175861 tn?1428182413

Sharp inner ear pain!

In the span of maybe 4 days I get this spurratic very sharp VERY painful stabbing pain in my left ear. Enough so if I'm laying on that ear, my head will pop up...it's like a shock its so painful. They'll be like 2-4 stabs and it stops. The only thing(s) different I've been doing lately are using kleenex rolled up to use as ear plugs so I don't hear other people when I'm sleeping; I also went to a concert 2 weeks ago, but I used ear plugs (same kind); I use kleenex b/c they don't block out quite as much noise.
I've used kleenex in my ears before, but I suppose never so for so many consecutive days (about 7).
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Thought you were going to keep us posted on your results.  Guess not, huh?

Why do so many people on the net promise to "get back" and then never do????
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A year ago I accidentally stabbed my ear with a  Q-tip and it blurred my vision, jumbled my thoughts, (Obviously) very intense "Screw driver" pain, and gave me a severe headache and the side of my neck was slightly swollen.

I dealt with loud noises and any pressure to my neck that caused pain and headaches for a week until an ENT doctor prescribed me some pills (Sorry I completely forgot the name) which helped. Until a year later when I accidentally put my finger in my ear and pulled it out, I ruptured something and the pain and blurred vision was back, even worse this time. I tried the meds again but they didn't help and nobody knows what's wrong.

There's severe pain when there are loud noises, pressure on my neck or ear, when I turn my head and stretch my neck, yawn, chew gum, open my jaw too much, etc...

I know I didn't really solve anything, but I'm still in pain and just trying to figure this out
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I have this same stabbing pain in my left ear and in my scalp. I just went to the dentist and had a crown put on a few days ago, so I thought it was my tooth. I saw my dentist today for this pain, and he told me he gets this too. It's a nerve that gets pinched, and it actually is coming from the first vertibrae in your neck. This causes the severe stabbing pain in the ear and cranial pain. He told me to go straight to the chiropractor from there. I did, and the chiropractor pressed on my neck, and sure enough, it does radiate from that nerve. He did an adjustment and told me to come back for one more in two days. I feel about 60% better right now. Hope this helps.
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I also had this same pain. After the ENT couldn't find anything wrong with my ears, I was referred to my dentist for a bite splint. He felt the TMJ damage was beyond what a splint could help and referred me to an oral surgeon. Currently I am 7 weeks post-op having open joint TMJ surgery. He removed the damaged discs from both joints and replaced them with muscle grafts from my temples. I'm still in physical therapy but I've noticed a big improvement in the ear, head, neck and shoulder pain all stemming from TMJ.
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I am 60 years old and have been exploring very disturbing symptoms of disturbingly loud Tinnitus in one ear with occasional acute sound sensitivity and sharp pain that keep me in an agitated state. While most of us share some symptoms, medical opinions seem inconsistent at best. The fact is, the medical profession has no reliable answer at this point, and information sharing and research by those affected are likely our best chance of advancing medical understanding, and hopefully successfully treating the various symptoms for each of us.

Let me start my experience 5-6 years ago when the stabbing ear pain in my left ear, that seemed to coincide with a terrible increase in Tinnitus in that ear, so bad, I did not even notice ringing in my other ear. The constant ringing in my left ear was becoming so painful and distracting it started affecting every area in my life, I had a hard time concentrating, I was very anxious and startled easily due to the sharp pain. This caused me to seek diagnostic examination from an ENT.  

Initial examination did not reveal any obvious infection or other acute problem. I was given a hearing test which resulted in a unilateral hearing loss in a mid to upper range that is is often seen in patients with brain tumors. The hearing loss was described as "classic" and an MRI of my brain was conducted. The MRI was negative, the ENT seemed to lose his "enthusiasm" and the whole diagnostic fanfare came to an end with the suggestion I obtain hearing aids that could mask the tinnitus. No explanation of the occasional acute pain and sound sensitivity in my left ear, which continues today.  

I discovered by chance, during a bad cold, that antihistamines actually helped the pain and ringing in my left ear. This lead to me taking allegra which drastically reduces the pain occurrence, and has reduced the ringing in my left ear to the point it is equal to ringing in my right ear. I have moderate tinnitus in both ears, but now much of the day I simply forget about it, I don't notice it. It is not an increasingly disturbing exacerbation of anxiety and irritability.

I continue to research and try to find a definite cause and treatment for the problem because it does flare up. I believe I have Meniere's disease, which has been mentioned, but I have not seen any discussion of the Vestibular nerve damage, the main source for Meniere's disease. For background, about 2 years ago I had several episodes of sudden dizziness with no apparent cause. Outdoors in 90 degree weather working in the yard, indoors laying down watching TV, environment did not seem to have anything to do with the cause. The dizziness came on quickly, and was very much like having too much to alcohol, my "world" started spinning and I vomited, the dry heaved. this all occurred in about 20 minutes. I felt bad for the next 24 hours or so but then was fine. I do not drink alcohol anymore, and have not with any regularity for a couple of decades. I did however overdue it many times in my youth, thus my knowledge of what over-intoxication feels like. I saw a Dr. for Meniere's who wanted to try to recreate the vertigo to the point of throwing up. When I found out that a positive diagnosis would result in the use of antihistamines, I thought I would forgo the intentional vertigo. Shortly thereafter I discovered the benefit from Allegra.  


Vestibulo-cochlear nerve damage or inflammation, especially when only one side is affected, or one side is worse than the other.

The inner ear consists of a system of fluid-filled tubes and sacs called the labyrinth. The labyrinth serves two functions: hearing and balance.

The hearing function involves the cochlea, a snail-shaped tube filled with fluid and sensitive nerve endings that transmit sound signals to the brain.

Signals travel from the labyrinth to the brain via the vestibulo-cochlear nerve (the eighth cranial nerve), which has two branches. One branch (the cochlear nerve) transmits messages from the hearing organ, while the other (the vestibular nerve) transmits messages from the balance organs.

The brain integrates balance signals sent through the vestibular nerve from the right ear and the left ear. When one side is infected, it sends faulty signals. The brain thus receives mismatched information, resulting in dizziness or vertigo.

NOW, imagine what a Viral Infection of the Nerve that transmits "hearing signals" to the brain may feel like. And consider what the brain does when the signal from one ear is defective, and inconsistent with the other ear. Clearly, when properly working, the brain tells is what direction a sounds is coming from, how close it is, if it is dangerous, etc.

Now consider the following excerpt from vestibular.org regarding viral infection, such as the herpes virus present in most humans, and incorporate the possibility that the myriad of symptoms experienced in this forum are at least possibly related in part to current undetectable infection, or damage from prior infection to the major nerves such as the vestibular and trigeminal nerves.


Viral infections of the inner ear are more common than bacterial infections, but less is known about them. An inner ear viral infection may be the result of a systemic viral illness (one affecting the rest of the body, such as infectious mononucleosis or measles); or, the infection may be confined to the labyrinth or the vestibulo-cochlear nerve. Usually, only one ear is affected.

Some of the viruses that have been associated with vestibular neuritis or labyrinthitis include herpes viruses (such as the ones that cause cold sores or chicken pox and shingles), influenza, measles, rubella, mumps, polio, hepatitis, and Epstein-Barr. Other viruses may be involved that are as yet unidentified because of difficulties in sampling the labyrinth without destroying it. Because the inner ear infection is usually caused by a virus, it can run its course and then go dormant in the nerve only to flare up again at any time. There is currently no way to predict whether or not it will come back.  

I hope this helps some of you to better understand, research, and hopefully find some relief of symptoms. I continue to explore with hope in this age of information availability and sharing to find solutions that textbooks, and doctors, simply do not address.
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Thought you were going to keep us posted on your results.  Guess not, huh?

Why do so many people on the net promise to "get back" and then never do????
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Your symptoms are mine as well.  Sharp stabbing pains in my left ear.  I have had tiniitis for years.  Maybe tmj...who knows.
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Everyone!!!!  Please go to the dentist and get checked for TMJ (temporomandibular joint disorder).  I had 2 surgeries to fix my ear problems, which didn't help, then I found out it wasn't my ears that were the problem.  Good luck!
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dentist? lol
Yes millyyyyy, the poster suggested the Dentist because this is a classic symptom of TMJ which is a problem with the Jaw. It is the joint that connects the jaw to the temporal bones of the skull, which is underneath each ear. Typically, pain resulting from this can resonate in the ear.
Yes millyyyyy, the poster suggested the Dentist because this is a classic symptom of TMJ which is a problem with the Jaw. It is the joint that connects the jaw to the temporal bones of the skull, which is underneath each ear. Typically, pain resulting from this can resonate in the ear.
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I have had ear pain off and on for several years. had all the test and scans done. Said nothing wrong. Was put on z pack and muscle relaxers and seemed to help. it has been about 3 years since the last one and now is back. I take Tylonal every 4 hrs. it really helps with the pain until it goes away again. Dr. said don't really know what to do other than that. i understand the stabbing pain you have and wish there was something  that would cure this. It really is painful and a real drain on everyday life. Take care, wishing you well.
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I've been suffering from the same type pain you are speaking of. It's combined with intermittent sharp painful spasm in my head....usually within 2-3 inches of my ear. It's exactly as u say...like extremely sharp stabbing pain. Looking for answers and praying for peace
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I have tmj for which I was prescribed a bite guard to wear at night.  Unfortunately, I often find the guard on the floor in the morning!  I get sharp, piercing ear pain on occassion and what's helping is relaxation.  I practice holding my jaw in a different position or letting it go slack and this relieves the pain.  I take Allegra as well because of allergies which cause ear pain when untreated so maybe you have a combination of TMJ and allergies causing your pain and that's why you get some relief from Allegra.  I agree with following up with this even though it can be discouraging and frustrating dealing with doctors who don't have answers for you.  Don't give up!  As a last resort you might try a physical therapist or masseuse who might have a different perspective than a doc (for sure
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12267194 tn?1424360702
Hi, Are you constantly exposed to something you are allergic to? air fresheners cleaners ,dust, or mold  or have allergy to foods?   Could be constant sinus infection going to your ears, too.  Did you ever try Atarax (hydroxyzine HCL) every 12 hours. i take that and singulair  (generic) at night. might need to get used to the seating effects at first  but  after a couple weeks no sinus/ ear  infects is worth it for me.
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I have pain in my right ear and it usually starts in the morning and intermittently comes and goes. It started after a cold two months ago with pressure like when flying on an airplane. It was in both ears. I was diagnosed with chronic swimmer's ear in my right ear because it was always moist, but I do not swim and after I showered my ears were not wet inside the canal. It gets very wet that it starts to get itchy and I have to wiggle my finger in my ear to get relief. The liquid smells most of the time which I assume is wax that has not solidify, but at times it there is no smell but it the q-tip comes out soaking clear yellowish. I have an appointment with my ENT in a couple weeks to figure out what needs to be done to help with the pain. The last time they gave me ear drops that were purple I do not recall the name and it did help with the pain, but this time it is worst and happening much more often. The last time I saw my ENT doctor he consulted with another ENT doctor and they said sometimes the eardrum does not heal and they have to poke a hole and create a new one. I am down to my last eardrum layer and it was described as red with a rash-like surface. One that one would get if they scraped their arm and it was trying to heal but does not heal. I had severe ear infections when I was a baby and had tubes in my ear when I was 1 years old. They normally do not operate that young, but it was so bad they did. I am  wondering if poking a hole in my eardrum is the only option I have. I can hear fine, I had many audio test done throughout my teenage years, and have been given all clear. But the pain is different from before and radiates throughout my inner ear and causing me to lose focus on work because it is getting more sore and more frequent. I have read all the post and most sound similar to mine. I do wake up with sore inner ear, so it doesn't sound like sensitive cartilage but I won't know for sure until I see my ENT doctor.
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Same boat here.  I had an MRI & it was impeccable.  No answers.
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I'm on the same boat....  a few weeks ago my ear would pound at night.  Like I could feel my heartbeat right inside my right ear...   So i thought it was weird but that was all.  a few days after that, one night, i got a sharp stabbing pain in the right ear that laster for a second or two.  it happened the following night as well.  i made an appt with primary doctor and went in the next day.  she said it was red and did look like an infection.  she put me on antibiotics and this is my eight day taking them.  but even tonight, i got that sharp stabbing pain too.  it doesn't last long but it is a sharp pain.  but it mostly happens at night.  then it sometimes radiates in a dull way, to my my throat and to my face...  but why are the anibiotics not doing away with the pain?  if it is an infection?   Also, i too, have a my jaw a bit dislocated but it is on the left side... every now and then my jaw locks. but not often... it does pop a bit sometimes but i have not ever had a real problem with it.  and i had not ever had pain in my ear...   but all this pain, itching, etc... has really started about two years ago...  for many nights my ears would itch like crazy, it really felt like something was in there!  a bug or something!  the itching would wake me up in the middle of the night.  sometimes it was in my left ear and sometimes the right one....  i would also feel like dull pressure-like sensations in my head ( i still feel these)  but it was not this stabbing pain in ear.  the stabbing pain just started about two weeks ago.  I also had been to see a neurologist around the time my itching started.  They suggested I might have some pinched nerve...  I even went again to another neurologist and he said nothing seemed to be wrong.  So, since i'm almost up with my antibiotics and i still feel this fast stabbin pain in the right ear (my jaw locks on the left, so is it usually same side? )   I will be making an appointment for this Monday to see if it is something else...   I'm a little concerned not knowing what it could be.  I've even thought it could be bugs...worms...   I hope it is nothing serious, I've been told it isn't, but i sure do pray & hope these pains and itching do stop.  
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I can't believe I found this site. These are the same symptoms I am having and for one month now I feel like I am losing my mind. I've been admitted to the hospital for a cardiac workup after the pain in my jaw and ear was so bad I could not open my mouth all the way and the Emergency room staff thought it was jaw pain associated with a heart attack, I've seen an ENT, Internal Medicine specialist, my regular Family MD, follow-ed up with my Cardiologist, and my ENT last week finally said he thought it was Trigeminal Neuralgia and started me on Tegretol. He said we would know for sure if the Tegretol worked. Well...the side effects of trying to increase the dose of Tegretol are just as horrible as the pain I'm suffering intermittently in my Left ear and around my ear. I told my Primary last Wednesday, I'm done guessing what is wrong and can't stand the pain any longer and wanted an MRI. She ordered it with contrast and a MRI of the brain and Auditory system. I'm having it in three days. I feel like no one is taking my situation seriously and because they can't figure it out, are associating it with "stress".  This is not stress...this is real ice-pick in the ear stabbing pain and pain when I open my mouth.  I also went to my dentist and she also referred me to an oral surgeon and they both do not believe this is just TMJ that has come on suddenly with no previous history of any problems. I am very claustrophobic...but I'll gladly endure that for an MRI to rule out a tumor or cyst somewhere causing pain on the nerve areas to get a definitive diagnosis. Will keep you updated on how the MRI goes and what it shows.
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Did you ever figure out what it was? I am dealing with the exact same symptoms :(
Did you ever figure out what it was? I am dealing with the exact same symptoms :(
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I feel your pain. A few years back i developed this intense pain in my right ear it would only last a few seconds and then start again. Went through all the test and treatments. found nothing wrong. because could not find a reason why my ear hurts said it was probley referred pain. Last night after several yrs. the pain came back. Now I am praying it will leave soon. Very painful. Sorry you are having this problem to. But i can see we r not alone. Just wish there was something that would help other than pain pills.I have tried the Allegra and a round of steroids didn't seem to help.By the way i do have TMJ and was told that has nothing to do with it.go figure, hope you feel better soon. as well as myself.
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I was misdiagnosed by 3 doctors 1.5 years ago with a major ear infection. I finally went to an ENT and they said I never had an infection, but that TMJ was causing my ear pain. A few steroid shots later and a new night guard, I was doing fine...until nearly 4 months ago. I went to an Oral Surgeion and had SURGERY for a misplaced disc in my jaw, due to TMJ in hopes of helping the stabbing ear pain I have had for nearly 4 months now. I had surgery 8/19/14. THE EAR PAIN IS WORSE! I now have an appointment with a ENT that specializes in the nerves of the ear, but can't get in until 9/26/14. I don't know how I am going to function that long. I'm relieved to see other people have had the same debilitating symptoms and would love to hear any advice, your outcomes, etc. Thank you in advanced, I am loosing my mind!
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i have been suffering this pain under my left ear and inner ear for last 3 yrs after i lost my mom. then i abt a yr bck it had completely stopped. now a week bck its started again and however strong painkiller i have they just dont seem to work. and last 4 days i have veen on net just surfing to find a way to stop this pain. or the cause. i stumbbled upon a disease which actually is a suppressed emotion or feelings we dont want to encounter or look at or face it.
i tried going through my emotion and making myself face it and my severe screw driver drilling pain slowly slowly eased out on its on. plz check this link, it might help u, those who are ready to face their emotions. and for others who are not ready yet to know u have to face it some day.
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I've had the same problem for quite a few years now.  Comes and goes with no warning.  I've been to several doctors and specialists and they all have "ideas", but no one has ever been able to give me a definitive answer.  I'm on day 4 of this episode and the pain is intense, but I'm really tire of throwing money at them to "try this", "try that".  One doctor said it was wax on the ear drum, the next basically said that was nuts and said it was allergies.  Nothing they've ever done has done any good.  I just wait (and hope) for it to go away.  :(
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I have these exact symptoms and saw a doctor today.  He diagnosed me with Trigeminal Neuralgia.  What was your outcome?  
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I just read your post from June18, 2013, you didn't indicated if you ever went to see an ear Dr, as I imagine your bug would be seen thru an otoscope. let me know, as I am reviewing these sites due to the fact that my son is experiencing sharp or zapping like pain in his left ear.( He has a sensourineural hearing loss diagnosed in 1990 at age 3 and wears hearing aids.) and although we have been to the ENT several times, he sees nothing wrong.
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Well, yesterday I saw a silverfish crawling on the floor and grabbed it on a tissue, gently squishing it this time, then I looked at it under a microscope compairing it to the one that came out of my ear, which was a little more squished but there was no mistaking it was the exact same bug.

I have had to deal with these bugs here in Southern Califonia for years so I do do not believe it is a common experience.

Short of hiring an exterminator I read that using boric acid and even some cinnamon around the baseboards, especially in the bathroom, kitchen and in the dark places behind and under appliances, and of course the bedroom where the little scoundrel got in my ear in the first place while I was sleeping.
So like I said in my last post, though I didn't even know what was going on for sure yet in my ear, I go it out by putting a tiny bit of tea-tree oil around the outside of my ear opening with a Q-tip, and out it came.

For anyone who believes this same thing is happening to them, give this a try. Or go here to find some other things that will help get it out.


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For SG2121, and all the rest of you folks, I believe I have figured out what has been going on, to at least some of you anyway. I googled all my symptoms today then clicked on this site and began reading everything people were saying about their eerily similar symptoms.

I was experiencing the same, excruciating "screw driver in the left ear" pain that most of you were describing, as well as a weird tingling and rustling noise from what I thought was liquid (or something) moving in my ear canal. Then I would get those sharp, jump out of your seat stabbing pains over and over. It was so bad that I started jumping up and down on my left foot, with my head tilted down to the left (like when you get out of the shower and are trying to get water out of your ear) and at the same time was pressing on my ear with my fingers and wiggling them all around until the pain would stop. I became rather depressed though to find that practically no one had gotten any answers whatsoever from all their "so-called" expert doctors.

I even said to my wife that "if I didn't know better, I would swear there was some kind of bug in my ear", trying to bore his way through my eardrum. Because not one person even mentioned such a thing, I thought to myself, NO, it couldn't be that. Just the thought of it creeped me out.

But guess what?? It WAS A BUG!! And how I found out, was when I decided to take a Q-tip and rub some tea tree oil around the outside opening of my ear canal. Immediately after I did that, the rustling noise got louder inside my ear, then this long, thin white bug dropped out onto my shirt, and on to my shoulder. It happened so fast that it freaked me out and I just grabbed the tissue that was laying right there and squished him in it. I really wish now that I hadn't done that, so that I could have been sure of what it was exactly, but I did put it in a baggie so that when I go to the ear doctor next week maybe they will still be able to tell me what it was.

I sure hope this will help someone else out there deal with an extremely traumatic & bizarre situation. I will be 60 years old next week and in all of my years I have never had such a thing happen before. Makes me want to start sleeping with ear plugs every night now.

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