. I don't know what to do. I am desperate. It makes me want to die feeling like this everyday and nobody understands. I am getting a second opinion from a renowned ent and alos going to an ear specialist. My last resource will be a neurologist, since mu symptoms also co inside with neuralgia. And yes, I've tried antibiotics, saline flushes, flounase and nothing. Desperate in Miami.
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4660118 tn?1357676468
i have a similar problem blurred vision, head pressure it feels like im climbing in elevation my ears start popping i get dizzy and sometimes a panic attack happens and i end up in the er. but they have no answers for me. i also feel like im going to pass out. its weird no matter how much allergy medicine i take my allergy's don't go away they've been active all last year and so far this year without a break in them. i feel terrible all the time and know body will help figure out what is wrong.
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I just had a spinal tap and yeah, I too have pressure in my ears and mostly stays and gets me down.  I can hear yet I had gotten dehydrated after the spinal tap 3 days alter that landed me in the hospital and this all came on the never ending ear pressure it appears. Also, as I have all year round allergies my nose is always clogged and I think that too has brought it on.  Not happy and no answers it appears as well before this I did see 3 ents.  SO out of work and no real Life as of yet besides problems
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Hello Daniel, I feel your pain, but i want to tell you that you cant let these symptoms get you down. I have these same symptoms for over 20 years  and no diagnosis. I was about 29 when my symptoms started and I am 53 years ol now, I went to ENT, CT scan done and no tumor. I suffer from  seasonal allergy and not sure if its related. I feel like i get intermittent hearing loss but when i did hearing test it is normal. I have pain in the left ear, neck and shoulder, dizziness and fogginess and somtimes feel like I am going to pass out.  I am now thinking that  for me it may be psycological, because if I  get a little depressed and dont keep busy my  symptoms worsen. I am going to see a neuroligist and see if they may have a solution to the problem. Warm compress and Flonase seem to help me somtimes when my left nostril feels clogged.  Exersise and keep busyalso help.
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All of you guys symptoms sound like the same I have experienced now for over a year. Went to ENT and he told me OTC nasal spray was my problem. Prescribed Flonase, but my neck problems were still there. Finally searched more, and found out clogged Eustachian Tubes will cause the middle ear to get clogged and infected. Try squeezing nose closed and blowing until you feel your ears get completely stopped up. Then swallow and unstop them. You should feel the need to cough up the congestion. Try using saline to flush it out, but you may need steroids and steroid nasal spray to get fully over it. Hope this helps you guys out, as I have went through misery too long.
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I had the same problems and I am only 25! I found the answer ZYRTEC-D. It is over the counter but it is behind the pharmacy counter and you have to ask for it by name. My symptoms were as follows for 8 weeks.
Dizzy on and off, cracking in ear, extreme pressure in head and ears, terrible neck pain, tired, pressure worse at night, anxiety, nervous to leave the house for fear of passing out.

The following tests were ran:
MRI - normal
CT sinus- normal
Blood test - normal
Allergy test - no allergies
Tube put in my left ear - no relief
Was put on multiple antibiotics, nasal sprays, and steroids - steriods were the only thing that seemed to help a little.

I cried every night for eight weeks and now I am starting to have relief just after two days of being on Zyrtec-D. I am feeling drainage going through my neck and feel as if I am getting my life back. I would encourage you all to try it as it worked for me. I am not fully back to normal but at least I am not crying anymore. I am hoping that in a few weeks I will be completely fixed. Good luck to all of you, I know how terrible it feels and how scary it is not knowing what is going on. Really try it. I hope it works for you :)
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I have poping of the sliva glans what would cause this?
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Do any of you also have anxiety? I have had anxiety for about 3 years and have had these symptoms ever since the anxiety, wonder If they may be related?
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And you're not taking any medications that could be causing side effects?  Those sound like my symptoms which were caused by ibuprofen.

Good luck...I hope you find some answers soon!
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My pressure has yet to let up. I have tried everything I can think of and still I feel this way. Currently I have pressure in my neck as if it was stiff. Pressure in my head seems to be causing a "buzzed" feeling as if I was drinking alcohol drinks but I don't. Not sure where to go now, the spinal tap came back fine other than the CSF pressure was a little high. Any suggestions?
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Go to best neurologist you can find that specializes in dizziness and get script for vestibular physical therapy and work with doc and PT- reduce stress Big time , drink lots water and eat properly and sleep 8 hours a day
270554 tn?1289511647
I had problems this summer...I have a left deverated septum. I started with problems 3 weeks ago first week loss of hearing in the right ear. Then a week later severe pressure toward the back of my head. Had cracking in my ears...think thats a clue on what I have...doctors said with pressure test and hearing test I was good but I feel worse by the day some days better than others. I'm thinking about getting a scan done, but then again trying to ride it out. It sucks, because i'm a musician and when I sing I can only hear my singing out my left ear. The pressure is on and off...I do salt sinus rinse and nothing. I look muscus relief pills and nothing. I'm gradually feeling better than week 2 of this less cracking of the ear.  Will my hearing return to normal soon or later? Breatheing steam is good for this I believe as well. I need allgery shots every 3 weeks as well. I try heating pads on my neck and head as well to see if it works better. Any advice,  being that i'm 21...? Need to find a solution to this...

Advice please? thanks
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